İdari Yargıda Tıbbi Uygulama Hatalarından Kaynaklanan Davalarda Bilirkişi Raporlarınınincelenmesi
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Bilirkişi; uyuşmazlığın çözümünde hâkime yardım eden, hazırlanan rapor ile özel veya teknik bir konudaki bilgisini kullanarak uyuşmazlığın çözümünde katkıda bulunan kişidir. Bilirkişilik, yargılamada hâkimin hukuk bilgisi dışında özel veya teknik bilgiye ihtiyaç duyması durumunda kullanılabilecek yollardan birisi olup, günümüzde hukuk uygulamalarında bilirkişi kavramı yaygın bir şekilde delil olarak kullanılmaktadır. Tıbbi uygulama hataları genel hukuki bilgiler ile çözümlenemez. Hukuk mesleği bilgisiyle çözümü olanaklı olmayan bu tür konularda hâkimin bilirkişiye başvurması yasa gereğidir ancak bilirkişi raporunun hâkimi bağlamayacağı, takdirin hâkime ait olduğu bilirkişi raporu takdiri delil sayılacağı belirtilmiştir. Ülkemizde yargı teşkilatı üç ana kola ayrılmakta olup bunlar adlî, idarî ve askerî yargı kollarıdır. Yasal mevzuatımızda bilirkişilik ile ilgili düzenlemeler HMK’nun 266. ve 287. maddeleri, CMK’nun ise 62. ve 73. maddeleri arasında yer almaktadır. İYUK’nun 31. maddesine göre bilirkişilik gerektiği durumlarda, HMK hükümlerinin uygulanacağı belirtilmiştir. Bilirkişinin yapmış olduğu görevinin önemi dolayısıyla sahip olması gereken belli başlı nitelikler bulunmakta olup, bunlar uzmanlık, tarafsızlık ve dürüstlüktür. Resmi bilirkişiler, her yıl il adli yargı adalet komisyonunca belirlenen resmi bilirkişi listesinde yer alanlar ile resmi bilirkişilik kurumlarında çalışanlardır. Bunların dışında konunun gerektirdiği uzmanlık bilgisine sahip olarak çalışan fakat listede yer almayan kişiler de bilirkişi olarak görevlendirilebilir. Ülkemizde kanunla kendilerine bilirkişilik görevi verilen kurumlar da bulunmaktadır. Resmi bilirkişiler, ihtiyaç duyulması halinde yargı organlarına yardımcı olmak ve onlara bilirkişilik yapmakla kanun tarafından görevlendirilmiş kişi olup, bu kişiler için bilirkişilik yapmak yasal bir yükümlülüktür. Hukuk davalarında,HMK 274/1. maddesi uyarınca bilirkişinin raporunu hazırlaması için verilen sürenin 3 ayı geçemeyeceği, ancak bilirkişinin isteği üzerine yine 3 ayı geçmeyecek şekilde mahkeme tarafından ek inceleme süresi verilebileceği belirtilmiştir. Beşyüz adet Danıştay kararı incelenmiş olup, çalışmamızda bunlardan 31’ine yer verilmiştir. Bunlar bozma veya onama kararlarıdır. Bozma kararı verilen davalarda eksik inceleme yapılmış olduğu veya bilirkişi raporunun kabul edilemez olduğu gerekçe gösterilmiş, eksik inceleme yapılmış olmasının gerekçe gösterildiği davalarda; bilirkişiden görüş alınmamış olduğu, Adli Tıp Kurumu İhtisas Kurulu’ndan görüş alınmamış olduğu, Adli Tıp Kurumu Genel Kurulu’nda görüş alınmamış olduğu, Yüksek Sağlık Şurası’ndan görüş alınmamış olduğu veya Üniversiteden görüş alınmamış olduğu üzerinde durulmuştur. Ayrıca idarenin hizmet kusurunun açık olduğu belirtilerek, bu tür davalarda bilirkişi görüşüne başvurulmadan verilen kararların da Danıştay tarafından onaylandığı görülmektedir. Onama kararları, idare mahkemesinin incelemelerinin yeterli, temyizen incelenen kararın usul ve hukuka uygun görülmesinin yanı sıra temyiz dilekçesinde ileri sürülen hususların kararın bozulmasını gerektirecek nitelikte olmadığı gerekçesiyle verilmiştir.
Expert is a person who helps the judge in the settlement of the disputes and contributes to the settlement of the disputes by using his/her special or technical knowledge. Expertness is one way which could be used when the judge needs special or technical knowledge other than the legal knowledge. Nowadays the concept of expert is widely used as evidence. Medical malpractices could not resolve by general law knowledge. in such matters which could not be resolved by the knowledge of the legal profession, consulting to an expert is required by law but it has been reported that the expert report does not bind the judge, hence the decision belongs to the judge and the evaluation of the expert report can only be considered as evidence. in our country the judicial system is divided into three main branches e.g. judicial, administrative and military. the arrangement related with expertise takes place between the articles 266 and 287 of Code of Civil Procedure and articles 62 and 73 of Code of Criminal Procedure in our legal system. According to the article 31 of Code of Administrative Procedure, it has been reported that Code of Civil Procedure rules shall be applied in the requirement of the expertise. Because of the importance of the duty of the expert, there are some qualifications that an expert should have. These are expertise, impartiality and integrity. Official experts are the individuals involved in the expert list which are determined by the provincial commission of judicial justice each year. Furthermore, the individuals who are not included in the list can also be charged as an expert. in our country there are some institutions that are given the task of expert by law. Official experts are the individuals authorized by the law to help judicial bodies and to peer-review them in times of need; peer-reviewing is legal liability for this individuals. in civil cases,according to 274/1st article of Code of Civil Procedure,the period given for the preparation of the expert report cannot exceed three months but it has been reported that additional examination period could be given by the court with the request of the expert (not exceeding 3 months again). Five hundred decisions of the Council of State have been examined and 31 of them have been included in our study. These are reversal or affirmance decisions. in the court cases related to the reversal decisions, following elements can be seen; there were incomplete examinations and unacceptable expert reports was made, the expert opinion was not received, the opinion of Specialized Board of the Forensic Medicine Institute was not received, the opinion of General Assembly of the Forensic Medicine Institute was not received, the opinion of the Supreme Council of Health was not received or the opinion of the universities was not received. Furthermore it is clear that there is a service defect, and also it can be seen that these decisions which are made without receiving the opinion of the expert are approved by the Council of State. Affirmance decisions are given by the reasons as follows, the examinations of the administrative court are sufficient, the decision appealed for correction was seen in accordance with procedure and law, and additionally the subjects alleged in the appellate petition have not enough qualifications for reversing the decision.
Expert is a person who helps the judge in the settlement of the disputes and contributes to the settlement of the disputes by using his/her special or technical knowledge. Expertness is one way which could be used when the judge needs special or technical knowledge other than the legal knowledge. Nowadays the concept of expert is widely used as evidence. Medical malpractices could not resolve by general law knowledge. in such matters which could not be resolved by the knowledge of the legal profession, consulting to an expert is required by law but it has been reported that the expert report does not bind the judge, hence the decision belongs to the judge and the evaluation of the expert report can only be considered as evidence. in our country the judicial system is divided into three main branches e.g. judicial, administrative and military. the arrangement related with expertise takes place between the articles 266 and 287 of Code of Civil Procedure and articles 62 and 73 of Code of Criminal Procedure in our legal system. According to the article 31 of Code of Administrative Procedure, it has been reported that Code of Civil Procedure rules shall be applied in the requirement of the expertise. Because of the importance of the duty of the expert, there are some qualifications that an expert should have. These are expertise, impartiality and integrity. Official experts are the individuals involved in the expert list which are determined by the provincial commission of judicial justice each year. Furthermore, the individuals who are not included in the list can also be charged as an expert. in our country there are some institutions that are given the task of expert by law. Official experts are the individuals authorized by the law to help judicial bodies and to peer-review them in times of need; peer-reviewing is legal liability for this individuals. in civil cases,according to 274/1st article of Code of Civil Procedure,the period given for the preparation of the expert report cannot exceed three months but it has been reported that additional examination period could be given by the court with the request of the expert (not exceeding 3 months again). Five hundred decisions of the Council of State have been examined and 31 of them have been included in our study. These are reversal or affirmance decisions. in the court cases related to the reversal decisions, following elements can be seen; there were incomplete examinations and unacceptable expert reports was made, the expert opinion was not received, the opinion of Specialized Board of the Forensic Medicine Institute was not received, the opinion of General Assembly of the Forensic Medicine Institute was not received, the opinion of the Supreme Council of Health was not received or the opinion of the universities was not received. Furthermore it is clear that there is a service defect, and also it can be seen that these decisions which are made without receiving the opinion of the expert are approved by the Council of State. Affirmance decisions are given by the reasons as follows, the examinations of the administrative court are sufficient, the decision appealed for correction was seen in accordance with procedure and law, and additionally the subjects alleged in the appellate petition have not enough qualifications for reversing the decision.
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