Pandemi Döneminde Doğum Yapan Kadınlarda Doğum Travmasının Doğum Hafızasına ve Emzirme Motivasyonuna Etkisi
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Ege Üniversitesi
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Pandemi Döneminde Doğum Yapan Kadınlarda Doğum Travmasının Doğum Hafızasına ve Emzirme Motivasyonuna Etkisi Amaç: Bu çalışmada, Pandemi döneminde doğum yapan altı hafta ile altı aylık dönemdeki kadınların doğum travmasının doğum hafızası ve emzirme motivasyonu üzerindeki etkisini incelemek amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: Araştırma, 02.02.2021-01.08.2021 tarihleri arasında, İstanbul Tuzla İlçe Sağlık Müdürlüğü'ne bağlı 24 Aile Sağlığı Merkezin'den rastgele kura yöntemi ile belirlenen beş ASM'ye kayıtlı altı hafta ile altı ay arası bebeği olan ASM'ye hizmet almak için başvuran, araştırmaya alınma kriterlerine uyan 319 kadın ile yapılmıştır. Verilerin toplanmasında; Tanıtıcı Bilgi formu (Ek-2), ''Doğum Hafızası ve Hatırlatma Ölçeği" (Ek-3),''City Doğum Travması Ölçeği" (Ek-4), ''Emzirme Motivasyon Ölçeği''(Ek-5) kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın verileri SPSS 22.0 istatistik paket programı ile analiz edilmiştir. Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde sayı, yüzde, ortalama ve korelasyon analizi kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: Annelerin yaşları ortalaması 30.6±4.34 olduğu, %58.0'inin üniversite ve üzeri eğitime sahip olduğu, %69.9'unun gebeliğini isteyerek planladığı, %42.3'nün doğum öncesi kontrollerini özel hastanede gerçekleştirdiği, %77.1'inin vajinal doğum yaptığı, %69.6'sının doğumunu özel hastanede gerçekleştirdiği, %72.4'ünün gebelik süresince herhangi bir sağlık problemi yaşamadığı, bebeklerinin yaş ortalaması 3.32±1.391 ay olduğu, %76.8'inin 24 saat içinde ağızdan ilk olarak verdikleri besinin sadece anne sütü olduğu, %78.7'sinin pandemi ile ilgili endişeli olduğu, %51.4'ünün ilk emzirmede COVİD bulaşma riski duymadığı, %53.9'unun bu dönemde gebe kalmayı düşünmediği belirlenmiştir. Araştırmada kadınların City Doğum Travma Ölçek puan ortalamasının 14.80±12.37 olduğu, Doğum Hafızası ve Hatırlama Ölçeği toplam puan ortalamasının 76.68±19.09 olduğu, Emzirme Motivasyonu toplam puan ortalamasının 72.55±11.99 olduğu saptanmıştır. Kadınların City Doğum Travma Ölçeği tüm alt boyutları ve toplam puan ortalamaları ile Doğum Hafızası ve Hatırlama Ölçeği puan ortalaması arasında pozitif yönde güçlü bir ilişki olduğu belirlenmiştir (p<0.05). Kadınların City Doğum Travma Ölçeği tüm alt boyutları ve toplam puan ortalamaları ile Emzirme Motivasyon Ölçeği puan ortalaması arasında negatif yönde etkilemektedir. (p>0.05). Anlamlı bir ilişki yoktur. Kadınların Doğum Hafızası ve Hatırlama Ölçeği tüm alt boyutları ve toplam puan ortalamaları ile Emzirme Motivasyon Ölçeği puan ortalaması arasında pozitif yönde güçlü bir ilişki olduğu belirlenmiştir (p<0.05). Sonuç: Araştırmada kadınların doğum travması düzeyi arttıkça doğum hafızası ve hatırlama düzeylerini olumsuz yönde etkilendiği, doğum travmasının emzirmeyi etkilemediği, doğum hafızasının emzirme davranışını etkilediği saptanmıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler; Doğum; travmatik doğum; doğum hafızası; emzirme motivasyonu; emzirme; ebelik
Abstract The Effect of Birth Trauma on Birth Memory and Breastfeeding Motivation in Women Who Give Birth During the Pandemic Period Objective: In this study, it was aimed to examine the effect of birth trauma on birth memory and breastfeeding motivation of women who gave birth during the pandemic period. The research was performed between 02.02.2021 and 01.08.2021 with 319 women who applied for the study and met the inclusion criteria and had a baby between six weeks and six months. The subjects were registered in Family Health Centers which were affiliated to Istanbul Tuzla District Health Directorate. Five of FCHs were determined to be utilized in the study by random drawing method. In the collection of data; "Introductory Information Form" (Annex-2), "Birth Memory and Reminder Scale" (Annex-3), "City Birth Trauma Scale" (Annex-4), "Breastfeeding Motivation Scale" (Annex-5), were used. The data of the research were analyzed with the SPSS 22.0 statistical package program. To evaluate the data, number, percentage, mean, standard deviation, minimum, maximum and Pearson correlation analysis were used. For the statistical significance of the data, the p<0.05 value was considered statistically significant. Key Findings: In the study it was found that the average age of the mothers in the study in general was 30.6±4.34, 58.0% of them had gratuated from university or above, 69.9% of them wanted pregnancy, 42.3% performed their prenatal checkups in a private hospital, 77.1% of them gave vaginal birth, 69.6% gave birth in a private hospital, 72.4% did not have any health problems during pregnancy, the average age of their babies was 3.32±1.391 months. 76.8% of them gave only the breast milk as the food given by mouth within 24 hours, 78.7% were worried about the pandemic, 51.4% of them did not have fears of COVID transmission in the first breastfeeding. It was determined that 53.9% of them did not think of becoming pregnant during this period. In the study, it was found that the average City Birth Trauma Scale score of women was 14.80±12.37, the total average score of Birth Memory and Recall Scale was 76.68±19.09, and the total average score of Breastfeeding Motivation was 72.55±11.99. It was determined that there was a strong positive correlation between the women's City Birth Trauma Scale mean scores and all sub-dimensions and total scores on the Birth Memory and Recall Scale (p<0.05). Women's City Birth Trauma Scale has a negative effect between all sub-dimensions and total score averages and the Breastfeeding Motivation Scale score average. There is no meaningful relationship. It has been determined that there is a strong positive correlation between all sub-dimensions and total score averages of the Women's Birth Memory and Recall Scale and the Breastfeeding Motivation Scale mean score (p<0.05). Conclusion: In the study, it was determined that as the birth trauma level of women increased, birth memory and recall levels were negatively affected, birth trauma did not affect breastfeeding and the birth memory affected breastfeeding behavior. Keywords: Birth; traumatic birth; birth memory; breastfeeding motivation; breast-feeding; midwifery
Abstract The Effect of Birth Trauma on Birth Memory and Breastfeeding Motivation in Women Who Give Birth During the Pandemic Period Objective: In this study, it was aimed to examine the effect of birth trauma on birth memory and breastfeeding motivation of women who gave birth during the pandemic period. The research was performed between 02.02.2021 and 01.08.2021 with 319 women who applied for the study and met the inclusion criteria and had a baby between six weeks and six months. The subjects were registered in Family Health Centers which were affiliated to Istanbul Tuzla District Health Directorate. Five of FCHs were determined to be utilized in the study by random drawing method. In the collection of data; "Introductory Information Form" (Annex-2), "Birth Memory and Reminder Scale" (Annex-3), "City Birth Trauma Scale" (Annex-4), "Breastfeeding Motivation Scale" (Annex-5), were used. The data of the research were analyzed with the SPSS 22.0 statistical package program. To evaluate the data, number, percentage, mean, standard deviation, minimum, maximum and Pearson correlation analysis were used. For the statistical significance of the data, the p<0.05 value was considered statistically significant. Key Findings: In the study it was found that the average age of the mothers in the study in general was 30.6±4.34, 58.0% of them had gratuated from university or above, 69.9% of them wanted pregnancy, 42.3% performed their prenatal checkups in a private hospital, 77.1% of them gave vaginal birth, 69.6% gave birth in a private hospital, 72.4% did not have any health problems during pregnancy, the average age of their babies was 3.32±1.391 months. 76.8% of them gave only the breast milk as the food given by mouth within 24 hours, 78.7% were worried about the pandemic, 51.4% of them did not have fears of COVID transmission in the first breastfeeding. It was determined that 53.9% of them did not think of becoming pregnant during this period. In the study, it was found that the average City Birth Trauma Scale score of women was 14.80±12.37, the total average score of Birth Memory and Recall Scale was 76.68±19.09, and the total average score of Breastfeeding Motivation was 72.55±11.99. It was determined that there was a strong positive correlation between the women's City Birth Trauma Scale mean scores and all sub-dimensions and total scores on the Birth Memory and Recall Scale (p<0.05). Women's City Birth Trauma Scale has a negative effect between all sub-dimensions and total score averages and the Breastfeeding Motivation Scale score average. There is no meaningful relationship. It has been determined that there is a strong positive correlation between all sub-dimensions and total score averages of the Women's Birth Memory and Recall Scale and the Breastfeeding Motivation Scale mean score (p<0.05). Conclusion: In the study, it was determined that as the birth trauma level of women increased, birth memory and recall levels were negatively affected, birth trauma did not affect breastfeeding and the birth memory affected breastfeeding behavior. Keywords: Birth; traumatic birth; birth memory; breastfeeding motivation; breast-feeding; midwifery
27.06.2023 tarihine kadar kullanımı yazar tarafından kısıtlanmıştır
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ebelik, Midwifery, Doğum, Delivery, Doğum korkusu, Fear of birth, Ebelik, Midwifery, Emzirme, Breast feeding, Pandemiler, Pandemics