Yenidoğanın geçici takipnesi patofizyolojisinde digoxin like immunoreactive substance (DLIS)'in rolü ve kardiyak performansa etkisi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Yenidoğanın geçici takipnesi (YGT), term ve terme yakın bebeklerde görülmesine rağmen; Yenidoğan Yoğun Bakım Ünitesine yatan solunumsal zorluğu olan hastaların önemli bir bölümünü oluşturmaktadır. Temelde fetal akciğer sıvışırım (FAS) rezorbsiyonunda bir gecikme olduğu bilinmesine rağmen, patogenezi tam olarak ortaya konamamıştır. Son zamanlarda, patogenezde özellikle, alveolar epitel üzerindeki çeşitli iyon kanallarının disfonksiyonlan üzerinde durulmaktadır. Alveolar epitelde iyon ve FAS rezorbsiyonunda önemli rolü olan Na+-K+-ATPaz 'm inhibitörü olan digoxin like immunoreactive substance' m (DLIS), YGT patogenezinde rolü olup olmadığım, DLIS' in YGT olgularında sıvı-iyon dengesi ve hemodinamik- ekokardiyografik parametreler üzerine etkisini incelemek amacıyla bu çalışma planlandı. Benzer demografik özelliklere sahip 15 hasta (YGT grubu) ve 15 sağlıklı (Kontrol grubu) olmak üzere toplam 30 olguda, ilk gün ve 7. günde klinik bulguların yam sıra DLIS, Na+,K+,üre, kreatinin, osmolarite, idrar FeNa+, osmolarite ve 24 saatlik diürez miktarları, ekokardiyografik inceleme, ortalama kan basmcı ve kalp atim hızı değerleri elde edildi. Serum DLIS düzeylerinin; YGT grubunda (0.66+0.37 ng/ml), Kontrol grubuna (0.24±0.20 ng/ml) göre ilk gün istatistiksel olarak daha yüksek olduğu (p<0.01); çalışmanın 7. gününde klinik bulgular kaybolmasına rağmen serum DLIS düzeylerinin YGT grubunda (0.27±0.21 ng/ml), Kontrol grubunun ilk günkü değerlerine gerilemediği görüldü. YGT grubunda, ilk gün serum DLIS düzeyleri ile izlemde kaydedilen en yüksek solunum sayısı (r: 0.655,p<0.01), takipne süresi (r : 0.713, pO.01) ve hastanede yatış süresi (r: 0.655, pO.01) açısından anlamlı korelasyon saptandı. Ayrıca, ilk gün serum DLIS düzeyleriyle, sıvı ve iyon dengesi açısından, serum osmolarite düzeyleri arasında negatif (r:-0.837, pO.001), diürez miktarı (r:0.755, pO.01) ve ixidrar FeNa+ değerleri (r:0.717, p<0.01) arasında ise pozitif korelasyon saptanırken, kontrol grubu olgularında hiçbir korelasyon saptanmadı. Kontrol grubu olguları ile karşılaştırıldığında ise, ilk gün ekokardiyografik değerlendirme bulguları ile YGT olgularında hem sağ hem de sol ventrikül yüklenme bulgularının bulunduğu görüldü (p< 0.05). İlk gün serum DLIS düzeyleri ile CO (r:0763, p<0.01), LVEDD (r:0.740, pO.Ol) ve RVESD (r:0.828, pO.001) arasmdaki anlamlı korelasyon varlığı nedeniyle bu yüklenmenin artmış serum DLIS düzeyleriyle ilişkili olduğu sonucuna ulaşıldı. Sonuç olarak, YGT patogenezinde, DLIS alveolar Na+-K+-ATPaz inhibitörü özelliğiyle FAS rezorbsiyonuna engel olarak patogenezde rol oynayabileceği, bir kompanzasyon mekanizması olarak sıvı-iyon dengesi ve kardiyak fonksiyonları etkilediği, artmış diürezis ve natriürezise yol açtığı sonucuna varılmıştır
SUMMARY Although transient tachypnea of newborn (TTN) is usually observed in term or near term infants, it constitutes an important part of respiratory distress cases seen in NICU. Basically, the underlying mechanism in TTN is thought to be a delay in resorbtion of fetal lung fluid, the exact pathogenesis is not clear yet. Recently, new studies suggest disfunction of some ion channels on alveolar epithelial cells may be responsible in pathogenesis of TTN. Na+-K+-ATPase is known to be important in resorbtion of fetal lung fluid and is inhibited by Digoxin Like Immunoreactive Substance (DLIS). We designed this study to examine the effect of DLIS, in pathogenesis of TTN and its effects on the fluid and ion balance as well as hemodynamic echocardiographic parameters of neonates with TTN. Serum DLIS, Na+, K+, urea, creatinine, serum and urine osmolality, urine FeNa+, 24 hour urine output, echocardiographic investigation and mean blood pressure as well as clinical parameters of the severity of disease in TTN group (n=15) and in control group (n=15) with similar demographic characteristics were compared on the first and 7th days of their lives. Serum DLIS levels were found to be statistically higher in patients with TTN (0.66±0.37 ng/ml) when compared to control group (0.24±0.20 ng/ml) on the first day of life (p<0.01). It remained to be higher in TTN group than the control group on the 7th days levels (p<0.05), although clinical features of TTN has disappeared. A significant correlation was found between serum DLIS levels and maximum respiratory rate (r: 0.655, p<0.01), duration of tachypnea (r : 0.713, p<0.01), and length of hospitalization (r: 0.655, p<0.01) on the first day of life in TTN group,. Additionally, a negative correlation between serum DLIS levels and fluid and serum osmolality levels (r:-0.837, p<0.001), and a positive correlation between serum DLIS levels and urine output (r: 0.755, p<0.01) and urinary FeNa+ levels (r: 0.717, p<0.01) were observed in TTN group. No correlation was noted in control group for these parameters. XITTN patients showed echocardiographic biventricular strain findings (p<0.05). Since there was a positive correlation between serum DLIS levels and CO (r: 0763, p<0.01), LVEDD (r: 0.740, p<0.01) and RVESD (r:0.828, pO.OOl), we concluded that this ventricular strain is related to the high levels of serum DLIS. In conclusion, DLIS seems to play an important role in pathogenesis of TTN by inhibiting alveolar Na+-K+-ATPase and in turn decreasing the fetal alveolar fluid resorbtion. As compansatory measures, fluid and ion balance as well as cardiac functions are affected by DLIS and consequently increase in urine output and natriuresis ensue. xu
SUMMARY Although transient tachypnea of newborn (TTN) is usually observed in term or near term infants, it constitutes an important part of respiratory distress cases seen in NICU. Basically, the underlying mechanism in TTN is thought to be a delay in resorbtion of fetal lung fluid, the exact pathogenesis is not clear yet. Recently, new studies suggest disfunction of some ion channels on alveolar epithelial cells may be responsible in pathogenesis of TTN. Na+-K+-ATPase is known to be important in resorbtion of fetal lung fluid and is inhibited by Digoxin Like Immunoreactive Substance (DLIS). We designed this study to examine the effect of DLIS, in pathogenesis of TTN and its effects on the fluid and ion balance as well as hemodynamic echocardiographic parameters of neonates with TTN. Serum DLIS, Na+, K+, urea, creatinine, serum and urine osmolality, urine FeNa+, 24 hour urine output, echocardiographic investigation and mean blood pressure as well as clinical parameters of the severity of disease in TTN group (n=15) and in control group (n=15) with similar demographic characteristics were compared on the first and 7th days of their lives. Serum DLIS levels were found to be statistically higher in patients with TTN (0.66±0.37 ng/ml) when compared to control group (0.24±0.20 ng/ml) on the first day of life (p<0.01). It remained to be higher in TTN group than the control group on the 7th days levels (p<0.05), although clinical features of TTN has disappeared. A significant correlation was found between serum DLIS levels and maximum respiratory rate (r: 0.655, p<0.01), duration of tachypnea (r : 0.713, p<0.01), and length of hospitalization (r: 0.655, p<0.01) on the first day of life in TTN group,. Additionally, a negative correlation between serum DLIS levels and fluid and serum osmolality levels (r:-0.837, p<0.001), and a positive correlation between serum DLIS levels and urine output (r: 0.755, p<0.01) and urinary FeNa+ levels (r: 0.717, p<0.01) were observed in TTN group. No correlation was noted in control group for these parameters. XITTN patients showed echocardiographic biventricular strain findings (p<0.05). Since there was a positive correlation between serum DLIS levels and CO (r: 0763, p<0.01), LVEDD (r: 0.740, p<0.01) and RVESD (r:0.828, pO.OOl), we concluded that this ventricular strain is related to the high levels of serum DLIS. In conclusion, DLIS seems to play an important role in pathogenesis of TTN by inhibiting alveolar Na+-K+-ATPase and in turn decreasing the fetal alveolar fluid resorbtion. As compansatory measures, fluid and ion balance as well as cardiac functions are affected by DLIS and consequently increase in urine output and natriuresis ensue. xu
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Çocuk Sağlığı ve Hastalıkları, Child Health and Diseases