The Measurement of the mean life of nuclei by the delayed coincidence method
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
V ÖZET ÇEKİRDEKLERİN ORTALAMA ÖMRÜNÜN GECİKMELİ KOİNSİDENS METODU İLE ÖLÇÜLMESİ TURAN, Ercan Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Fizik Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Fevzi Ciğeroğlu Eylül 1998, 47 sayfa ?I 11 Bu deneysel çalışmada, Ba ün elektron yakalama ile bozunması sonucu Cs133'ün ilk uyartılmış durumunun ortalama ömrü, gecikmeli koinsidens metodu ile ölçülmüştür. Şekil 4.2'de gösterilen deneysel düzenek kullanılarak, Cs133'ün 356 ve 81 KeV.'luk gamma ışınları arasındaki koinsidens hali ve zaman dağılımı ölçülerek, ilgili seviyenin ortalama ömrü (6,72 ± 0,42) ns olarak bulunmuştur. Sonuçtaki hata sistematik belirsizliklerden ileri gelmektedir. Bulunan bu sonuç, E. Bodenstedt ve arkadaşlarının ve D. Bloess ve F. Munnich'in bulduğu sonuçlarla uygunluk göstermektedir. Anahtar sözcükler : Ortalama ömür, Gecikmeli koinsidens metodu
VI ABSTRACT THE MEASUREMENT OF THE MEAN LIFE OF NUCLEI BY THE DELAYED COINCIDENCE METHOD TURAN, Ercan MSc in Department of Phys. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Fevzi Ciğeroğlu September 1998, 47 pages In this research, the mean life of the first excited state of Cs. happened by electron capture of Ba, has been measured with the delayed coincidence method. By means of the experimental set up shown in fig.4.2, the coincidences between 356 KeV and 81 KeV y-rays of Cs, and time distribution were measured and the mean life of this state was found to be (6,72 ± 0,42) ns. It is observed that, the quoted error in this mean life reflects only systematic uncertainties. Our measurement is in agreement with the E. Bodenstedt at al., and D. Bloess and F. Munnich's results. Keywords : The mean life, The delayed coincidence method.
VI ABSTRACT THE MEASUREMENT OF THE MEAN LIFE OF NUCLEI BY THE DELAYED COINCIDENCE METHOD TURAN, Ercan MSc in Department of Phys. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Fevzi Ciğeroğlu September 1998, 47 pages In this research, the mean life of the first excited state of Cs. happened by electron capture of Ba, has been measured with the delayed coincidence method. By means of the experimental set up shown in fig.4.2, the coincidences between 356 KeV and 81 KeV y-rays of Cs, and time distribution were measured and the mean life of this state was found to be (6,72 ± 0,42) ns. It is observed that, the quoted error in this mean life reflects only systematic uncertainties. Our measurement is in agreement with the E. Bodenstedt at al., and D. Bloess and F. Munnich's results. Keywords : The mean life, The delayed coincidence method.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Fizik ve Fizik Mühendisliği, Physics and Physics Engineering, Çekirdek, Nucleus