Prokaryotik hücrelerde anyonik yerlerin belirlenmesi ve ilişkili olarak pseudomonos aeruginosa'nın trake epiteline bağlanmasında sialik asidin rolü
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Ege Üniversitesi
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18 6. ÖZET Bu çalışmada amaç Gr(+) Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus B~ haemoiyticus ve Gr(-) Pseudomonas aenıginosa bakterilerinde glikokaliks materyalini belirlemekti. Bu amaçla bakterilerin fîksatif solüsyonlarına katyonik boyalar olan RR ve AB eklenmiştir. Epon 812'ye gömülen bakterilerin uranil asetat ve Reynold's iie boyanmış veya boyanmamış örneklerinde, Gr(+) bakterilerin hem plazma zarının peptidoglikan tabakasına bakan yüzünde, hem de glikokaiiksin en dış yüzünde; Gr(-) bakterilerde ise yalnız dış plazma zarında yoğun boyanmış anyonik bölgeler belirlenmiştir. Buna ek olarak RR'in gömme ortamlarına bağlı olarak AB'dan daha iyi sonuç verdiği de gözlenmiştir. Streptococcus fi-haemoliticus bakterisinin 12 ve 24 saatlik hücrelerinin glikokaliksleri farklı kalınlıktadır. Yaşlı hücreler daha kalın ve anyonik yerler bakımından daha zengin kapsüle değişmiş bir dış örtüye sahiptirler. Bakterilerin, bakteriyal kılıflarında bulunan glîkokaliks materyaldeki anyonik bölgeler yardımıyla birbirlerine tutundukları ve koloni yapılarını oluşturdukları gözlenmiştir, Pseudomonas aeruginosa 'nın benzer tutunma ve bağlanma olayını enfeksiyon yaptığı doku hücreleriyle de yaptıkları, fare trake epiteiîyle yüzleştirilerek gösterilmiştir. Anyonik bölgelerdeki tutunma reseptörünün sialik asit olduğunu belirlemek amacıyla, bakterilere ve epitel hücrelerine ayrı ayrı neuraminidaz enzimi uygulandı. Böylece hem bakteri ve doku hücre yüzeylerinde sialik asit varlığı belirlenmiş, hem de bakteri-doku bağlanmasında bakteriyal glikokaliks materyaldeki sialik asidin daha önemli olduğu istatistiksel bulgularla desteklenmiştir
19 SUMMARY The purpose of the study is to determine glycocalyx material in Gr(+) Stapylococcus aureus, Streptococcus p- haemolyticus and Gr(-) Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria. With this purpose, RR and AB cationic regions have been added to the fixation solution. Dense anionic regions have been notified on the inner surface of the peptidoglycan layer of the plasma membrane and on the outer surface of the gliycocalyx of the Gr(+), and only on the outer surface of the plasma membrane of the Gr(-) bacteria samples, either stained with uranil acetat and Reynolds or not, and embedded in Epon 812. Besides, it has been also observed that RR has been more effective due to the embedment media. The glycocalyx cells of Streptococcus (3-haemolyticus bacteria at 12 and 24 hours have different thickness. The older cells are thicker and the outer layer is richer in anionic regions and replaced more by capsules. It has been observed that bacteria have been attached to each other by bacterial glycocalyx assembly and form colonial bodies. A similar attachment and adherence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa with the infected tissue has been demonstrated on the mice respiratory tract epithelium. To show that the adherence receptor is sialic acid, the bacteria and the epithelium cells have been treated by neuraminidase enzyme. By this way the existence of sialic acid both on bacteria and on the surface of tissue cells have been demonstrated and it has also been statistically shown that sialic acid in bacterial glycocalyx has a more important role in adherence.
19 SUMMARY The purpose of the study is to determine glycocalyx material in Gr(+) Stapylococcus aureus, Streptococcus p- haemolyticus and Gr(-) Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria. With this purpose, RR and AB cationic regions have been added to the fixation solution. Dense anionic regions have been notified on the inner surface of the peptidoglycan layer of the plasma membrane and on the outer surface of the gliycocalyx of the Gr(+), and only on the outer surface of the plasma membrane of the Gr(-) bacteria samples, either stained with uranil acetat and Reynolds or not, and embedded in Epon 812. Besides, it has been also observed that RR has been more effective due to the embedment media. The glycocalyx cells of Streptococcus (3-haemolyticus bacteria at 12 and 24 hours have different thickness. The older cells are thicker and the outer layer is richer in anionic regions and replaced more by capsules. It has been observed that bacteria have been attached to each other by bacterial glycocalyx assembly and form colonial bodies. A similar attachment and adherence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa with the infected tissue has been demonstrated on the mice respiratory tract epithelium. To show that the adherence receptor is sialic acid, the bacteria and the epithelium cells have been treated by neuraminidase enzyme. By this way the existence of sialic acid both on bacteria and on the surface of tissue cells have been demonstrated and it has also been statistically shown that sialic acid in bacterial glycocalyx has a more important role in adherence.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Biyoloji, Biology, Glikobiyoloji, Glycobiology, Glikozilasyon, Glycosylation, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Siyalik asitler, Sialic acids