Deuterium-krypton gaz karışımlarında ultrases soğurma ölçüleri ve dönme rolaksasyon zamanların belirlenmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Krypton (Kr), deuterim (D2) gazlarında ve bunların farklı krypton konsantrasyonlanndaki karışımlarında, 295 K ' de ve f/P (frekans/basınç) = (0,8-100) MHz/atm aralığında, ultrases soğurma katsayıları (a) ölçüldü. Bu ölçülerde, ilk kez SLUIJTER ve ç.a. " tarafından geliştirilmiş olan, bir ilerleyen dalga tekniği kullanıldı. Deuterium'daveD2-Krkanşımlannda yapılan ölçülerden yararlanarak çizilen ot/f = F (f/P) soğurma eğrilerinden f/P= 12 MHz/atm civarında bir aşırı soğurma (a') gözlendi, a' /f = F (f/P) grafikleri çizildi. Bu grafiklerde a'/f pik değerlerine karşılık gelen (f/P)max lardan, J = 1 -> 3 öteleme-dönme enerji geçişlerine ait rölaksasyon zamanlan bulundu. Rölaksasyon zamanının karışımdaki krypton konsantrasyonuyla doğrusal olarak değiştiği belirlendi. HERZFELD ve LITO VTTZ10 tarafından verilen tekli rölaksasyon teorisine göre; bileşenlerden yalnızca bir tanesinin uyarıldığı soygaz-hidrojen izotopu ikili karışımlarında bir tek rölaksasyon zamanı ortaya çıkmakta ve bu rölaksasyon zamanı, soygaz konsantrasyonuyla doğrusal olarak değişmektedir. Bu tekli rölaksasyon teorisine Sluijter'in yaptığı bir yaklaşımla bulunan deneysel ve teorik A = AC'/CV (Q, - C) değerleri (bkz. bölüm 4.2) arasında yalan bir uyum olduğu görüldü. Deuterium-deuterium ve deuterium-krypton etkileşmelerine ait çarpışma sayılan, sırasıyla, ZD d, =219 ve ZD £r = 175 olarak bulundu. Bu değerlerden, deuterium-deuterium etkileşmelerinin deuterium-krypton etkileşmelerine göre daha etkili olduğu sonucuna varıldı. Bulunan sonuçların tümü tekli rölaksasyon teorisini doğrulamaktadır. 61
SUMMARY The ultrasonic absorption coefficients (a) in krypton (Kr), in deuterium (D2) gases and in the D2 - Kr mixtures of different values of kryton gas concentration at 295 K and in the f/P (frequency / pressure) range (0,8-100) MHz/atm is measured. In these measurements the technique of a progressive wave which was first developed by SLUUTER and his collaborators23 is used. The excess sound absorption (a") was detected in f/P = 12 MHz/atm from a / f curvers as a function of f/P in deuterium and in D2 - Kr mixtures, a'/ f are plotted as a funtion of f/P. From the (f/P)max values of the a' / f peaks of these curves, the relaxation times of translational-rotational energy transfer for the J = 1 -> 3 tarnsitions are determined, ft is found that 1/x varies linearly with krypton concentration in the D2 - Kr mixtures. According to the single relaxation theory which is given by HERZFELD and LITOVnz10, mixtures of the hydrogen isotopes and noble gases, in which only one of the components can be excited, should also give a single relaxation curve. Moreover, 1/x for the mixture should vary linearly with molar concentration. A close agreement is found between experimental and theoretical A = AC/CV (Cp - C) values (see chapt. 4.2) which are found from Sluijter's approximation to the single relaxation theory. For the collision numbers (Z), we find for the deuterium-deuterium and deuterium-krypton intreractions respectively to be, Zrj2_rj2 = 219 ve Zr> Kr = 175. From these collision numbers, it is found that deuterium-deuterium interactions are more effectual than deuterium-krypton interactions. All these results support the single relaxation theory. 62
SUMMARY The ultrasonic absorption coefficients (a) in krypton (Kr), in deuterium (D2) gases and in the D2 - Kr mixtures of different values of kryton gas concentration at 295 K and in the f/P (frequency / pressure) range (0,8-100) MHz/atm is measured. In these measurements the technique of a progressive wave which was first developed by SLUUTER and his collaborators23 is used. The excess sound absorption (a") was detected in f/P = 12 MHz/atm from a / f curvers as a function of f/P in deuterium and in D2 - Kr mixtures, a'/ f are plotted as a funtion of f/P. From the (f/P)max values of the a' / f peaks of these curves, the relaxation times of translational-rotational energy transfer for the J = 1 -> 3 tarnsitions are determined, ft is found that 1/x varies linearly with krypton concentration in the D2 - Kr mixtures. According to the single relaxation theory which is given by HERZFELD and LITOVnz10, mixtures of the hydrogen isotopes and noble gases, in which only one of the components can be excited, should also give a single relaxation curve. Moreover, 1/x for the mixture should vary linearly with molar concentration. A close agreement is found between experimental and theoretical A = AC/CV (Cp - C) values (see chapt. 4.2) which are found from Sluijter's approximation to the single relaxation theory. For the collision numbers (Z), we find for the deuterium-deuterium and deuterium-krypton intreractions respectively to be, Zrj2_rj2 = 219 ve Zr> Kr = 175. From these collision numbers, it is found that deuterium-deuterium interactions are more effectual than deuterium-krypton interactions. All these results support the single relaxation theory. 62
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Fizik ve Fizik Mühendisliği, Physics and Physics Engineering, Döteryum, Deuterium, Gaz karışımları, Gas mixtures, Gevşeme, Relaxation, Kripton, Krypton, Soğurma, Absorption, Ultrason, Ultrasound