WAP tabanlı öğrenci bilgi sistemi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
V ÖZET WAP TABANLI ÖĞRENCİ BİLGİ SİSTEMİ ÖNDER, Unsal Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Doç. Dr. Yasemin Topaloğlu Eylül, 2001, 183 sayfa GSM {Global System for Mobile communication) teknolojisine entegre edilen WAP protokolü ile bilgilere mobil olarak erişmek mümkündür. Bu tezde, mobil yaşama katkı sağlayan WAP {Wireless Application Protocol) teknolojisi incelenerek, E.Ü Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümünde gerçekleştirilmiş olan Bilmuh isimli öğrenci bilgi sisteminin WAP ortamına taşınmasını sağlayan EGEWAP sistemi geliştirilmiştir. Böylece, WEB ortamında ulaşılan bilgilere (öğrenci bilgileri, duyurular, sınavlar, adresler vb.), mobil bir ortamda erişim sağlanmıştır. EGEWAP sistemi geliştirilirken Java, MSVisual Basic, ASP ve WML programlama dilleri ile SQL Server veritabanı ve MS IIS {Internet Information Server) WEB sunucuları kullanılmıştır.Yapılan bu çalışma sonucunda ortaya WAP teknolojisini kullanan ve bilgi alışverişini sağlayan örnek bir model çıkmıştır. Anahtar Sözcükler: WAP, mobil yaşam, GSM, EGEWAP
VII ABSTRACT WAP BASED STUDENT INFORMATION SYSTEM ÖNDER, Unsal MSc in Computer Engineering Department Supervisor: Assoc. Dr. Yasemin Topaloğlu September, 2001, 183 pages It is possible to access the information by means of WAP protocol integrated into GSM {Global System for Mobile communication) technology in a mobile way. In this thesis, WAP {Wireless Application Protocol) technology has been studied and a system called EGE WAP has been developed. EGEWAP enables to access the student information system, bilmuh, on a mobile platform. Bilmuh is developed in EGE University, Computer Engineering Department and it provides information like announcements, student information, exams, addresses on WEB. In the EGEWAP system Java, MS Visual Basic, ASP and WML Programming languages, SQL Server database and MS IIS {Internet Information Server) WEB server have been used.EGEWAP forms a sample model that uses WAP technology and provides information exchange. Keywords: WAP, mobile life, GSM, EGEWAP
VII ABSTRACT WAP BASED STUDENT INFORMATION SYSTEM ÖNDER, Unsal MSc in Computer Engineering Department Supervisor: Assoc. Dr. Yasemin Topaloğlu September, 2001, 183 pages It is possible to access the information by means of WAP protocol integrated into GSM {Global System for Mobile communication) technology in a mobile way. In this thesis, WAP {Wireless Application Protocol) technology has been studied and a system called EGE WAP has been developed. EGEWAP enables to access the student information system, bilmuh, on a mobile platform. Bilmuh is developed in EGE University, Computer Engineering Department and it provides information like announcements, student information, exams, addresses on WEB. In the EGEWAP system Java, MS Visual Basic, ASP and WML Programming languages, SQL Server database and MS IIS {Internet Information Server) WEB server have been used.EGEWAP forms a sample model that uses WAP technology and provides information exchange. Keywords: WAP, mobile life, GSM, EGEWAP
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bilimleri-Bilgisayar ve Kontrol, Computer Engineering and Computer Science and Control, Bilgi sistemleri, Information systems, GSM, GSM, Kablosuz uygulama protokolü, Wireless application protocol, Öğrenci bilgi sistemi, Student information system