UO2 (II), TH (IV) ve CE (III)'ün 8-hidroksikinolin'in halojen ve nitro grubu içeren türevleri ile yaptıkları komplekxlerin incelenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET U02(II), Th (TV), VE Ce(m)' ÜN 8-HİDROKSİKİNOLİN' İN HALOJEN VE NİTRO GRUBU İÇEREN TÜREVLERİ İLE YAPTIKLARI KOMPLEKSLERİN İNCELENMESİ TEKSÖZ, Serap Doktora Tezi, Nükleer Bilimler Ana Bilim Dalı (Kimya) Tez Danışmam: Prof. Dr. Perihan ÜNAK Eylül 1999 8-Hidroksikinolin ve türevleri pek çok metal iyonu için şelat yapıcı (ligand) bir bileşik olarak bilinmektedir. 8-Hidroksikmolinin farklı türevleri ile yapılan çalışmalar farklı stabilitelere sahip kompleksler oluşturduğunu göstermiştir. Bu çalışmada, 8-hidroksikinolin türevlerinden olan 5-kloro-7-nitro- 8-hidroksflcinolin ticari olarak sağlanan 5-kloro-8-hidroksikinolinden sentezlenmiştir. 5-İyodo- ve 5-iyodo-7-nitro- türevleri ise 8- hidroksikino linden sentezlenmiştir. Yapı tayini için bileşiklerin erime noktalan ölçülmüştür. Sentezlenen bileşiklerin toryum(TV), uranil(II) veVI seryum(III) iyonları ile kompleksleri oluşturulmuştur. Hazırlanan bileşikler ve komplekslerin magnetik nükleer rezonans (NMR) spektrumlan alınmıştır. Bu ligandların ve toryum(IV), uranil(II), ve seryum(]H) iyonları ile oluşturdukları komplekslerin pH-titrasyonları Calvin-Bjerrum yöntemine göre yapılmıştır. Ligandların ve komplekslerin stabilite sabitleri Irving- Rossotti hesaplama yönteminden yararlanılarak bulunmuştur. Proton-ligand stabilite sabitleri 8-hidroksikinoline halojen bağlanması halinde arttığı, nitro grubunun etkisi ile de azaldığı görülmüştür. Metal-ligand stabilite sabitlerinde ise metalin yükü ve iyon çapı ile birlikte halkaya bağlanan grupların etkili olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Sonuçta, stabilite sabitleri kompleksin oluşum şartlarına bağlıdır. Anahtar sözcükler: Stabilite sabitleri, U02(II), Th(IV), Ce(m) kompleksleri, 8-Hidroksikinolin türevleri
VII ABSTRACT DETERMINATION OF U02(II), Th(IV), AND Ce(IH) COMPLEXES FORMED WITH HALOGEN AND NITRO DERIVATIES OF 8-HYDROXYQUINOLINE TEKSÖZ, Serap Ph.D., Nuclear Sciences (Chemistry) Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Perihan ÜNAK September 1999 It is known that 8-hydoxyquinoline and its derivatives are chelate forming agents for many metal ions. The investigations with 8- hydroxyquinoline and derivatives have shown that they form complexes having different stabilities. In this study, 5-chloro-7-nitro-8-hydoxyquinoline was synthesized from 5-chloro-8-hydoxyquinoline which is the derivative of 8- hydoxyquinoline. 5-Iodo- and 5-iodo-7-nitro- derivatives were synthesized from 8-hydoxyquinoline. The melting points of ligands have been measured in order to identfy their structures. Thorium(IV), uranyl(II) and cerium(III) metal complexes of these ligands have beenvra prepared. NMR spectra have been taken to determine the structure of ligands and their metal complexes. In order to compute the proton-ligand and metal-ligand stability constants pH titrations were done by means of Calvin-Bjerrum process. The pH data obtained from titrations were used to compute stability constants by applying the Irving-Rossotti computing method. It is concluded that proton-ligand stability constants change with the substituents on the ring of 8-hydoxyquinoline. The halogen substituents increase the stability of ligands while nitro substituent decreases the stability. Metal-ligand stability constants depend on the charges and ionic radii of metals. The substituents on the ring are the other effect on the formation of complexes. As a result, stability constants depend on the conditions of the formation of complexes. Keywords: Stability constants, U02(H), Th(TV), Ce(IH) complexes, 8- Hydroxyquinoline derivatives.
VII ABSTRACT DETERMINATION OF U02(II), Th(IV), AND Ce(IH) COMPLEXES FORMED WITH HALOGEN AND NITRO DERIVATIES OF 8-HYDROXYQUINOLINE TEKSÖZ, Serap Ph.D., Nuclear Sciences (Chemistry) Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Perihan ÜNAK September 1999 It is known that 8-hydoxyquinoline and its derivatives are chelate forming agents for many metal ions. The investigations with 8- hydroxyquinoline and derivatives have shown that they form complexes having different stabilities. In this study, 5-chloro-7-nitro-8-hydoxyquinoline was synthesized from 5-chloro-8-hydoxyquinoline which is the derivative of 8- hydoxyquinoline. 5-Iodo- and 5-iodo-7-nitro- derivatives were synthesized from 8-hydoxyquinoline. The melting points of ligands have been measured in order to identfy their structures. Thorium(IV), uranyl(II) and cerium(III) metal complexes of these ligands have beenvra prepared. NMR spectra have been taken to determine the structure of ligands and their metal complexes. In order to compute the proton-ligand and metal-ligand stability constants pH titrations were done by means of Calvin-Bjerrum process. The pH data obtained from titrations were used to compute stability constants by applying the Irving-Rossotti computing method. It is concluded that proton-ligand stability constants change with the substituents on the ring of 8-hydoxyquinoline. The halogen substituents increase the stability of ligands while nitro substituent decreases the stability. Metal-ligand stability constants depend on the charges and ionic radii of metals. The substituents on the ring are the other effect on the formation of complexes. As a result, stability constants depend on the conditions of the formation of complexes. Keywords: Stability constants, U02(H), Th(TV), Ce(IH) complexes, 8- Hydroxyquinoline derivatives.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Nükleer Mühendislik, Nuclear Engineering, 8-hidroksikinolin, 8-hydroxyquinoline, Kararlılık sabiti, Stability constant, Kompleksler, Complexes, Ligandlar, Ligands