Alevilikte "Yakadan Geçirme " Ritüeli ve Aşık Niyazi Örneği
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Türk toplumunun eski deyim ve geleneklerinden olan yakadan geçirmek ile ilgili olarak bugüne kadar yapılan çalışmalarda, geleneğin Alevi inancına özgü uygulanışıyla ilgili bir tespit ya da derleme yapılmamıştır. Anadolu’nun çeşitli yörelerinde yaşayan Türkler arasında geleneğin uygulanışı ile ilgili olarak daha önceden yapılan tespitler üzerinden yola çıkılarak hazırlanan bu makalede, Diyarbakır ve çevresinde yaşayan Türkmen Aleviler arasında yakadan geçirmek deyim ve geleneğinin yöre Alevilerine özgü bir ritüel olarak uygulanışı ile ilgili tespit ve değerlendirmelere yer verilmiştir. Buna paralel olarak da makalede, yakadan geçirmek geleneğinin bugüne kadar yapılan araştırmalarda tespit edildiği kadarıyla bilinen uygulanışı ile Alevilikte bir ritüel olarak pratiğinin karşılaştırılmasına da kısaca değinilmiştir. Yine yörede geleneğin uygulanışı, bir örnek olay ile (Âşık Niyazi örneği) pekiştirilerek konunun daha somut bir zemin üzerine oturtulması sağlanmıştır. Çalışma öncesinde konuyla ilgili literatür taraması yapılmış, araştırma esnasında gözlem ve soru-cevap teknikleri kullanılmıştır. Halkbilimi disiplini çerçevesinde yapılan alan araştırması sonucunda yakadan geçirme geleneğinin yörede varlığı, Alevilikteki uygulanışı ve uygulama farklılıkları tespit edilerek bilim dünyasının dikkatine sunulmuştur.
There is no study concerning the practice of tradition typically on Alawism on the researches about “to pass through the collar (yakadan geçirmek)” which is one of the oldest known Turkish traditions and sayings. On this research, which basically focuses on the old theories indicated earlier about the practice of traditions between Turks living in different regions of Anatolia, practice of “to pass through the collar” tradition and saying basically for Alevi people between those who live in the region of Diyarbakır and the surrounding area has been taken into subject. Paralelly, we have also touched on the practice of “to pass through the collar” as it was learnt by the studies which have been done upto today and comparing it’s practice as a rituel in Alawism. Practice of tradition has been stabilized by a sample (Âşık Niyazi) and the subject has been based on a more factual basis.All the literature on this subject has been scanned before the start of study and “observation and asking-answering” methods have been used. As a result of the study based on the folklore dycipline, presence of “to pass through the collar” tradition on the area, practice on Alawism and differences on practices have been determined and subjected to the acedemicians.
There is no study concerning the practice of tradition typically on Alawism on the researches about “to pass through the collar (yakadan geçirmek)” which is one of the oldest known Turkish traditions and sayings. On this research, which basically focuses on the old theories indicated earlier about the practice of traditions between Turks living in different regions of Anatolia, practice of “to pass through the collar” tradition and saying basically for Alevi people between those who live in the region of Diyarbakır and the surrounding area has been taken into subject. Paralelly, we have also touched on the practice of “to pass through the collar” as it was learnt by the studies which have been done upto today and comparing it’s practice as a rituel in Alawism. Practice of tradition has been stabilized by a sample (Âşık Niyazi) and the subject has been based on a more factual basis.All the literature on this subject has been scanned before the start of study and “observation and asking-answering” methods have been used. As a result of the study based on the folklore dycipline, presence of “to pass through the collar” tradition on the area, practice on Alawism and differences on practices have been determined and subjected to the acedemicians.
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Türk Kültürü ve Hacı Bektaş Veli Araştırma Dergisi
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