Himen imperforatus: üç olgu sunumu
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Himen imperforatus kadın genital sisteminde nadir görülen doğumsal bir anomalidir. Yenidoğanlarda sıklığı % 0,1 olarak bildirilmiştir. Bu patoloji himenin santral hücrelerindeki doğumsal dejenerasyon kusurundan kaynaklanmaktadır. Genellikle izole bir anomali olmakla birlikte, genitoüriner sistem anomalileri ile de birlikte görülebilir. Bu hastalar çoğunlukla puberteye kadar asemptomatik kalabilirler ve adolesan dönem ile birlikte primer amenore ve siklik pelvik ağrı şikayeti ile başvururlar. Bu olgularda anamnez ışığında pelvik muayene tanı koydurucudur. Eşlik eden anomaliler açısından ayrıcı tanıda görüntüleme yöntemleri kullanılabilir. Tedavide cerrahi müdahale gerektirmektedir. Yazımızda himen imperforatus tanılı üç olgu literatür eşliğinde tartışılmıştır.
Imperforate hymen is a congenital anomaly that is rarely seen in woman genital system. Imperforate hymen is reported %0,1 of all newborns and it is think that cause of imperforate hymen is congenital defect in the degeneration of central cells of hymen. Although it is generally isolated anomally, sometimes genitourinary anomalies may associate this defect. Patients who has this anomally are generally asymptomatic until puberty and in the period of adolescence, patients administer with a primary amenore and cyclic pelvic pain. History and pelvic examination are the main steps in diagnosis. To determine possible associated anomalies imaging studies are usefull. Treatment of this anomally consist of vaginal reconstrictive surgery. We presented three imperforate hymen cases with literature in this case report.
Imperforate hymen is a congenital anomaly that is rarely seen in woman genital system. Imperforate hymen is reported %0,1 of all newborns and it is think that cause of imperforate hymen is congenital defect in the degeneration of central cells of hymen. Although it is generally isolated anomally, sometimes genitourinary anomalies may associate this defect. Patients who has this anomally are generally asymptomatic until puberty and in the period of adolescence, patients administer with a primary amenore and cyclic pelvic pain. History and pelvic examination are the main steps in diagnosis. To determine possible associated anomalies imaging studies are usefull. Treatment of this anomally consist of vaginal reconstrictive surgery. We presented three imperforate hymen cases with literature in this case report.
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Türk Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik Derneği Dergisi
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