Crohn’s colitis perforation due to superimposed invasive amebic colitis: A case report
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İnflamatuar barsak hastalıklarının kliniği ve mikroskopik özellikleri amebik kolit ile karışabilmektedir. Amebiazis inşamatuar barsak hastalığı üzerine eklendiğinde oldukça şiddetli sonuçlar doğurabilir. İnşamatuar barsak hastalığı olan olgularda amebiazis daha sık görülmektedir ve bu birliktelik ülseratif kolitte daha sık gözlenmektedir. Literatürde Crohn hastalığı ile amebik kolit arasındaki ilişki üzerine yayımlanmış çalı şma sayısı oldukça azdır. Bu çalışmada invaziv amebiazis nedeni ile kolonik perforasyon gelişen bir crohn kolitini sunmayı amaçladık. Amebiazisin endemic olduğu bölgelere seyehat eden inşamatuar barsak hastalığı olan hastalar profilaktik antiamebik medikasyondan fayda görebilir
The clinical and microscopic appearances of inflammatory bowel disease may be very similar to those of amebic colitis. The coexistence of invasive amebiasis with inflammatory bowel disease may have disastrous results. Patients with inflammatory bowel disease have a greater prevalence of amebiasis, but this association is more significant for ulcerative colitis. There have been very few reports in the literature presenting the superimposition of amebiasis on Crohn’s disease. In this report, a rare case of Crohn’s colitis with superimposed amebiasis resulting in colonic perforation is presented. Patients with inflammatory bowel disease traveling to endemic areas may benefit from receiving a course of prophylactic anti-amebic medication.
The clinical and microscopic appearances of inflammatory bowel disease may be very similar to those of amebic colitis. The coexistence of invasive amebiasis with inflammatory bowel disease may have disastrous results. Patients with inflammatory bowel disease have a greater prevalence of amebiasis, but this association is more significant for ulcerative colitis. There have been very few reports in the literature presenting the superimposition of amebiasis on Crohn’s disease. In this report, a rare case of Crohn’s colitis with superimposed amebiasis resulting in colonic perforation is presented. Patients with inflammatory bowel disease traveling to endemic areas may benefit from receiving a course of prophylactic anti-amebic medication.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology
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