XVIII. ve XIX. Yüzyılda Rusya’nın Kuzey Kafkasya’yı Kolonileştirmesinde Kozakların işlevi
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Rusya on sekizinci yüzyılın ikinci yarısından itibaren Kuzey Kafkasya’ya olan ilgisini daha planlı politikalar geliştirerek göstermeye başladı. Bu planlı politik hamlelerin başında Kafkasya’nın Slavlaştırılması ve Hıristiyanlaştırılması gelmek- tedir. Bu plana göre; bölgeye çiftçilik yapacak Rus köylülerinin yanı sıra birçok farklı etnik kökenden halklar iskân edilmiştir. Özellikle Mozdok-Azak hattı bo- yunca bu iskân politikası uygulanmıştır. Bu halkların içinde mujikler ve Kozaklar ekseriyeti teşkil etmekteydi. Farklı mıntıkalardan zorla getirilen Kozaklar savaşçı özellikleriyle Rusya’nın Kafkasya politikalarında çok kullanışlı bir enstrüman olarak kullanılmıştır.
Since the second quarter of 18th. Century Russia began to show it’s attention the Northern Caucasus developing more structured policies. The slavization and christianization of the Caucasus is at the begining of these planned political moves. According to this plan, as well as Russian peasants to farm and peoples from different ethnic origin were settled in this area. This settlement policy has been applied especially along the Mozdok-Azov line. This constituted the majority of the people in the muzhiks and the Cossacks. Cossacks, with warrior features, brought by force from different sectors were used as a very functional instrument in Caucasus policies of Russia.
Since the second quarter of 18th. Century Russia began to show it’s attention the Northern Caucasus developing more structured policies. The slavization and christianization of the Caucasus is at the begining of these planned political moves. According to this plan, as well as Russian peasants to farm and peoples from different ethnic origin were settled in this area. This settlement policy has been applied especially along the Mozdok-Azov line. This constituted the majority of the people in the muzhiks and the Cossacks. Cossacks, with warrior features, brought by force from different sectors were used as a very functional instrument in Caucasus policies of Russia.
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