Organik fotonik sistemler için poliüretan/akrilat enkapsülasyon malzemesi sentezi ve karakterizasyonu
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Ege Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Bu tezde, organik fotonik sistemlerin ömürlerini uzatmaya yönelik poliüretan akrilat enkapsülasyon kaplama malzemeleri sentezlenmiştir. Kaplama formülleri için sentezlenen malzemelerin yapısal karakterizasyonu FTIR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kaplama formunda termal karakterizasyonu TGA ve DSC ile mekanik testler ASTM standartlarına göre gerçekleştirilmiştir. Kaplamaların temas açıları ölçülmüş ve bariyer özellikleri kalsiyum testi ile gösterilmiştir. En düşük su buharı iletim hızı değeri 3 μm kalınlığa sahip K-HBUAc-5 yapısıyla 3.25x10-2 g/m2.gün bulunmuştur. Aynı yapının, 10 μm kalınlıkla uygulanması ise 7.9x10-3 g/m2.gün değerine ulaşmayı sağlamıştır. K-HBUAc-5 için camsı geçiş sıcaklığı değeri 73.1 oC, temas açısı 61o ve jel içeriği %96 dır. Diğer beş malzemenin 3 μm kalınlıklarında ölçülen iletim hızı değerleri 10-1 g/m2.gün mertebelerindedir. K-HBUAc-5 için ölçülen iletim hızları, organik ışık yayan diyotlarda farklı modifikasyonlar ile veya inorganik ince filmler ile birlikte kullanılabileceğini, organik fotovoltaik aygıtlarda ise tek başına kullanılabilirliği ifade etmektedir.
In this thesis, polyurethane acrylate encapsulation coating materials were synthesized to extend the life of organic photonic systems. Structural characterization of synthesized materials for coating formulations was performed by FTIR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR. In coating form, thermal characterization were carried out via DSC and TGA and mechanical tests were carried out according to ASTM standards. The contact angles of the coatings were measured and the barrier properties were demonstrated by the calcium test. The lowest water vapor transmission rate value was found at 3.25x10-2 g/ with the 3 μm thickness of K-HBUAc-5 structure. The application of the same structure with a thickness of 10 μm allowed to reach 7.9x10-3 g/ value. The glass transition temperature value for K-HBUAc-5 is 73.1 oC, the contact angle is 61o and the gel content is 96%. The transmission rate values measured at 3 μm thicknesses of the other five materials are in the order of 10-1 g/ The transmission rate values measured at 3 μm thicknesses of the other five materials are at the level of 10-1 g/ The measured transmission rates for K-HBUAc-5 indicate that it can be used with different modifications in organic light-emitting diodes or in combination with inorganic thin films, while it can be used alone in organic photovoltaic devices.
In this thesis, polyurethane acrylate encapsulation coating materials were synthesized to extend the life of organic photonic systems. Structural characterization of synthesized materials for coating formulations was performed by FTIR, 1H NMR, 13C NMR. In coating form, thermal characterization were carried out via DSC and TGA and mechanical tests were carried out according to ASTM standards. The contact angles of the coatings were measured and the barrier properties were demonstrated by the calcium test. The lowest water vapor transmission rate value was found at 3.25x10-2 g/ with the 3 μm thickness of K-HBUAc-5 structure. The application of the same structure with a thickness of 10 μm allowed to reach 7.9x10-3 g/ value. The glass transition temperature value for K-HBUAc-5 is 73.1 oC, the contact angle is 61o and the gel content is 96%. The transmission rate values measured at 3 μm thicknesses of the other five materials are in the order of 10-1 g/ The transmission rate values measured at 3 μm thicknesses of the other five materials are at the level of 10-1 g/ The measured transmission rates for K-HBUAc-5 indicate that it can be used with different modifications in organic light-emitting diodes or in combination with inorganic thin films, while it can be used alone in organic photovoltaic devices.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Poliüretan Akrilat, Enkapsülant, UV Kürlenme, Su Buharı İletim Hızı, Fotonik, Organik Fotonik Sistemler, Polyurethane Acrylate, Encapsulant, UV Curing, Barrier, WVTR, Photonic, Organic Photonic Systems