Küresel sürecinde etken bir rekabet aracı: Halkla ilişkiler ve reklam
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Kapitalizmin gelişiminde bir aşama olarak tanımlanabilen küreselleşme, eski düşünce kalıplarının yıkılması ve yenilerinin hakim olması anlamına gelmektedir. Küresel dinamikleri temel alarak şekillenen yeni ekonomi; pazar, tüketici ve kalite gibi kavramların tümüyle değişmesine neden olmuştur. Tüm dünyanın bütünleşmiş bir pazar haline gelmesini ifade eden küreselleşme, paradigmada değişimi ve iş modellerinde rekabeti öngörmektedir. Bu anlamıyla yeni dünya düzeninin, insana özgü ve evrensel kavramlardan biri olan rekabete odaklandığını ileri sürmek olanaklıdır. Çağdaş yönetsel anlayışlar uyarınca çevresel ve örgütsel değişimleri yönetime yansıtması ve gerekli örgütsel düzenlemeleri gerçekleştirmesi öngörülen halkla ilişkiler, tanımlanmış örgüt amaç ve felsefelerine ulaşmayı kolaylaştırmakta ve rekabet yönetimi sürecinde önemli bir rol oynamaktadır. Örgüt ve örgütün etkileşim içinde bulunduğu kamu grupları arasındaki iletişimin yönetilmesini ifade eden halkla ilişkiler, küresel rekabet sürecinde etkin bir rekabet aracı olarak değerlendirilebilmektedir. İdeolojilerin yıkıldığı, simge ve imajların insanları yönlendirdiği yeni dünya düzeninde reklam, örgüt yönetimlerine rekabet üstünlüğü sunmakta ve örgütsel yaşam döngüsünün sürekliliğini sağlamaktadırlar. Dil, estetik ve formüller aracılığıyla kurgulanan reklam, küresel rekabet sürecinde imge ve düşüncelerin yayılmasında ve benimsenmesinde etkili bir rol üstlenmektedir. Küresel rekabet bağlamında insan odaklı felsefenin gelişimi ve yaygınlaşması, iletişim devrimi dolayısıyla kitle iletişim araç ve tekniklerinin çeşitlenmesi, halkla ilişkiler ve reklamın yönetsel düzeydeki önemini pekiştirmektedir. Tanımlanmış örgütsel amaç ve hedeflere ulaşmayı kolaylaştıran stratejik araçlar olan halkla ilişkiler ve reklam; küresel rekabet sürecinde örgütün dirik, yenilikçi ve yaratıcı yönünü temsil etmektedir, örgütün kendinde içkin dinamizm, bilgi, yaratıcılık ve iletişim yeteneğiyle; kendi kendini uyumlaştırmasını, örgütlenmesini, sürekli olarak öğrenmesini ve evrinmesini sağlayan halkla ilişkiler ve reklam, örgüt yönetimleri tarafından etkin bir rekabet aracı olarak değerlendirilmeli ve kullanılmalıdır. 1
ABSTRACT Globalization can be defined as a stage in the improvement of capitalism which aims to break the old thought shapes and dominate the new ones. The new economy based on global dynamics has caused a change in the concepts such as the market, consumer and quality. The globalization which means that the whole world has become an integrated market, envisages a change in paradigm and competition of business models. Through this meaning, it is possible to say that the new world arrangement focuses on the competition, one of the concepts which is universal and human. Due to contemporary managerial understandings, the concept of public relations which is envisaged to reflect the environmental and organizational changes to management and to realise the necessary organizational arrangements, makes easier to reach previously defined organizational goal and philosophy and plays a significant role during the whole process of competition management. The public relations, defining the management of the communication between an organization and its publics may be evaluated as an effective competitive means during the global competition process. Advertising, included in the new world arrangement where ideologies have been destroyed, and where symbols and images have directed the people, is offering a competitive advantage to the organizational management as well as ensuring the continuity of the organizational life span. Advertising, designed through language, aesthetics and formulations, plays an important role in spreading and accepting the images and thoughts during the global competition process. Acceptance of the philosophy based on human being in scope of global competition and the variety of the media and communication techniques due to communication revolution, strengthen the importance of public relations and advertising in managerial level. The public relations and advertising which are the strategic means providing an easier reach to the defined organizational goal and aims present the strong, contemporary and creative side of organization within the global competition process. The public relations and advertising ensuring the organization to achieve adoption, organizing, continuous learning and changing by means of organization's inherent dynamism, knowledge, creativeness and communication capability should be evaluated and used as an effective competition means by the organization management.
ABSTRACT Globalization can be defined as a stage in the improvement of capitalism which aims to break the old thought shapes and dominate the new ones. The new economy based on global dynamics has caused a change in the concepts such as the market, consumer and quality. The globalization which means that the whole world has become an integrated market, envisages a change in paradigm and competition of business models. Through this meaning, it is possible to say that the new world arrangement focuses on the competition, one of the concepts which is universal and human. Due to contemporary managerial understandings, the concept of public relations which is envisaged to reflect the environmental and organizational changes to management and to realise the necessary organizational arrangements, makes easier to reach previously defined organizational goal and philosophy and plays a significant role during the whole process of competition management. The public relations, defining the management of the communication between an organization and its publics may be evaluated as an effective competitive means during the global competition process. Advertising, included in the new world arrangement where ideologies have been destroyed, and where symbols and images have directed the people, is offering a competitive advantage to the organizational management as well as ensuring the continuity of the organizational life span. Advertising, designed through language, aesthetics and formulations, plays an important role in spreading and accepting the images and thoughts during the global competition process. Acceptance of the philosophy based on human being in scope of global competition and the variety of the media and communication techniques due to communication revolution, strengthen the importance of public relations and advertising in managerial level. The public relations and advertising which are the strategic means providing an easier reach to the defined organizational goal and aims present the strong, contemporary and creative side of organization within the global competition process. The public relations and advertising ensuring the organization to achieve adoption, organizing, continuous learning and changing by means of organization's inherent dynamism, knowledge, creativeness and communication capability should be evaluated and used as an effective competition means by the organization management.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Halkla İlişkiler, Public Relations, Reklamcılık, Advertising, Halkla ilişkiler, Public relations, Küreselleşme, Globalization, Rekabet, Competition, Reklamlar, Advertisements, Yeni dünya düzeni, New world order