Akut nekrotizan hemorajik lökoensefalit
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Bilimsel zemin: Akut nekrotizan hemorajik lökoensefalit, beyaz cevherin demiyelinizasyon ve fibrinoid nekrozu ile karakterize ender görülen bir hastalığıdır. Klinik olarak başağrısı, ateş yüksekliği, bilinç değişiklikleri, motor fonksiyon kaybı, nöbet geçirme gibi bulgular izlenebilmektedir. Etyolojide sıklıkla viral ajanlar suçlanmakla birlikte patogenez fatal immunolojik yanıt olarak tanımlanmaktadır. İntrakranial tutulum sıklıkla asimetrik, periventriküler, gri cevherin korunduğu yaygın beyaz cevher etkilenmesi şeklindedir. Patolojik olarak lezyonlar fibrinoid nekroz, demiyelinizasyon ve ödem paterni içermektedir. Bu yazıda Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Nörolojik Yoğun Bakım (NYB) ünitesinde izlenen, akut nekrotizan hemorajik lökoensefalit tanılı bir olgu ender görülmesi, beyin biyopsisi ile patolojik tanısının konulması ve immunsüpresif tedaviye yanıt vermesi nedeniyle sunulmuştur. OLGU: 42 yaşında kadın hasta bilinç bozukluğu, konuşmada peltekleşme ve dengesizlik yakınmaları nedeniyle acil servis yoluyla kliniğimizin NYB ünitesine yatırıldı. Öyküsünde akut otitis media tanısı ile antibiyotik tedavisinde olduğu öğrenildi. Olgunun yoğun bakım izleminde nörolojik bakısında hızlı kötüleşme gözlendi. Yatışının ikinci günü bilinci kapandı, ağrılı uyaranı sol ile lokalize eder hale geldi. Kranial manyetik rezonans görüntülemelerde (MRG) T1, flair, diffüzyon ağırlıklı görüntülerde, bilateral yaygın, periventriküler hiperintens, patolojik kontrastlaşma göstermeyen lezyonlar saptandı. Etyolojiyi belirlemek amacıyla lumbar poksiyon yapılan hastanın beyin omurilik sıvısı (BOS) basıncı normal bulundu. BOS’un biyokimyasal, serolojik, sitolojik ve bakteriyolojik incelemelerinde patoloji saptanmadı. Yapılan açık beyin biyopsisi hemorajik lökoensefalit ile uyumlu bulundu. Olguya uygulanan 10 günlük yüksek doz metil prednizolon tedavisi (1 gr/ gün) sonrasında klinik ve radyolojik olarak düzelme gözlendi. Hastanın izleminin üçüncü ayında sağ üst ekstremitede başlayıp sekonder jeneralize olan ardışık nöbetleri oldu. Valproik asit infüzyonu (20 mg/kg) ile nöbetler kontrol altına alınarak idame tedavisi Levatirasetam 1000 mg/gün olarak düzenlendi ve nöbet kontrolü sağlandı. Kontrol kranial MRG’de mevcut lezyonlarında belirgin gerileme gözlendi. Bu dönemdeki nörolojik bakısında sözel uyaranla gözlerini açan ve gözleriyle koopere olabilen hasta quadriparezisi nedeniyle rehabilite edilmek üzere Fizik Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon Kliniğine nakledilerek taburcu edildi. YORUM: Literatürde genellikle fatal seyrettiği bildirilen ve oldukça ender görülen akut nekrotizan hemorajik lökoensefalitte erken tanı ve yüksek doz metilprednizolon tedavisinin yaşam kurtarıcı olabileceği akılda tutulmalıdır.
Scientific BACKGROUND: Acute necrotizing hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis (ANHL) is a rare, demyelinating disease of white matter, characterized with fibrinoid necrozis. Headache, fever, muscle weakness, seizure and consciousness disorders are common neurologic findings. Viral disease or infections are the most common accused etiological factors of ANHL but it is described as a fatal immune response in pathogenesis. Intracranial patology is usually asymmetric white matter lesions in periventriculler area that is not attending to grey matter. The lesions are demyelinating, fibrinoid necrosiz and edema pattern. In this report, we are discussing an ANHL case that we follow up in Ege University Medical School Hospital Neurologial Intensive Care Unit (ICU) because of its rarety, diagnostic brain biopsy material and good clinical responce to the immune supressive therapy. CASE: A 42 old year woman presented with instability, mental diversification, speech disorder from emergency room to neurological ICU. She was taking antibiotherapy because of otitis media. During the clinical observation her neurological status progressed, she became comatose with localizing pain in her left sight on the second day in ICU. Lumbal puncture demonstrated normal opening pressure and biochemical, serological, bacteriological and cytological examinations of cerebrospinal flood (CSF) were within normal limits. Her cranial MR T1, flair, diffusion weighted images showed bilateral, diffuse hyperintense white matter lesions without contrast enhancement. Her brain biopsy demonstrated leukoencephalitis with hemorrhagic areas. The clinical and radiological regression became after using high dose steroid (1 gr/ day) therapy for ten days. During the third month of her follow-up, she had secondary generalised focal seizures which were controlled after valproic acid infusion (20 mg/kg) and levatirasetam 1000 mg/day therapy. Her last cranial MRI showed prominent regression of the lesions. She was awake, opening her eyes to verbal stimulus, had an emotional cooperation with her eyes and quadriparetic at discharge before her referral to the Rehabilitation Clinic. CONCLUSION: It must be kept in mind that in ANHL, which is said to be extremely rare and fatal in literature, early diagnosis and high dose metil-prednisolone therapy could be life-saving.
Scientific BACKGROUND: Acute necrotizing hemorrhagic leukoencephalitis (ANHL) is a rare, demyelinating disease of white matter, characterized with fibrinoid necrozis. Headache, fever, muscle weakness, seizure and consciousness disorders are common neurologic findings. Viral disease or infections are the most common accused etiological factors of ANHL but it is described as a fatal immune response in pathogenesis. Intracranial patology is usually asymmetric white matter lesions in periventriculler area that is not attending to grey matter. The lesions are demyelinating, fibrinoid necrosiz and edema pattern. In this report, we are discussing an ANHL case that we follow up in Ege University Medical School Hospital Neurologial Intensive Care Unit (ICU) because of its rarety, diagnostic brain biopsy material and good clinical responce to the immune supressive therapy. CASE: A 42 old year woman presented with instability, mental diversification, speech disorder from emergency room to neurological ICU. She was taking antibiotherapy because of otitis media. During the clinical observation her neurological status progressed, she became comatose with localizing pain in her left sight on the second day in ICU. Lumbal puncture demonstrated normal opening pressure and biochemical, serological, bacteriological and cytological examinations of cerebrospinal flood (CSF) were within normal limits. Her cranial MR T1, flair, diffusion weighted images showed bilateral, diffuse hyperintense white matter lesions without contrast enhancement. Her brain biopsy demonstrated leukoencephalitis with hemorrhagic areas. The clinical and radiological regression became after using high dose steroid (1 gr/ day) therapy for ten days. During the third month of her follow-up, she had secondary generalised focal seizures which were controlled after valproic acid infusion (20 mg/kg) and levatirasetam 1000 mg/day therapy. Her last cranial MRI showed prominent regression of the lesions. She was awake, opening her eyes to verbal stimulus, had an emotional cooperation with her eyes and quadriparetic at discharge before her referral to the Rehabilitation Clinic. CONCLUSION: It must be kept in mind that in ANHL, which is said to be extremely rare and fatal in literature, early diagnosis and high dose metil-prednisolone therapy could be life-saving.
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