Hastalıklı ve sağlıklı dişetine sahip bireylerin dişeti sıvısındaki aspartat aminotransferaz, asit, alkalen fosfataz seviyelerinin karşılıklı olarak incelenmesi
Küçük Resim Yok
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Periodontitis, mikroorganizmaların etkileri sonucu, dişetinde başlayan enflamatuar olayın, dişi destekleyen dokulara yayılması ile gelişen enfeksiyöz bir hastalıktır. Klinik olarak, periodontal cep oluşumu, dişeti ödemi, kanama, iltihabı eksuda ve radyografide alveol kemik kaybı ile tanı konulabilmektedir. Periodontal hastalık aktivitesi ise hastalığın destek kemik ve bağ dokusu ataşmanının kaybı ile karakterize olan aşamasıdır. Hastalığın ilerleyişi, kısa aktif dönemler ve uzun pasif dönemler içeren episodik karakterlidir. Ancak, teşhiste kullanılan bahsedilen klinik parametreler, geçmişte oluşan yıkımı değerlendirebilmekte, hastalığın aktif ve inaktif olduğu bölgeleri ayırt edememektedir. Günümüzde, aktif ve inaktif bölgeleri saptayabilmek için objektif diagnostik testlere gereksinim vardır. Dişeti sıvısında bulunan moleküllerin varlığı ve seviyelerinin ölçülmesi, hastalık aktivitesinin saptanması için oldukça yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Lizozomal bir enzim olan ALP ile stoplazmik enzim AST, dişeti sıvısında periodontal hastalık aktivitesinin önemli indikatörleri olabilir. Bu amaçla çalışmamızda,19 Erken Yerleşen Periodontitis, 20 Erişkin Periodontitis ve 10 kontrol grubunun, dişeti sıvısı, tükrük ve serum örneklerinde AST ve ALP enzim aktiviteleri karşılaştırılmış, klinik indisler ile olan ilişkileri araştırılmıştır. Ayrıca, tedavi sonrası enzim seviyelerindeki değişiklikler incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın sonunda, tedavi öncesi deney gruplarının dişeti sıvısı ve tükrük enzim seviyeleri kontrol grubundan önemli ölçüde yüksek bulundu,serum enzim konsantrasyonları arasında fark bulunmadı. Deney gruplarının dişeti sıvısı, tükrük ve serum enzim seviyeleri arasında farklılık gözlenmedi. Tedavi sonrası, gruplar arasında farklılık saptanmadı. Enzim seviyeleri ile klinik parametreler arasında da ilişki bulunmadı. Sonuç olarak, stoplazmik ve lizozomal enzim aktivitesine dayalı teşhis testlerinin periodontal hastalık aktivitesi ve patogenezin tayininde faydalı olabilecekleri görülmüştür
SUMMARY Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease of the periodontal tissues caused by bacteria, involving the gingival unit and extends to the attachment apparatus. Clinically, periodontal diseases have been diagnosed on the basis of radiographic assessment of alveolar bone loss, probing pocket depth, bleeding, edema, and presence of exudate. Periodontal disease activity refers to the stage of the disease characterized by loss of supporting bone and connective tissue attachment. The progression of the disease is episodic with periods of active destruction and remission. These measurements yield only historic information about disease and do not distinguish between disease active and disease inactive sites. There is need for objective diagnostic tests to identify active and inactive sites. Biochemical analysis of gingival crevicular fluid constituents has been widely used in relation to disease activity. Lysosomal and cytoplazmic enzymes, AST and ALP are possible indicator of periodontal disease activity in GCF. For this purposes, AST and ALP activity were evaluated in gingival crevicular fluid, saliva and serum samples. 19 Early Onset Periodontitis, 20 Adult Periodontitis patients and 10 healthy control subjects were involved in our study. The levels of the enzymes were compared between groups and the relationship between enzymes and clinical parameters were investigated before and after therapy.Before therapy the levels of both enzymes in crevicular fluid and saliva samples were statistically higher in diseased groups than the levels in healthy subjects. There was no difference between diseased groups regarding to enzyme activity, and no correlation between clinical parameters and enzyme levels in both groups. After therapy there was no difference between crevicular and salivary enzyme levels and no correlation between parameters in groups. As a result, diagnostic tests based on lysosomal and cytoplasmic enzyme activity can be useful for the disease activity and pathogenesis of the disease. 95
SUMMARY Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease of the periodontal tissues caused by bacteria, involving the gingival unit and extends to the attachment apparatus. Clinically, periodontal diseases have been diagnosed on the basis of radiographic assessment of alveolar bone loss, probing pocket depth, bleeding, edema, and presence of exudate. Periodontal disease activity refers to the stage of the disease characterized by loss of supporting bone and connective tissue attachment. The progression of the disease is episodic with periods of active destruction and remission. These measurements yield only historic information about disease and do not distinguish between disease active and disease inactive sites. There is need for objective diagnostic tests to identify active and inactive sites. Biochemical analysis of gingival crevicular fluid constituents has been widely used in relation to disease activity. Lysosomal and cytoplazmic enzymes, AST and ALP are possible indicator of periodontal disease activity in GCF. For this purposes, AST and ALP activity were evaluated in gingival crevicular fluid, saliva and serum samples. 19 Early Onset Periodontitis, 20 Adult Periodontitis patients and 10 healthy control subjects were involved in our study. The levels of the enzymes were compared between groups and the relationship between enzymes and clinical parameters were investigated before and after therapy.Before therapy the levels of both enzymes in crevicular fluid and saliva samples were statistically higher in diseased groups than the levels in healthy subjects. There was no difference between diseased groups regarding to enzyme activity, and no correlation between clinical parameters and enzyme levels in both groups. After therapy there was no difference between crevicular and salivary enzyme levels and no correlation between parameters in groups. As a result, diagnostic tests based on lysosomal and cytoplasmic enzyme activity can be useful for the disease activity and pathogenesis of the disease. 95
Anahtar Kelimeler
Diş Hekimliği, Dentistry, Alkalen fosfataz, Alkaline phosphatase, Aminotransferaz, Aminotransferases, Asitler, Acids, Gingiva, Gingiva, Gingival oluk sıvı, Gingival crevicular fluid