Gediz Nehri'nde kimyasal parametrelerin değerlendirilmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
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IV ÖZET GEDİZ NEHRİ' NDE KİMYASAL PARAMETRELERİN DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ BATKI, Habibe Doktora Tezi, Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Temel Bilimler Bilimler Anabilim Dalı Tez Yöneticisi: Doç. Dr. Filiz KÜÇÜKSEZGİN Nisan 2002, 74 Sayfa Bu çalışmada, Gediz Nehri'nin kirliliği ve İzmir Körfezi'ne yaptığı etki fiziksel ve kimyasal parametrelerin yardımıyla incelenmiştir. Örneklemeler Kum Çayı, Nif Çayı, Nif Çayı'nın Gediz'e katıldığı nokta, Muradiye ve denize deşarj noktasında 1998 yılı Ağustos, Ekim, 1999 yılı Şubat ve Haziran aylarında olmak üzere mevsimsel olarak yapılmıştır. Seçilen noktalarda sediment, su ve partikül maddede ağır metal analizleri* suda DO, COD, BOD5> partikül madde, besin elementleri analizleri ve sedimentte tane boyutu, organik madde, organik karbon ve pestisit analizleri yapılmıştır. Kirletici parametrelerin mevsimsel dağılımı incelenmiş olup İzmir Körfezi'ne getirdiği kirlilik yükleri hesaplanmıştır. Kış ve güz dönemlerinde yağış nedeni ile nitrat azotunda artış olduğu, amonyum azotu ve fosfat fosforunun ise tarımsal aktivitelerin yoğun olduğu yaz ve güz dönemlerinde gübre kullanımı nedeniyle arttığı, reaktif silisyumun ise kış dönemlerinde yüksek olduğu saptanmıştır. BOD5 ve COD değerleri değişkenlik göstermekte olup, DÖ ve partikülmadde değerleri ise kış mevsiminde artmaktadır. Çok düşük seviyede deterjan konsantrasyonları saptanmıştır.Ağır metal kirliliği açısından bakıldığında sediment örneklerinde endüstriyel kirlenmenin yoğun olduğu Muradiye'de bütün metaller yüksek bulunmuştur. Partikül madde Örneklerinde ölçülen metallerin ise hemen hemen tamamı Gediz Nehri ağzında yüsek seviyede bulunmuştur. Nif Çayı ve Manisa Köprüsünde DDT ve bozunma ürünleri yüksek seviyede saptanmış olup tarımsal aktivitelerden ileri gelmektedir. Sonuç olarak, Gediz Nehri organik ve toksik madde açısından oldukça yüksek oranlarda kirlilik içermekte, taşıdığı evsel ve endüstriyel atık sularla İzmir Körfezinde ekolojik dengeyi tehdit etmektedir
VI ABSTRACT EVALUATION OF THE CHEMICAL PARAMETERS IN GEDİZ RIVER BATKI, Habibe PhD in Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Temel Bilimler Anabffim Dalı Supervisor: Assoc. Prof, Dr. Fffiz KÜÇÜKSEZGÎN April 2002, 74 Pages In this study, the pollution of Gediz River was investigated by measuring the physical and chemical parameters. The data were collected seasonally (1998 August-October and 1999 February-June) during cruises in Kum Stream, Nif Stream, Manisa Bridge, Muradiye and discharge point in the mouth of Gediz River. Physical parameters, DO, BOD5, COD, MBAS, particulate matter, nutrients were measured in seawater. The concentrations of heavy metals were analysed in seawater, sediment and particulate matter. Pesticides, organic matter and organic carbon were also found in sediment samples. Distribution of chemical parameters were examined and calculated loads of polluted parameters. Nitrate nitrogen concentrations were higher in rainy seasons than summer and spring periods. Due to agricultural activities high levels of ammonium nitrogen and phosphate phosphorus were found in spring and summer sampling periods. Maximum reactive silicon and dissolved oxygen were measured during winter. Particulate matter value was higher at the mouth of Gediz River iû winter than the other sampling The concentration of detergent were generally found below detection limit of method. High levels of heavy metals were determined at Muradiye in sediment during all sampling periods The concentrations of DDT and metabolites were higher at Nif Stream and Manisa Bridge than the other stations. In conclusion, the considerably higher quantity of organic and industrial waste waters were carried by the Gediz River and threaten the ecological balance along the river and Tthttt Bay.
VI ABSTRACT EVALUATION OF THE CHEMICAL PARAMETERS IN GEDİZ RIVER BATKI, Habibe PhD in Su Ürünleri Fakültesi Temel Bilimler Anabffim Dalı Supervisor: Assoc. Prof, Dr. Fffiz KÜÇÜKSEZGÎN April 2002, 74 Pages In this study, the pollution of Gediz River was investigated by measuring the physical and chemical parameters. The data were collected seasonally (1998 August-October and 1999 February-June) during cruises in Kum Stream, Nif Stream, Manisa Bridge, Muradiye and discharge point in the mouth of Gediz River. Physical parameters, DO, BOD5, COD, MBAS, particulate matter, nutrients were measured in seawater. The concentrations of heavy metals were analysed in seawater, sediment and particulate matter. Pesticides, organic matter and organic carbon were also found in sediment samples. Distribution of chemical parameters were examined and calculated loads of polluted parameters. Nitrate nitrogen concentrations were higher in rainy seasons than summer and spring periods. Due to agricultural activities high levels of ammonium nitrogen and phosphate phosphorus were found in spring and summer sampling periods. Maximum reactive silicon and dissolved oxygen were measured during winter. Particulate matter value was higher at the mouth of Gediz River iû winter than the other sampling The concentration of detergent were generally found below detection limit of method. High levels of heavy metals were determined at Muradiye in sediment during all sampling periods The concentrations of DDT and metabolites were higher at Nif Stream and Manisa Bridge than the other stations. In conclusion, the considerably higher quantity of organic and industrial waste waters were carried by the Gediz River and threaten the ecological balance along the river and Tthttt Bay.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Su Ürünleri, Aquatic Products, Atık su, Waste water, Ağır metaller, Heavy metals, Deterjanlar, Detergents, Gediz Nehri, Gediz River, Kirlilik, Pollution, Pestisitler, Pesticides, Su ürünleri, Aquatic products, İzmir Körfezi, İzmir Bay