Gebelerde mekanik protez kapak trombozu: İki olgu sunumu
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Mekanik kalp kapağı olan hastalarda tromboembolik olaylara yönelik profilaksi için antikoagülasyon tedavisinin ömür boyu sürdürülmesi gerekir. Gebelik tromboza yatkınlık oluşturan yüksek riskli bir dönem olduğundan, protez kalp kapağı takılmış olan gebe hastalar ayrıca önem kazanmaktadır. Bu yazıda, mitral protez kapak nedeniyle fraksiyone olan ve olmayan heparin kullanımı sırasında kapak trombozu gelişen iki gebe olgu sunuldu. Olgulardan biri yoğun antikoagülasyonla, diğeri ise acil kapak değişimi ile başarılı şekilde tedavi edildi
Patients with prosthetic mechanical heart valves should always be on prophylactic anticoagulation therapy for thromboembolic events. As pregnancy represents a highrisk period for thrombosis, those with mechanical heart valves should be accorded greater importance. We presented two pregnant patients with prosthetic mechanical mitral valves, who developed mechanical valve thrombosis while on fractionated and unfractionated heparin treatment, respectively. One patient received intensive anticoagulation treatment, and the other underwent redo valve replacement. Both patients were free of symptoms
Patients with prosthetic mechanical heart valves should always be on prophylactic anticoagulation therapy for thromboembolic events. As pregnancy represents a highrisk period for thrombosis, those with mechanical heart valves should be accorded greater importance. We presented two pregnant patients with prosthetic mechanical mitral valves, who developed mechanical valve thrombosis while on fractionated and unfractionated heparin treatment, respectively. One patient received intensive anticoagulation treatment, and the other underwent redo valve replacement. Both patients were free of symptoms
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Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği Arşivi
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