Tokat şartlarında 1. ürün silajlık mısır (zea mays) sorgum (sorghum vulgare), sudanotu (sorghum sudanense) ve sorgum x sudanotu melezinin değişik olgunluk devrelerinde yapılan hasatların verim ve silajlık özellikleri . . .
Küçük Resim Yok
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ıi5 6. ÖZET Farklı devrelerde hasat edilen sorgum, sudanotu, sorgum-sudanotu melezi ve mısır bitkilerinin bazı agronomik, kuru ot ve silaj kalitesini belirlemek amacıyla yapılan bu çalışma, 1991 ve 1992 yılları arasında Tokat koşullarında yürütülmüştür. Araştırmada dört farklı bitki cesiti üç farklı hasat devresinde (çiceklenme öncesi, tam çiçeklenme ve süt olum devresi) hasat edilmiştir. Hasat edilen parsellerin yarısı kuru ot, diğer yarısı ise silolanmak suretiyle ham besin madde içerikleri belirlenmiştir. Araştırma tesadüf bloklarında Bölünmüş Parseller deneme deseninde, 4 tekrarlamalı olarak kurulmuştur. Ana parsellere hasat zamanları, alt parsellere ise bitki çeşitleri yerleştirilmiştir. Denemede ana parsel boyutları 11.2 m x 5.0 m = 56 m3' dir. Alt parsel genişlikleri ise sorgum, sudanotu ve sorgum- sudanotu melezinde 5.0 mx 2.0 m= 10 ms ve ; mısırda ise 5.0 m x 3.2 m = 16 m2' dir. Denemede bütün parsellere 8 kg N ve 8 kg PaOa hesabıyla gübre verilmiştir. Fosforlu gübrenin tamamı ekimle birlikte, azotlu gübrenin ise % 50'si ekimle, diğer yarısı ise sapa kalkma döneminde verilmiştir. Araştırmadan elde edilen sonuçlar üç farklı varyans analizine tabi tutularak farklar incelenmiştir. Birincisi kuru ot olarak ham besin içerikleri, ikinci olarak silaj yapılan bitkilerde ham besin madde içerikleri bölünmüş parseller deneme desenine göre, üçüncü olarak hasat zamanı, bitki çeşitleri; kuru ot116 ve silaj da kullanım amacı şeklinde bir faktör alınarak bölünen bölünmüş parseller deneme deseninde varyans analizine tabi tutulmuştur. Ayrıca yıllar birleştirilerek yılların etkileri de belirlenmiştir. Araştırmadan elde edilen bulgular özet olarak aşağıda verilmiştir. 1. Hasat devreleri ve bitkiler arasında bitki boyu, yaprak oranı, yeşil ot verimi ve kuru ot verimi gibi agronomik karekterler arasında farklılık tespit edilmiştir. 2. Hasat zamanı geciktikçe bitkilerde yapraklılık oranı azalmakta bu durumda, kuru otun kalitesini düşürmektedir. 3. Kalitesi yüksek kuru ot elde edilmek isteniyorsa bitkiler tam çiçeklenmeden önceki devrelerde hasat edilmelidir. 4. Hasat zamanı geciktikçe bitkilerde ham selüloz, N-siz öz madde ve organik madde oranı artarken ham protein ve ham kül içeriği azalmaktadır. Ham yag içeriğinde ise hasat zamanı ve bitkiler arasında belirgin bir farklılıklar ortaya çıkmamıştır. 5. Birim alandan en fazla yeşil ot ve kuru ot verimini sırasıyla melez, sudanotu, sorgum ve mısır vermiştir. 6. Bitkilerden kaliteli silo yemi elde edilmek isteniyorsa % 25 'den fazla kuru madde içerecek devrede hasat edilmelidir. 7.. Erken devrelerde hasat edilerek silolanan117 bitkilerde kuru madde oranını yükseltmek için silolama kurallarına ve katkı maddelerinin kullanımına ihtiyaç vardır. 8. Mısır ve sorgum süt olum devrelerinde hasat edildiklerinde hiç bir katkı maddesine gerek duyulmadan çok kaliteli silo yemi elde edilebilir. 9. Melez ve sudanotundan kaliteli silo yemi elde etmek zor olmaktadır. Bu bitkilerden kaliteli silo yemi elde etmek istenildiğinde parçalama, sıkıştırma işlemleri daha titizlikle yerine getirilmelidir
fid SUMMARY In this study conducted in Tokat ecological conditions in 1991 and 1992, some agronomical proporties and quality of hay and silage characteristics of sorghum, sudangrass, hybrid sorghum and maize harvested in different growth stages were determined. Four different crops were harvested in three different stages as before blooming, full blooming and milk stage. Half of the plots harvested were used for hay and other half for silage quality analysis plot. Experimental design was split plots with four replications. The harvesting times were main plots with crop sub-plots. Main plot size was 11.2 m x 5.0 m = 56 m2, sub-plot size was 5.0 x 2.0 m = 10 m2 for sorghum, sudangrass and hybrid and 5.0 m x 3.2 m = 16.0 ma for maize. All plots fertilizied with 8 kg/da nitrogen and 8 kg/da P20B. All phosphorus was apliced in sowing half at the nitrogen was aplication sowing and other half at the end of tillering. The data taken from the experiment were analyzed statistically. The hay quality characteristics and silage material data were analyzed using split-plots techniques and the data from crop types and using proposes were analyzed in split-split plot design. The experimental years were also analyzed as the means of years. The results taken from the experiment can be summerized as followings,J!9 1. There was a great variation among the crops and harvesting stages in terms of green matter, dry matter yields. 2. The leafiness decreased as the cutting time was delayed, and same happened in dry matter quality. 3. It was conducted that the crops should be harvested before full blooming stages to get highest qualitiy in dry matter. 4. The crude cellulose, cude material without nitrogen and organic material increased as the harvest was delayed. There was not significant differences among the harvesting stages and crops in certain characteristics. 5. The highest green and dry matter yields were taken from the hybrid, sudangrass, sorghum and maize respectively. 6. The crops should be harvested at a stage containing 25 % dry matter, if high quality silage material was desired. 7- I f the crops were harvested in early stages, it was suggested that additives should be used and more care should be given to silage increase dry matter content. 8. Very high quality silage were obtained in maize and sorghum harvested in milk dough stage without using any additives.&0 9. Hybrid and sudangrass were not easy material for silage production. If slage production was intended using this crops, chopping and squeezing procedures should be followed carefully. ^ Hl^^ VT^mn
fid SUMMARY In this study conducted in Tokat ecological conditions in 1991 and 1992, some agronomical proporties and quality of hay and silage characteristics of sorghum, sudangrass, hybrid sorghum and maize harvested in different growth stages were determined. Four different crops were harvested in three different stages as before blooming, full blooming and milk stage. Half of the plots harvested were used for hay and other half for silage quality analysis plot. Experimental design was split plots with four replications. The harvesting times were main plots with crop sub-plots. Main plot size was 11.2 m x 5.0 m = 56 m2, sub-plot size was 5.0 x 2.0 m = 10 m2 for sorghum, sudangrass and hybrid and 5.0 m x 3.2 m = 16.0 ma for maize. All plots fertilizied with 8 kg/da nitrogen and 8 kg/da P20B. All phosphorus was apliced in sowing half at the nitrogen was aplication sowing and other half at the end of tillering. The data taken from the experiment were analyzed statistically. The hay quality characteristics and silage material data were analyzed using split-plots techniques and the data from crop types and using proposes were analyzed in split-split plot design. The experimental years were also analyzed as the means of years. The results taken from the experiment can be summerized as followings,J!9 1. There was a great variation among the crops and harvesting stages in terms of green matter, dry matter yields. 2. The leafiness decreased as the cutting time was delayed, and same happened in dry matter quality. 3. It was conducted that the crops should be harvested before full blooming stages to get highest qualitiy in dry matter. 4. The crude cellulose, cude material without nitrogen and organic material increased as the harvest was delayed. There was not significant differences among the harvesting stages and crops in certain characteristics. 5. The highest green and dry matter yields were taken from the hybrid, sudangrass, sorghum and maize respectively. 6. The crops should be harvested at a stage containing 25 % dry matter, if high quality silage material was desired. 7- I f the crops were harvested in early stages, it was suggested that additives should be used and more care should be given to silage increase dry matter content. 8. Very high quality silage were obtained in maize and sorghum harvested in milk dough stage without using any additives.&0 9. Hybrid and sudangrass were not easy material for silage production. If slage production was intended using this crops, chopping and squeezing procedures should be followed carefully. ^ Hl^^ VT^mn
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Birinci ürün, Primary crop, Mısır, Maize, Silaj, Silage, Sorgum, Sorghum, Sudan otu, Sudangrass, Tarla bitkileri, Field crops, Tokat, Tokat, Verim, Yield