Korunan alanlarda tarihi peyzaj karakter analizi; Kazdağı Milli Parkı örneği
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Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Peyzajlar dinamiktir, karakteri doğal ve/veya insani unsurların eyleminin ve etkileşiminin sonucu sürekli değişime uğramaktadır. Günümüz peyzajının doğru bir şekilde algılanabilmesi, peyzajların tarihi boyutunun, diğer bir ifadeyle belirli bir zaman diliminde ya da zaman derinliğinde peyzajlarda ortaya çıkan değişimlerin bilinmesi ile gerçekleşebilmektedir. Tarihi peyzaj karakterizasyonu günümüzün tarihi peyzajının yönetimini ve anlaşılmasını geçmiş değişimlerin bir sonucu ve gelecekteki değişimlerin altyapısı olarak kabul eden bir yaklaşımdır. Araştırmada; Tarihi Peyzaj Karakterizasyon yöntem yaklaşımı kullanılarak, 127 yıllık bir zaman derinliğinde, Kazdağı Milli Parkı örneğinde tarihi peyzaj karakterlerinin tanımlanması, haritalanması ve bu veriler doğrultusunda Değişimin Yönü, Nadirlik ve Kırılganlık analizleri çalışmaları yürütülmüştür. Proje, amacına yönelik olarak, beş aşamada gerçekleştirilmiştir. Birinci aşamada, Araştırma alanına ait veri seti hazırlanmış ardından ArcGIS 10.1 yazılımı kullanılarak görsel yorumlama ve ekrandan sayısallaştırma tekniği ile Geniş kapsamlı karakter tiplerine ait poligonlar oluşturulmuş, bu poligonlara ait morfolojik analizler (peyzaj deseni, sınır morfolojisi gibi,..) yapılıp çeşitli öznitelikler atanarak Kazdağı Milli Parkı tarihi peyzaj karakter tipleri belirlenmiştir. Bu süreçte belirlenen karakter tipleri, arazi çalışması ile doğrulanmış, üçüncü aşamada ise Tarihi Peyzaj Karakter Alanları belirlenmiştir. Dördüncü aşamada, 'Değişimin Yönü', 'Nadirlik' ve 'Kırılganlık' analizleri gerçekleştirilerek projenin son aşamasında milli park peyzajlarının korunması, yönetimi ve planlanması çalışmalarına katkı sağlaması amacıyla ilgili değerlendirmelerde bulunulmuştur.
Landscapes, whose characters are the result of the action and interaction of natural and/or human factors, are dynamic. Proper understanding of today's landscapes is only possible through the knowledge of their historical dimension, in other words, changes that have occurred in time-slices or time-depth. Historic Landscape Characterisation (HLC) is an approach to the management and understanding the present historic environment as a product of past changes and as the basis for future change. In the research, defining and mapping of Historic Landscape Character Types of Kazdağı National Park were made with 127 years of time depth by using Historic Landscape Characterisation approach. In line with these data, 'Direction of change', 'Rarity', and 'Vulnerability' analysis studies were carried out. The project was carried out in five phases. In the first stage, the dataset of the research area was prepared and then Broad Historic Character Types polygons were created with using visual interpretation and digitising on screen techniques in ArcGIS 10.1 software. After that, morphologic analysis of polygons (Landscape pattern, boundary morphology, etc.) were made and relevant attributes were assigned. Thus, the first stage that defining and mapping of Historic Landscape Characterisation was completed. The specified character types in this process were comfirmed with field survey. At the third step, Historic Landscape Character Areas were made out. And then, in the fourth stage, 'Direction of change', 'Rarity', and 'Vulnerability' analysis studies were carried out. And finally, the relevant assessments were made in order to contribute protection, management and planning of National Park landscapes studies.
Landscapes, whose characters are the result of the action and interaction of natural and/or human factors, are dynamic. Proper understanding of today's landscapes is only possible through the knowledge of their historical dimension, in other words, changes that have occurred in time-slices or time-depth. Historic Landscape Characterisation (HLC) is an approach to the management and understanding the present historic environment as a product of past changes and as the basis for future change. In the research, defining and mapping of Historic Landscape Character Types of Kazdağı National Park were made with 127 years of time depth by using Historic Landscape Characterisation approach. In line with these data, 'Direction of change', 'Rarity', and 'Vulnerability' analysis studies were carried out. The project was carried out in five phases. In the first stage, the dataset of the research area was prepared and then Broad Historic Character Types polygons were created with using visual interpretation and digitising on screen techniques in ArcGIS 10.1 software. After that, morphologic analysis of polygons (Landscape pattern, boundary morphology, etc.) were made and relevant attributes were assigned. Thus, the first stage that defining and mapping of Historic Landscape Characterisation was completed. The specified character types in this process were comfirmed with field survey. At the third step, Historic Landscape Character Areas were made out. And then, in the fourth stage, 'Direction of change', 'Rarity', and 'Vulnerability' analysis studies were carried out. And finally, the relevant assessments were made in order to contribute protection, management and planning of National Park landscapes studies.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Tarihi Peyzaj Karakterizasyonu, Zaman Derinliği, Kazdağı Milli Parkı, Historic Landscape Characterisation, Time Depth, Kazdağı National Park