Organik salçalık domates yetiştiriciliğinde farklı önbitki kullanımının ve gübrelemenin verim ve kaliteye etkisi üzerine araştırmalar
Dergi Başlığı
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Cilt Başlığı
Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Çalışma, sanayilik organik domates üretiminde gübre ve önbitki
uygulamalarının Çanakkale bölgesinde domates verim ve meyve kalitesi üzerine
etkilerini belirlemek ve toprak özelliklerindeki değişimi araştırmak amacı ile
gerçekleştirilmiştir. Brokoli, bakla ve fiğ önbitki uygulamalarının yanında kontrol
amacıyla nadas (doğal vegetasyon) uygulaması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Brokoli,
önbitki uygulaması üreticiye ek bir getirmesi amacıyla denemeye alınmıştır. Bakla
ve fiğ önbitki uygulamaları yeşil gübreleme uygulamaları olarak çalışmaya
eklenmiştir. Organik gübre materyali olarak hayvan gübresi (Keçi) ve ticari Sıvı
organik gübre (Biofarm) kullanılmıştır.
Çalışmadan elde edilen verilerin değerlendirilmesi sonunda, gübre
uygulamalarının (keçi + biofarm) toprakta organik madde miktarı değeri üzerinde
pozitif bir etki oluşturduğu tespit edilmiştir. Gübre uygulamalarının verime pozitif
etkisinin belirlenmesi yanında, bakla ve brokoli önbitki uygulamalarında domates
verim değerlerinde % 10 oranında artış tespit edilmiştir. Gübreli brokoli
parsellerinde en yüksek ortalama domates verimi (4108,75 kg/da) ve en yüksek
ortalama domates salçası verimi (1016,36 kg/da) tespit edilmiştir. Domates kalite
kriterleri incelendiğinde gübre uygulanan önbitki parsellerinde domates
meyvesindeki c vitamini içeriği (11,45 mg/100 ml), gübre uygulanmayan önbitki
parsellerine göre daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Domates meyvesinde en yüksek c
vitamini değeri (12,65 mg/100 ml) gübreli bakla parsellerinde tespit edilmiştir. Domates kalite kriterlerinden suda çözünür kuru madde değerlerinde uygulamalar
arasında herhangi bir farklılık bulunmamaktadır. Ancak domates meyve
pulpundaki pH değeri, fiğ parsellerinde (4,30) diğer önbitki uygulamalarına göre
daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Domates meyvesinin kırmızı renk değerleri açısından
uygulamalar arasında farklılık bulunmamakla birlikte gübre uygulanmayan
önbitki parselerinde meyvelerin daha açık renkli olduğu belirlenmiştir.
The study was carried out with the aim of determining the effects of fertilizer and pre-plant applications in industrial organic tomato production on tomato yield and fruit quality in Çanakkale region and to investigate the change in soil properties. In addition to pre-plant applications (broccoli, broad bean and vetch), fallow (natural vegetation) application was carried out for control purposes. Broccoli pre-plant application was put to trial in order to bring an additional income to the producer. Broad bean and vetch foreground applications were added to the study as green fertilization applications. Animal manure (Goat) and commercial Liquid organic fertilizer (Biofarm) were used as organic fertilizer. As a result of the evaluation of the data obtained from the study, it was determined that fertilizer applications (goat + biofarm) had a positive effect on the amount of organic matter values in the soil. In addition to determining the positive effect of fertilizer applications on yield, 10% increase in tomato yield values in broad bean and broccoli preplantation applications was determined. The highest average tomato yield (4108.75 kg/da) and the highest average tomato paste yield (1016.36 kg/da) were determined in fertilized broccoli fields. When the tomato quality criteria were examined, it was found that the vitamin c content (11.45 mg/100 ml) of the tomato fruit in the preplantation fields treated with fertilizers was higher than the foreseed fields without fertilizers. The highest vitamin c value in tomato fruit (12.65 mg/100 ml) was found in fertilized broad beans fields. There is no difference between applications in water soluble dry matter values, which is one of the tomato quality criteria. However, the pH value (4.30) in tomato fruit pulp was found to be higher in vetch fields compared to other preplant applications. Although there was no difference between the applications in terms of the red color values of the tomato fruit, it was determined that the fruits had lighter colors in the foreground fields without fertilizers.
The study was carried out with the aim of determining the effects of fertilizer and pre-plant applications in industrial organic tomato production on tomato yield and fruit quality in Çanakkale region and to investigate the change in soil properties. In addition to pre-plant applications (broccoli, broad bean and vetch), fallow (natural vegetation) application was carried out for control purposes. Broccoli pre-plant application was put to trial in order to bring an additional income to the producer. Broad bean and vetch foreground applications were added to the study as green fertilization applications. Animal manure (Goat) and commercial Liquid organic fertilizer (Biofarm) were used as organic fertilizer. As a result of the evaluation of the data obtained from the study, it was determined that fertilizer applications (goat + biofarm) had a positive effect on the amount of organic matter values in the soil. In addition to determining the positive effect of fertilizer applications on yield, 10% increase in tomato yield values in broad bean and broccoli preplantation applications was determined. The highest average tomato yield (4108.75 kg/da) and the highest average tomato paste yield (1016.36 kg/da) were determined in fertilized broccoli fields. When the tomato quality criteria were examined, it was found that the vitamin c content (11.45 mg/100 ml) of the tomato fruit in the preplantation fields treated with fertilizers was higher than the foreseed fields without fertilizers. The highest vitamin c value in tomato fruit (12.65 mg/100 ml) was found in fertilized broad beans fields. There is no difference between applications in water soluble dry matter values, which is one of the tomato quality criteria. However, the pH value (4.30) in tomato fruit pulp was found to be higher in vetch fields compared to other preplant applications. Although there was no difference between the applications in terms of the red color values of the tomato fruit, it was determined that the fruits had lighter colors in the foreground fields without fertilizers.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Organik Tarım, Domates, Önbitki, Gübreleme, Organic Agriculture, Tomato, Pre-Plant, Fertilization