Hızlı nötronlarla malzeme analizi
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Ege Üniversitesi
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ÖZET Elemental analiz için kullanılan nükleer teknikler arasında nötron aktivasyon analizi başrolü oynar. Enstrümental nötron aktivasyon analizi (INAA) de yüksek analitiksel duyarlığı ve doğruluğundan ötürü çarpıcı bir metod olarak bilinir. Hızlı nötron aktivasyon analizi (FNAA) çeşitli materyallerdeki iz elementlerin determinasyonu için çok yararlı aletler takımıdır, özellikle 14 MeV nötron aktivasyon analizinin bazı avantajlarım şöyle verebiliriz: Nötron jeneratörlerinin basit çalışması, iyi analitiksel duyarlıklar, katı ve sıvı örnekler için zararsız analizler, örnek hazırlamanın olmaması. INAA ' nin önemli bir avantajı da nükleer yapısından ortaya çıkar, çünkü elementlerin kimyasal durumlarından bağımsızdır. Genellikle ürün radyoaktif çekirdeklerin bozunması ile elde edilen y-ışını spektrumlan, oluşan nükleer reaksiyonların basitliğinden dolayı belirgin olarak izah edilebilir, y-ışını spektrumundaki piklerin teşhisi, bozunan ürün nüklidlerin bazı farklı özellikleri, örneğin yan ömür, yayınlanan radyasyonun enerjisi ve aynı radyoaktif çekirdekten birkaç y-fotonu yayınlandığında bozunma kesirleri kullanılarak yapılabilir. Böylece çoğu element, modern yüksek çözünmeli y-spektrometresi kullanılarak aynı zamanda detekte edilebilirler. Hızlı nötronlarla malzeme analizine yönelik olan bu tez çalışmasında, SAMES T- 400 iyon hızlandırıcısından çıkan 14,6 MeV nötronlarla cam örneklerinin (TC S float cam, kristal camı, borcam, renksiz şişe camı ve züccaciye camı) ve hampetrol örneklerinin (Suudi Arabistan ve Libya hampetrolü) nicel ve nitel analizleri yapıldı. Metod için bilinmesi gereken sistem parametreleri (sayım katıaçısı, verimlilik, etkin nötron akısı, tesir kesiti v.s.) tayin edildi. Girişim düzeltmelerinden ve hata hesaplarından sonra elemental konsantrasyon sonuçlan verildi. Bu sonuçlardan camın en önemli bileşeninin Si olduğunu (kristal hariç) söyleyebiliriz. Ca, Mg, Na, Al, K, Cl gibi diğer bileşenleri de XRF sonuçlan ile beraber Tablo 3.8 ' den Tablo 3. 12 ' ye kadar verilmiştir. Hampetrol için de; C, H, O, N ve S gibi majör bileşenleri çok kısa yan ömürlerinden dolayı tayin edilemedi. Ancak Si, Al, Fe, Mg, Cl, Br, Mn için konsantrasyonlar Tablo 3.13 ve Tablo 3.14 ' te listelenmiştir. 86
SUMMARY Among the nuclear techniques used for elemental analysis, neutron activation analysis plays a leading role. Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) is also known as an outstanding method because of its high analytical sensitivity and accuracy. Fast neutron activation analysis (FNAA) are very useful tools for the determination of trace elements in different materials. Particularly, the advantages of 14 MeV NAA are simple operation of a neutron generator, good analytical sensitivities, non-destructive analysis of solid and liquid samples and no sample preparation. An important advantage of INAA derives from its nuclear nature so that it is independent of the chemical state of elements. The gamma ray spectra generally obtained by monitoring the decay of product nuclides are in principle interpretable unambiguously because of the simplicity of the nuclear reactions induced. The identification of peaks in a y-ray spectrum can be performed using several different properties of the decaying product nuclides e.g. half-life, the energy of the emitted radiation and when several y- photons derive from the same nuclide, decay fractions. Using modern, high resolution gamma spectroscopy many elements can thus be detected reliably and quantified simultaneously. In this thesis based on the analysis of material by fast neutrons, with 14,6 MeV neutrons emitted from S AMES T-400 ion accelerator, the sample of glass and crude oil were made qualitative and quantitative analysis. System parameters for absolute method (e.g. counting solid angle, intrinsic efficiency of gamma detector, effective neutron flux, cross-sections etc.) were calculated and then the results of elemental concentrations have been given after careful corrections of all possible interferences and error calculations. From this results, we can say that the most important component of the glass is silicon (with the exception of crystal glass). Other components of glass as Ca, Mg, Na, Al, K and CI have been given together with XRF results from Table 3.8 to Table 3.12. Major components of crude oil as C, H, O, N and S could not been determined because of its very short half-life. Nevertheless, concantrations for Si, Al, Fe, Mg, CI, Br and Mn have been listed in Table 3.13 and Table 3. 14. 87
SUMMARY Among the nuclear techniques used for elemental analysis, neutron activation analysis plays a leading role. Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) is also known as an outstanding method because of its high analytical sensitivity and accuracy. Fast neutron activation analysis (FNAA) are very useful tools for the determination of trace elements in different materials. Particularly, the advantages of 14 MeV NAA are simple operation of a neutron generator, good analytical sensitivities, non-destructive analysis of solid and liquid samples and no sample preparation. An important advantage of INAA derives from its nuclear nature so that it is independent of the chemical state of elements. The gamma ray spectra generally obtained by monitoring the decay of product nuclides are in principle interpretable unambiguously because of the simplicity of the nuclear reactions induced. The identification of peaks in a y-ray spectrum can be performed using several different properties of the decaying product nuclides e.g. half-life, the energy of the emitted radiation and when several y- photons derive from the same nuclide, decay fractions. Using modern, high resolution gamma spectroscopy many elements can thus be detected reliably and quantified simultaneously. In this thesis based on the analysis of material by fast neutrons, with 14,6 MeV neutrons emitted from S AMES T-400 ion accelerator, the sample of glass and crude oil were made qualitative and quantitative analysis. System parameters for absolute method (e.g. counting solid angle, intrinsic efficiency of gamma detector, effective neutron flux, cross-sections etc.) were calculated and then the results of elemental concentrations have been given after careful corrections of all possible interferences and error calculations. From this results, we can say that the most important component of the glass is silicon (with the exception of crystal glass). Other components of glass as Ca, Mg, Na, Al, K and CI have been given together with XRF results from Table 3.8 to Table 3.12. Major components of crude oil as C, H, O, N and S could not been determined because of its very short half-life. Nevertheless, concantrations for Si, Al, Fe, Mg, CI, Br and Mn have been listed in Table 3.13 and Table 3. 14. 87
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Fizik ve Fizik Mühendisliği, Physics and Physics Engineering, Malzemeler, Materials, Nötron, Neutron