Doku hasarında antioksidan enzim değişiklikleri
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET Bu çalışmanın amacı karaciğer marker enzimleri yanısıra eritrosit ve karaciğer dokularında antioksidan enzimler (SOD ve katalaz) ile bazı iz element tayinlerini yaparak MTO nun hepatotoksik etkisinin mekanizmasını ve erken tanıda bu enzimlerin değerini araştırmaktır. Çalışmamızda kullanılan yaklaşık.. 0+20 g ağırlığındaki Swiss albino türü erkek sıçanlar 3 gruba ayrıldı. Kontrol grubu (n=15) yaklaşık olarak 0.6ml distile su İP olarak verilirken MTO grubuna 12mg/kg BW (yaklaşık 0.6ml) MTO tek doz IP en j ekte edildi. MTO verildikten sonraki 4. ve 5. günlerde 9' ar sıçan kalblerinden kan alınarak öldürüldü. Plazma ve karaciğer dokularında AST ve ALT düzeyleri Hitachi 705 otoanalizörde OTK düzeyleri ise sitrulin ölçümü esasına dayalı spektrofotometrik yöntem ile tayin edildi. Eritrosit ve karaciğer dokusu katalaz aktiviteleri Aebi metodu iile ve SOD aktiviteleri ise Misra&Fridovich'e göre ölçüldü. Mn- SOD akti vitesi siyanür ile CuZn-SOD'un inaktivasyonu esasına dayalı method ile ölçüldü. Plazma AST ve ALT düzeylerinde herhangi bir değişiklik saptanamazken OTK düzeylerinin MT05 de anlamlı olarak arttığı bulundu. Karaciğer dokusunda 5. gün belirlenen AST ve ALT düzeylerindeki azalma histopatolojik bulgularla uyumludur. 4. gün eritrositer katalaz düzeyleri azalırken SOD de iki katına varan bir artma saptandı. Ayrıca karaciğer dokusu SOD ve katalaz düzeylerinin de MTO 5 grubunda belirgin olarak azaldığı gözlendi. Karaciğer dokusunda bakır düzeyleri değişmezken çinko ve selenyumun 4. gün belirgin olarak arttığı bulundu.68 Bu çalışmada elde edilen bulgular MTO metabolizması sırasında lipid peroksidasyonu artışı olduğunu ve karaciğerdeki antioksidan enzimlerin MTO ile inhibe olduğunu desteklemektedir. Bu çalışmadaki bir diğer önemli sonuç; eritrositer antioksidan enzim düzeylerinin karaciğerde hücre hasarı görülmeden önce oluşmasıdır. Sonuç olarak, eritrositer antioksidan enzim düzeylerini tayin etmenin karaciğer toksisitesinin erken tanısında yararlı olabileceğini söyleyebiliriz
SUMMARY The aim of this study was to investigate the mechanism of MTO induced hepatotoxicity and the value of some antioxidant enzymes for early diagnosis of the hepatotoxicity, by determining the antioxidant enzyme levels in erythrocytes and liver tissue with liver marker enzymes. In this study, male Swiss-Albino rats weighing 150+20 g were used and the rats were divided into three groups. While the control group (n=15) were injected only water (approx. 0.6ml), MTO group were injected MTO in a dose of 12mg/kg BW (approx. 0.6ml). Following MTO injection, 9 rats were killed by punctured from left ventricule on 4th day (MTO 4) and others were killed on 5th day (MTO 5). AST and ALT levels of plasma and liver tissue were measured by Hitachi 705 autoanalyzer and OCT levels were determined spectrophotometrically based on the method of citrullin produce. Erythrocytes and liver tissue catalase activity were measured according to Aebi, SOD activity was determined according to Misra&Fridovich. Mn-SOD levels were measured by the inhibition of CuZn-SOD using ciyanid in a concentration of 5mM. Cu and Zn levels were analysed by Atomic Absorbtion Spectrophotometry and Se levels were measured by fluorometric determination. We could not found any significant change in plasma AST and ALT levels while there was an increase in OCT levels. On the 5 th day of MTO injection, the decrease of AST and ALT activities in liver tissue were in concordance with70 histopathological findings. While there was a decrease in the erythrocyte catalase activity on the 4th day of MTO treatment. We observed an increase in the activity SOD, two times higher than the value of control group. There was also a significantly decrease in both of total SOD and catalase levels of liver tissue on the 5th day following MTO treatment. Although liver tissue copper levels were remained unchanged, zinc and selenyum were increased in the 4th day. Our findings support that lipid peroxidation have increased during of MTO metabolism and antioxidant enzymes in liver tissue were inhibited by MTO. Our data showed that; alteration in the activity of erythrocyte antioxidant nzyme levels preceed the onset of hepatic injury. In conclusion, we can say that determining antioxidant enzyme activities in erythrocytes can be useful for early diagnosis of hepatot oxicity.
SUMMARY The aim of this study was to investigate the mechanism of MTO induced hepatotoxicity and the value of some antioxidant enzymes for early diagnosis of the hepatotoxicity, by determining the antioxidant enzyme levels in erythrocytes and liver tissue with liver marker enzymes. In this study, male Swiss-Albino rats weighing 150+20 g were used and the rats were divided into three groups. While the control group (n=15) were injected only water (approx. 0.6ml), MTO group were injected MTO in a dose of 12mg/kg BW (approx. 0.6ml). Following MTO injection, 9 rats were killed by punctured from left ventricule on 4th day (MTO 4) and others were killed on 5th day (MTO 5). AST and ALT levels of plasma and liver tissue were measured by Hitachi 705 autoanalyzer and OCT levels were determined spectrophotometrically based on the method of citrullin produce. Erythrocytes and liver tissue catalase activity were measured according to Aebi, SOD activity was determined according to Misra&Fridovich. Mn-SOD levels were measured by the inhibition of CuZn-SOD using ciyanid in a concentration of 5mM. Cu and Zn levels were analysed by Atomic Absorbtion Spectrophotometry and Se levels were measured by fluorometric determination. We could not found any significant change in plasma AST and ALT levels while there was an increase in OCT levels. On the 5 th day of MTO injection, the decrease of AST and ALT activities in liver tissue were in concordance with70 histopathological findings. While there was a decrease in the erythrocyte catalase activity on the 4th day of MTO treatment. We observed an increase in the activity SOD, two times higher than the value of control group. There was also a significantly decrease in both of total SOD and catalase levels of liver tissue on the 5th day following MTO treatment. Although liver tissue copper levels were remained unchanged, zinc and selenyum were increased in the 4th day. Our findings support that lipid peroxidation have increased during of MTO metabolism and antioxidant enzymes in liver tissue were inhibited by MTO. Our data showed that; alteration in the activity of erythrocyte antioxidant nzyme levels preceed the onset of hepatic injury. In conclusion, we can say that determining antioxidant enzyme activities in erythrocytes can be useful for early diagnosis of hepatot oxicity.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyokimya, Biochemistry, Antioksidanlar, Antioxidants, Enzimler, Enzymes, Eser elementler, Trace elements, Karaciğer, Liver