Batık kültür fermentasyonu yönetimiyle bazı bakterilerden PHB üretimi
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Ege Üniversitesi
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Bu çalışmada substrat olarak pancar melası kullanılan ortamlarda, batık kültür fermentasyonu yöntemiyle Alcaligenes lotus IAM 12599, Alcaligenes latus LMG 3325, Pseudomonas extorquens DSM 1337 ve Azotobacter chroococcum (TEM)'in PHB (Poli-P-hidroksibutirik asit) üretimleri incelenmiştir. Herbir organizma için farklı şeker konsantrasyonları, karbon/azot oranları, çalkalama hızları (havalandırma) ve inkübasyon sürelerinin PHB üretimine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Optimum koşullarda hem sakkarozlu mineral ortam ve hemde pancar melaslı mineral ortamda PHB üretim verimi karşılaştırılmıştır. Optimum koşullarda PHB üretim verimi pancar melaslı mineral ortamda A.latus IAM 12599'da %35.26, A. latus LMG 3325'te %31.01, P.extorquens DSM 1337'de %22.98 ve A.chroococcum (TEM)'de %12.10 olarak bulunmuştur. Bununla beraber en iyi PHB üretimi sakkarozlu mineral ortamda saptanmıştır. Anahtar kelimele:PHB, Poli-p-hidroksibutirik asit, melastan PHB üretimi
In this study, PHB (Poly-p-hydroxybutyric acid) productions from Alcaligenes latus IAM 12599, Alcaligenes latus LMG 3325, Pseudomonas extorquens DSM 1337 and Azotobacter chroococcum (TEM) were investigated, by means of batch culture method using beet molasses as substrate. The effects of different sugar consantrations, carbon/nitrogen ratios, shake speeds(aeration) and incubation periods on PHB production each organism were studied. Under optimum conditions, the yield of PHB production have been compared both in mineral medium with saccharose and in mineral medium with beet molasses. Under optimum conditions, the yield of PHB production has been found to be 35.26 % fox A.latus IAM 12599, 31.01 % for A.latus LMG 3325, 22.98 % for P. extorquens DSM 1337 and 12.10 % for Azotobacter chroococcum (TEM) in mineral medium with beet molasses. However, the best PHB production was determined in mineral medium with saccharose. Keywords:PHB,poly-P-hydroxybutyric acid, PHB production by molasses.
In this study, PHB (Poly-p-hydroxybutyric acid) productions from Alcaligenes latus IAM 12599, Alcaligenes latus LMG 3325, Pseudomonas extorquens DSM 1337 and Azotobacter chroococcum (TEM) were investigated, by means of batch culture method using beet molasses as substrate. The effects of different sugar consantrations, carbon/nitrogen ratios, shake speeds(aeration) and incubation periods on PHB production each organism were studied. Under optimum conditions, the yield of PHB production have been compared both in mineral medium with saccharose and in mineral medium with beet molasses. Under optimum conditions, the yield of PHB production has been found to be 35.26 % fox A.latus IAM 12599, 31.01 % for A.latus LMG 3325, 22.98 % for P. extorquens DSM 1337 and 12.10 % for Azotobacter chroococcum (TEM) in mineral medium with beet molasses. However, the best PHB production was determined in mineral medium with saccharose. Keywords:PHB,poly-P-hydroxybutyric acid, PHB production by molasses.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoloji, Biology, Bakteriler, Bacteria, Batık kültür yöntemi, Sutures, Fermentasyon, Fermentation, Polihidroksibütirat, Polyhydroxybutyrate