ETÜF Çocuk Hastanesine başvuran ateşli çocuklarda viral-bakteriyel enfeksiyon ayrımında akut faz reaktanlarının kullanımı
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Ege Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Amaç: Bu çalışma Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Genel Pediatri Polikliniği ve Çocuk Acil Servise ateş yakınması ile başvuran, yaşları 1 ay-18 yaş arasında değişen çocuklarda viral-bakteriyel enfeksiyon ayrımında akut faz reaktanlarının yararı, birbirlerine olan üstünlükleri, pratikte kullanılabilirliklerinin araştırılması amacıyla yapılmıştır. Gereç ve yöntem: Mart 2015-Şubat 2016 arasında Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Genel Pediatri Polikliniği ve Çocuk Acil Servis'e ateş yakınması ile başvuran, yaşları 1 ay-18 yaş arasında değişen 300 olgu çalışmaya alındı. Yenidoğan döneminde olan ve bilinen ateş yüksekliğine neden olan (FMF, PFAPA vb.) hastalığı olan olgular çalışma dışı bırakıldı. Öykü ve fizik muayeneden oluşan bir olgu rapor formu doktor tarafından doldurularak; hastanın yaşına, aşılama durumuna ve genel durumuna bakılarak, hemogram, CRP, eritrosit sedimentasyon hızı, prokalsitonin her hastadan, tam idrar analizi, gaita direk bakısı, nazofaringeal viral sürüntü, akciğer grafisi, kan-idrar-gaita-BOS kültürleri ise hastanın kliniğine uygun olanlardan alındı. Yaş gruplarına göre viral/bakteriyel enfeksiyon görülme sıklığı, kan alınma zamanının akut faz reaktanları üzerine etkisi, sonuçta tespit edilen enfeksiyonun viral/bakteriyel olmasına göre akut faz reaktanlarının yanıtı değerlendirildi. Enfeksiyonun viral ya da bakteriyel olmasına göre akut faz reaktanlarının etkinliğinin değerlendirilmesi amacıyla ROC analizi yapıldı. Bulgular: Çalışmaya alınan olguların %54.7'si (n:164) erkek, %45.3'ü (n:136) kız olup yaş ortalaması 56.6 ± 48.0 ay idi. Erkek cinsiyette viral enfeksiyonların kız cinsiyette ise bakteriyel enfeksiyonlar daha sık bulundu. Olguların %38.3'ü (n:115) viral tonsillofarenjit, %16'sı (n:48) pnömoni, %11'i (n:33) bakteriyel tonsillofarenjit, %9'u (n:27) sinüzit, %8.7'si (n:26) idrar yolu enfeksiyonu (İYE), %3.7'si (n:11) akut otitis media (AOM), %3.3'ü (n:10) akut gastroenterit (AGE), %2'si (n:6) akut bronşiolit, %1.7'si (n:5) gizli bakteriyemi ve %6.3'ü (n:19) diğer olarak sınıflandı. Prodromal dönem varlığı viral enfeksiyon açısından anlamlı bulundu. Vücut sıcaklığı arttıkça bakteriyel olma olasılığının arttığı görüldü. Genel görünüm tek başına viral-bakteriyel enfeksiyon ayrımında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmadı. Lökopeni viral enfeksiyonlarda, lökositoz ise bakteriyel enfeksiyonlarda daha çok görüldü. Bakteriyel enfeksiyonlarda nötrofili, viral enfeksiyonlarda ise nötropeni bulundu. Lökosit sayısı için 15.000/mm3 cut-off olarak seçildiğinde sensitivite %33, spesivite ise %88 saptandı. Nötrofil sayısı 10000/mm3'ün üzerindeki değerler cut-off seçildiğinde sensitivite %36, spesivite %90 olarak bulundu. CRP arttıkça bakteriyel enfeksiyon olasılığının arttığı görüldü. CRP'nin 12-24 saat arasında alındığında daha iyi bir belirteç olduğu saptandı. Cut-off değeri ise %61 sensitivite ve %91 spesifite ile 2.2 mg/dL'nin üzeri olarak belirlendi. Eritrosit sedimentasyon hızı artışı da CRP ile benzer şekilde istatistiksel olarak bakteriyel lehine saptandı. 72. saatten sonraki ölçümlerde daha değerli olduğu görüldü. Cut-off değeri %61 sensitivite ve %64 spesifite ile 19 mm/h üzeri olarak belirlendi. Prokalsitonin yüksek olan olguların bakteriyel olma olasılığı da istatistiksel olarak anlamlı değerlendirildi. 12-24. saat arasındaki ölçümlerde daha değerli olduğu görüldü. Cut-off değeri %62 sensitivite ve %61 spesifite ile 0.19 mcg/L olarak belirlendi. Alınan kan kültürlerinde %5.7 oranında üreme saptandı. Üreyen etkenler; Acinetobacter lwoffi, Streptococcus pneumonia, Koagulaz negatif streptokok ve Pseudomonas aeruginosa idi. İdrar kültürlerinde %26.1 oranında üreme saptandı. En sık etken %47 E.Coli olarak tespit edildi. Bir olgunun gaita kültüründe Campylobacter coli üremesi oldu. Olguların %1.6'sında BOS kültürü alındı ancak üreme saptanmadı. Olguların %1'inden transtrakeal aspirat (TTA) kültürü alındı ve hepsinde üreme oldu. Etkenler; pseudomonas aeruginosa, streptococcus pneumonia, staphilococcus aureus+haemophilus influenza non tip B olarak belirlendi. Toplam 25 olgudan (%8.3) nazal viral sürüntü alındı. Bunlardan 4'ü (%16) negatif saptanırken 21'i (%84) pozitif saptandı. En sık etken influenza A olarak tespit edildi. Antibiyotik kullanımına baktığımızda; viral enfeksiyon olduğu halde başvuru öncesinde antibiyotik başlanmış olan 50 olgu (%51) mevcuttu. Bakteriyel enfeksiyon olanlarda ise başvurudan önce antibiyotik kullanmamış olan 92 olgu (%65.7) bulundu. Tüm olguların arasında antibiyotik başlanmış olan 98 olgu (%32.6) saptandı. En sık kullanılan antibiyotiğin %29 oranında amoksisilin-klavulanat olduğu belirlendi. Sonuç: Bu çalışma ile çocuklarda enfeksiyöz nedenli ateşin çoğunlukla basit viral enfeksiyona bağlı olduğu vurgusu yinelendi. Vücut sıcaklığı ve prodromal dönem varlığının bakteriyel-viral ayrımında önemli öngördürücü parametreler olduğu gösterildi. Genel görünümün bakteriyel-viral ayrımında tek başına tahmin ettirici olmadığından hastanın yaşı ve aşılama durumuna göre laboratuar testlerinden faydalanılması gerektiği vurgulandı. Lökosit sayısının sensitivitesi oldukça düşükken, en iyi belirtecin özellikle ateşin 12-24. saatlerinde alınması durumunda CRP olduğu gösterildi. Geç dönemde başvuran olgularda ise eritrosit sedimentasyon hızının daha değerli bir gösterge olduğu ortaya kondu. Viral enfeksiyon olduğu halde başvuru öncesi antibiyotik başlanma oranının çok yüksek olduğu belirlendi. Klinisyenin öykü, fizik muayene ve gerekli gördüğünde laboratuar parametrelerini kullanarak tanı koymada bu veriler ışığında hareket etmesi ile, tetkik ve tedavi maliyetlerinin azaltılabileceği, bakteriyel enfeksiyonların atlanmayacağı ve viral enfeksiyonlara gereksiz antibiyotik başlanmayarak direnç ve yan etki gelişiminin önlenebileceği kanısına varılmıştır.
Objective: This study was prepared to search superiorities and benefits of acute phase reaction in division of viral –bacterical infection and usefulness in practise of them for children ( between 1 month-18 ages) who had fever and applied to General Pediatric Policlinic and Pediatric Emergency Department of Ege University Medical Faculty. Methods: The study included 300 patients (between 1 month-18 ages) who had fever and applied to General Pediatric Policlinic and Pediatric Emergency Department of Ege University Medical Faculty in between March 2015-February 2016. Patients that were in term of newborn and have a disease caused fever (FMF, PFAPA etc.) were excluded. A case report form of existing from story and physical examination was filled by the doctor. Complete blood count, CRP, erythrocyte sedimentation rate and procalcitonin were performed all of patients. Urine analyse, direct examination of faeces, viral nasophryngeal swab, chest radiography, blood-urine-gaita–CSF culture samples were taken from patients with convenient clinic by being studied age of patient and situation of immunization. According to groups of age, ratio being encountered of viral/bacterical infection, effect of time being taken blood over acute phase reaction were evaluated as to be viral/bacterical being determined. ROC analyse was made for being evaluated activity of acute phase reaction according to infection was viral or bacterical. Results: %54.7 was male, %45.3 was female of the patients and their average of ages were 56.6 ± 48.0 months. Gender of male was determined more viral infections and gender of female was found more bacterical infections. As %38.3 viral tonsillopharyngitis, %16 pneumonia, %11 bacterical tonsillopharyngitis, %9 sinusitis, %8.7 urinary tract infection, %3.7 acute otitis media, %3.3 acute gastroenteritis ,%2 acute bronchiolitis, %1.7 occult bacteriemia and %6.3 others of the cases were classified. In existence of prodromal period of viral infection, was significant. When the body temperature increased, that possibility of bacterical infection increased was seen. General condition was not statistically significant in division of viral-bacterical infection alone. Leukopenia in viral infections and leukocytosis in bacterical infections were seen much more. Neutropenia in viral infections and neutrophilia in bacterical infections were found. When 15.000/mm3 cut-off was selected for number of leukocyte, sensitivity %33 and specificity %88 were determined. When CRP increased, that possibility of bacterical infection increased was seen. That CRP was a better marker was determined, when it was taken between 12-24 hours. Rising of erythrocyte sedimentation rate like CRP was found in bacterical’s favour statistically, after 72nd hours, ıt was seen more valuable. Cut-off value with %61 sensitivity and %64 specificity was over 19 mm/h. Possibility to be bacterical of cases which have high procalcitonin was evaluated meaningfully. It was seen more valuable in measurements between 12-24 hours. Cut-off value with %62 sensitivity and %61 specificity was 0.19 mcg/L. Positive blood cultures was found %5.7. The microorganisms were Acinetobacter lwoffi, Streptococcus pneumonia, Coagulase negative staphilococcus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Positive urine cultures was %26.1. The most often microorganism was E.Coli (%47). Campylobacter coli reproduction was revealed in gaita culture of a case. CSF sample was taken from %1.6 case but all of them was negative. Transtracheal aspirate sample was taken from %1 cases and all of the transtracheal aspirate cultures was positive. Factors: As pseudomonas aeruginosa, streptococcus pneumonia, staphilococcus aureus+haemophilus influenza non type B were determined. Nasopharyngeal viral swab was taken from 25 cases in total. 4 (%16) from these were negative and 21 (%84) were positive. The most often virus was influenza. When we searched antibiotic using, in spite of viral infection, there were 50 (%51) cases that took antibiotic before applying. There were 92 (%65.7) cases that not took antibiotic before applying in ones with bacterical infection. 98 ones that took antibiotic among all of cases were detected. The most being used antibiotic was amoxicillin-clavulanate in %29 ratio. Conclusion: That fever which infectious caused in children associted with simple viral infection was repeated with this study. That body temperature and existence of prodromal term were important parameters in bacterical-viral infection division were demonstrated. It was stressed that laboratory tests were needed according to situation of immunization and age of patient, because general aspect in bacterical-viral infection division was not a guessworker alone. When sensitivity of leukocyte count was rather low, the best marker especially was CRP in case of measuring fever in 12-24 hours. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate was more valuable in cases of late term. In spite of viral infection, ratio of using antibiotic was so high before applying. Clinic story: It was decided that treatment fees were decreased, bacterial infections were not misdiagnosed and viral infections were not treated with antibiotics as using effective laboratory parameters in diagnosis. In this way we can prevent antibiotic resistance and side effects.
Objective: This study was prepared to search superiorities and benefits of acute phase reaction in division of viral –bacterical infection and usefulness in practise of them for children ( between 1 month-18 ages) who had fever and applied to General Pediatric Policlinic and Pediatric Emergency Department of Ege University Medical Faculty. Methods: The study included 300 patients (between 1 month-18 ages) who had fever and applied to General Pediatric Policlinic and Pediatric Emergency Department of Ege University Medical Faculty in between March 2015-February 2016. Patients that were in term of newborn and have a disease caused fever (FMF, PFAPA etc.) were excluded. A case report form of existing from story and physical examination was filled by the doctor. Complete blood count, CRP, erythrocyte sedimentation rate and procalcitonin were performed all of patients. Urine analyse, direct examination of faeces, viral nasophryngeal swab, chest radiography, blood-urine-gaita–CSF culture samples were taken from patients with convenient clinic by being studied age of patient and situation of immunization. According to groups of age, ratio being encountered of viral/bacterical infection, effect of time being taken blood over acute phase reaction were evaluated as to be viral/bacterical being determined. ROC analyse was made for being evaluated activity of acute phase reaction according to infection was viral or bacterical. Results: %54.7 was male, %45.3 was female of the patients and their average of ages were 56.6 ± 48.0 months. Gender of male was determined more viral infections and gender of female was found more bacterical infections. As %38.3 viral tonsillopharyngitis, %16 pneumonia, %11 bacterical tonsillopharyngitis, %9 sinusitis, %8.7 urinary tract infection, %3.7 acute otitis media, %3.3 acute gastroenteritis ,%2 acute bronchiolitis, %1.7 occult bacteriemia and %6.3 others of the cases were classified. In existence of prodromal period of viral infection, was significant. When the body temperature increased, that possibility of bacterical infection increased was seen. General condition was not statistically significant in division of viral-bacterical infection alone. Leukopenia in viral infections and leukocytosis in bacterical infections were seen much more. Neutropenia in viral infections and neutrophilia in bacterical infections were found. When 15.000/mm3 cut-off was selected for number of leukocyte, sensitivity %33 and specificity %88 were determined. When CRP increased, that possibility of bacterical infection increased was seen. That CRP was a better marker was determined, when it was taken between 12-24 hours. Rising of erythrocyte sedimentation rate like CRP was found in bacterical’s favour statistically, after 72nd hours, ıt was seen more valuable. Cut-off value with %61 sensitivity and %64 specificity was over 19 mm/h. Possibility to be bacterical of cases which have high procalcitonin was evaluated meaningfully. It was seen more valuable in measurements between 12-24 hours. Cut-off value with %62 sensitivity and %61 specificity was 0.19 mcg/L. Positive blood cultures was found %5.7. The microorganisms were Acinetobacter lwoffi, Streptococcus pneumonia, Coagulase negative staphilococcus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Positive urine cultures was %26.1. The most often microorganism was E.Coli (%47). Campylobacter coli reproduction was revealed in gaita culture of a case. CSF sample was taken from %1.6 case but all of them was negative. Transtracheal aspirate sample was taken from %1 cases and all of the transtracheal aspirate cultures was positive. Factors: As pseudomonas aeruginosa, streptococcus pneumonia, staphilococcus aureus+haemophilus influenza non type B were determined. Nasopharyngeal viral swab was taken from 25 cases in total. 4 (%16) from these were negative and 21 (%84) were positive. The most often virus was influenza. When we searched antibiotic using, in spite of viral infection, there were 50 (%51) cases that took antibiotic before applying. There were 92 (%65.7) cases that not took antibiotic before applying in ones with bacterical infection. 98 ones that took antibiotic among all of cases were detected. The most being used antibiotic was amoxicillin-clavulanate in %29 ratio. Conclusion: That fever which infectious caused in children associted with simple viral infection was repeated with this study. That body temperature and existence of prodromal term were important parameters in bacterical-viral infection division were demonstrated. It was stressed that laboratory tests were needed according to situation of immunization and age of patient, because general aspect in bacterical-viral infection division was not a guessworker alone. When sensitivity of leukocyte count was rather low, the best marker especially was CRP in case of measuring fever in 12-24 hours. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate was more valuable in cases of late term. In spite of viral infection, ratio of using antibiotic was so high before applying. Clinic story: It was decided that treatment fees were decreased, bacterial infections were not misdiagnosed and viral infections were not treated with antibiotics as using effective laboratory parameters in diagnosis. In this way we can prevent antibiotic resistance and side effects.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Çocuk, Viral Enfeksiyon, Bakteriyel Enfeksiyon, Akut Faz Reaktanları, Child, Viral Infection, Bacterical Infection, Acute Phase Reactants