İzmir ve yöresinde sözleşmeli etlik piliç üretim organizasyonu üzerine araştırmalar
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET İZMİR VE YÖRESİNDE SÖZLEŞMELİ ETLİK PİLİÇ ÜRETİM ORGANİZASYONU ÜZERİNE ARAŞTIRMALAR GÜNALP,Nuralp Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Zootekni Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Ercan KIZILAY Eylül 1999, 47 sayfe Bu tezde, sözleşmeli etlik piliç üretim organizasyonunun işleyiş biçimi, taraflar arasındaki uyumu, aksayan yönleri ve bu sistemin uygulanabilirliği araştırılmaya çalışılmıştır. Bu amaçla İzmir ve yöresinde iki entegre firmayla sözleşmeli olarak üretim yapan işletmelere 3 1 sorudan oluşan bir anket yöneltilmiştir. Anket çalışması sonucunda elde edilen veriler, yüzde hesapları, aritmetik ortalama ve % testi gibi istatistiksel yöntemlerle değeriendirilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, sözleşmeli üretim yapan üreticilerin girdi ve pazarlama konusunda herhangi bir sıkıntı yaşamadığı, buna karşılık üretim riskinin tamamıyla kendilerine ait olduğu saptanmıştır. Her organizasyonda olduğu gibi bu organizasyonda da aksayan bazı yönlerin olmasına karşılık, bu aksaklıkların böyle bir üretim organizasyonunun yapılabilirliği üzerine herhangi bir olumsuz etkisinin olmadığı ortaya çıkmıştır. Anahtar sözcükler: Sözleşmeli üretim, organizasyon, etlik piliç
vn ABSTRACT RESEARCHES ON THE ORGANIZATION OF CONTRACT BROILER BREEDING IN IZMIR AND ITS ENVDIONMENT GÜNALP,Nuralp MSc in Animal Science Supervisor Prof. Dr. Ercan KIZILAY September 1999, 47 pages In this thesis, it has been attempted to research the working conditions of the organization of contract broiler breeding, the harmony and fit of this organization between the two sides (the growers and the integrated firms), the features that go wrong in the organization and finally the applicability of the system as a whole. With this aim in mind, a questionnaire consisting of 3 1 questions has been directed to growers still breeding broiler for two integrated firms in Izmir and its environment. The resulting data of the questionnaire have been evaluated with statistical methods such as percentage values, arithmetical mean values and y} test. Consequently, it has been concluded that the broiler breeding growers had no troubles on the subjects of inputs and marketing but on the other hand, it has to be seen that all risks borne in the breeding process are completely taken by the growers. As in any other organization although there are some features going wrong in this kind of organization, it has been found out that such troubles have no negative influence upon the applicability and practicality of such an organization of production. Key words: Contract breeding, organization, broiler
vn ABSTRACT RESEARCHES ON THE ORGANIZATION OF CONTRACT BROILER BREEDING IN IZMIR AND ITS ENVDIONMENT GÜNALP,Nuralp MSc in Animal Science Supervisor Prof. Dr. Ercan KIZILAY September 1999, 47 pages In this thesis, it has been attempted to research the working conditions of the organization of contract broiler breeding, the harmony and fit of this organization between the two sides (the growers and the integrated firms), the features that go wrong in the organization and finally the applicability of the system as a whole. With this aim in mind, a questionnaire consisting of 3 1 questions has been directed to growers still breeding broiler for two integrated firms in Izmir and its environment. The resulting data of the questionnaire have been evaluated with statistical methods such as percentage values, arithmetical mean values and y} test. Consequently, it has been concluded that the broiler breeding growers had no troubles on the subjects of inputs and marketing but on the other hand, it has to be seen that all risks borne in the breeding process are completely taken by the growers. As in any other organization although there are some features going wrong in this kind of organization, it has been found out that such troubles have no negative influence upon the applicability and practicality of such an organization of production. Key words: Contract breeding, organization, broiler
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Etlik piliç, Broiler chickens, Piliçler, ; Üretim, Production, İzmir, Izmir