Kuartz kristal mikrobalans ile DNA hibridizasyon tayini ve bazı maddelerin DNA ile etkileşiminin biyosensörlerle algılanması
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Bu tez çalışması iki farklı sistem ve konuyu içermektedirBirinci çalışmada; bazı maddelerin çift sarmal DNA ile Grafit Kalem Elektrot (PGE) yüzeyinde, Diferansiyel Puls Voltametrisi (DPV) kullanılarak guanin yükseltgenme sinyali ve eğer varsa madde sinyallerine dayanarak çalışılmıştır. Yenilenebilir kalem elektrotla, madde konsantrasyonu ve madde etkileşim süresi gibi deney parametreleri değiştirilerek çalışıldı. Etkileşim, elektrot yüzeyi ve çözelti ortamında olmak üzere iki farklı yöntemle gerçekleştirildi. Bu çalışmalar bize; madde-DNA etkileşim süresi ve madde konsantrasyonu arttıkça guanin yükseltgenme sinyalinin düştüğünü gösterdi. Etkileşim sonrası guanin bazına ait yükseltgenme sinyalindeki bu düşüş guanin bazının hasara uğradığını göstermektedir. Ayrıca madde sinyalinde de etkileşim sonrasında düşüş gözlemlenmiştirSonuç olarak yapılan birinci çalışmada; DNA ile etkileşim gösteren voltametrik özellikli birçok maddenin kemoterapi uygulamalarında kullanılabileceği gözlemlenmiştir. Böylece yeni sentezlenmiş maddelerin DNA ile etkileşim mekanizmalarının aydınlatılması, doğal ilaç tasarımında faydalı olacaktır.İkinci çalışmada bir piezoelektrik sistem olan Kuartz Kristal Mikrobalans (QCM) kullanıldı. Bu yöntem kütleye duyarlı bir yöntemdir. Altın yüzeye iki şekilde ss DNA bağlayarak biyosensör tasarlandı. Birinci yöntemde direk SH-modifiye ss DNA gönderilerek, ikinci yöntemde çeşitli kimyasal bağlama ajanları kullanılarak yüzey kaplandıktan sonra ss DNA bağlandıİkinci çalışmada sonuç olarak DNA hibridizasyonu gerçekleştirildi. Hibridizasyon basamakları gerçek zamanlı olarak izlendi. Hastalık teşhisi, bakteri ve virüs tespiti gibi çalışmalarda, QCM yüksek duyarlıklı bir sistemdir
This thesis includes two different systems and subjectsIn the first study; interaction of some substances with fish sperm double-stranded DNA was studied electrochemically rely on the oxidation signals of guanine and signals of substances (if they have) by using Differential Pulse Voltammetry (DPV) with Pencil Graphite Electrode(PGE) was studied. The changes of experimental parameters were performed as the concentration, accumulation time of substance by using renewable pencil graphite electrode. The electrochemical procedure for the detection of interaction is based on two methods as; interaction at electrode surface and interaction at solution phase. It was shown that; after the interaction of substance and DNA oxidation signals of guanine was appeared to be reduced when the accumulation time and concentration of substance were increase. The oxidation signals after interaction of subtance and DNA were indicated there could be damage to guanine bases. Also we have detected that some of these substances had oxidation signals. These signals have decreased after interaction with DNAAs a result; detecting the voltammetric behavior of several substances that interact with DNA would be valuable in the design of sequence-specific DNA binding molecules for application in chemotherapy. Progress in this laboratory is towards the goal of determining the voltammetric behavior of newly synthesized substances with DNA, thus introducing the electrochemical methods to solve the phenomenal drug-DNA interaction mechanismsIn the other study; the system which is a piezoelectric, Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) was used. This method is intended for mass sensitive. The biosensors were designed with two procedures of immobilization onto gold electrode. First procedure was directly immobilization SH-modified ssDNA, second procedure was immobilization NH-modified ss DNA after coated various binding agentsFinally in second study DNA hybridization was determined both of two procedures. The hybridization was observed at the same time. QCM is a high sensitive system for diagnosis of disease, bacteria and virus.
This thesis includes two different systems and subjectsIn the first study; interaction of some substances with fish sperm double-stranded DNA was studied electrochemically rely on the oxidation signals of guanine and signals of substances (if they have) by using Differential Pulse Voltammetry (DPV) with Pencil Graphite Electrode(PGE) was studied. The changes of experimental parameters were performed as the concentration, accumulation time of substance by using renewable pencil graphite electrode. The electrochemical procedure for the detection of interaction is based on two methods as; interaction at electrode surface and interaction at solution phase. It was shown that; after the interaction of substance and DNA oxidation signals of guanine was appeared to be reduced when the accumulation time and concentration of substance were increase. The oxidation signals after interaction of subtance and DNA were indicated there could be damage to guanine bases. Also we have detected that some of these substances had oxidation signals. These signals have decreased after interaction with DNAAs a result; detecting the voltammetric behavior of several substances that interact with DNA would be valuable in the design of sequence-specific DNA binding molecules for application in chemotherapy. Progress in this laboratory is towards the goal of determining the voltammetric behavior of newly synthesized substances with DNA, thus introducing the electrochemical methods to solve the phenomenal drug-DNA interaction mechanismsIn the other study; the system which is a piezoelectric, Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM) was used. This method is intended for mass sensitive. The biosensors were designed with two procedures of immobilization onto gold electrode. First procedure was directly immobilization SH-modified ssDNA, second procedure was immobilization NH-modified ss DNA after coated various binding agentsFinally in second study DNA hybridization was determined both of two procedures. The hybridization was observed at the same time. QCM is a high sensitive system for diagnosis of disease, bacteria and virus.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoteknoloji, Biotechnology, Eczacılık ve Farmakoloji, Pharmacy and Pharmacology