Türkiye Traktör Parkı'nın tarihsel gelişiminin analizi ve gelecekteki değişimin temini üzerine bir araştırma
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
44 ÖZET Tarım alet ve makinalarının kullanılmaya başlanması Türk tarımında teknolojik bir değişim sağlamıştır. Traktör bu değişimde temel rol oynamıştır. Türkiye' de 1955 yılından bu yana montaj yoluyla traktör üretimi yapılmaktadır. Geçen otuz yılda onaltı üretici firma üretimde bulunmuştur. Günümüzde bu 16 firmadan yalnızca iki tanesi üretimlerine devam etmektedirler. Üretici firmaların teorik kapasiteleri yılda toplam 47500 adettir. Traktör üretimi alanında teknolojik birikim sağlanmışta. Üretimde yerlilik oranı % 90' ı geçememiştir. Bu nedenle ülkemiz kendi kendine yeterli bir ülke değildir. 1994 yılında kapasite kullanım oranı %22.66 ve üretimin güç ortalaması 42.7 kw olmuştur. Üretici firmalar kapasitelerinin altoda çalışmaktadırlar.Öte yandan en büyük üretim 190450adet ile beşinci plan döneminde gerçekleşmiştir. Türkiye traktör ihracatı dördüncü plan döneminde başlamıştır, ancak ihracatımız yeterli düzeye ulaşamamışta. Traktör ihraç ettiğimiz ülkeler baza Avrupa, Afrika ve Ortadoğu ülkeleridir. Ülkemizde traktör kullanımı yirminci yüzyılın ilk yansında başlanmışta. Devlet 221 adet traktörü ithal ederek toprak işlemede kullanılmak üzere çiftçilere dağıtmıştır. En büyük ithalat değerine üçüncü plan döneminde ulaşılmıştır. Bu dönemde 109819 adet traktör ithal edilmiştir ancak ithalatımız hızla azalmıştır. Traktör parkuruz 'zaman içinde hızla gelişmiş ve park mevcudu 1994 yılında 763529 olmuştur. Tüm bölgeler içinde Ege Bölgesi en çok traktöre sahip olan bölgemizdir. Bölge Türkiye traktör parkının 1/5' ine sahiptir. Ortadoğu Bölgesi' nin bir ili olan Konya en büyük ;traktör parkına sahip olan ilimizdir. Diğer taraftan Kuzeydoğu V Bölgesi ve Rize ili parkı en az gelişmiş olan tarım bölgesi ve ilidir. 1963-1994 yıllan arasında Türkiye mekanizasyon düzeyi hızla artmışta. 1994 yılında 1000 bekara düşen traktör sayısı 27.6, traktör başına düşen alan 36.2 hektar ve birim alana düşen traktör gücü 1.09kW olmuştur. Gelecekteki traktör parkını tahmin etmek için trend projeksiyonu analiz yöntemi kullanılmaktadır. Yönteme göre traktör parkına uygun matematik bir model seçilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, determinasyon katsayısı 0.998 olan cübic model en uygun matematik model olarak seçilmiştir.45 Traktör parkının ve toplam talebin tahmininde yenileme talebi belirleyici bir etkiye sahip olduğundan planlama çalışmalarında büyük önemi vardır. Bu amaçla kullanılan modeller traktör parkının gelişimini açıklamada yetersiz kalmakta ve ve gerçeğe yakın talep tahmini üretememektedirler. Tarihsel satış değerlerinin ve traktör parkının analizi ile teorik bir yenileme modeli geliştirilmiştir. Daha sonra model yardımıyla gelecekteki yenileme talebi tahmini yapılmıştır. Model sonuçlarına göre traktör parkının 1994-2023 yıllan arasında iki katına çıkacağı belirlenmiştir. Araştırmanın tüm aşamalımda bilgisayar kullanılmıştır. Parkın gelişimine matematik modelin belirlenmesinde SPSS PC + V 3.0 paket programı, yenileme talebinin ve gelecekteki traktör sayısının tahmininde QPRO paket programı kullanılmıştır
46 SUMMARY The use of machinery and other pover driven equipment on farms has been a technological change in Turkish agriculture. Tractors have been produced by mounting since 1955 in Turkey. Sixteen manufacturers have produced in the past thirty years. Nowadays, two of them continue producing. The theoritical capasity of factories is 47500 unit per year. A thecnological accumulation has been realized in this sector, but the rate of local contribution to production does not pass 90 percent so Turkey is not yet a self sufficient country in tractor manufacturing. The factories are generaly operating less than their full capasity. The sector realized its biggest production in the fifth plan period producing 190450tractor units. The capacity usage of firms was 22.66 percent and avrage power of production was 42.7 kW in 1994. Although export in Turkey began in the fourth plan period in our country, its development was not as good as tractor production. The countries which Turkey export tractors are some European, African and Middle East countries. Export of Turkey has not been reached adequate level. The tractor has been used in the first half of the twentieth century in our country. The goverment imported 221 tractors and distributed them to the farmers to cultivate. The biggest import was made in the third plan period importing 1 0981 9 tractors but, import was decreased speedly. The number of tractors are developing rapidly. In 1994, the number of tractors was 763529. Aegean Region has the biggest tractor park, 1/5 part of tractors in Turkey. However Konya which is a province of Middle East Region has the biggest number of tractors. On the other hand, Nort East Region and Rize are the less development region and province of Turkey. The mechanisation level between 1963-1994 period in Turkey was increased. Turkish mechanisation degrees in 1994 were 27.6 tractors for 1000 hectars of arable land, 36.2 hectars of arable land per tractor and 1.09 kW per hectare. In order to predict the number of tractors in the future, trend projection analyzing method is used. According to the method a mathematical model is sellected47 which showes the development of tractor park. In this study cubic model was sellected so the determinetion coefficient was 0.998. Replacement demand has a deterministic effect on the predicting of total demand and number of tractors. It has a great impotance for planning studies. The model used for thispurposehave been insufficient to explain increase in number of tractors and could not produce near real demandfigures. A theoretical replacement model has been developed by analyzing historical sale and number of tractors. Then replacement demand of the future park is estimated with the help of this replacement model. According to the model results, the number of tractors will be doubled between 1994-2023. Computer ise used in all steps of this research. While finding mathematical models, SPSS PC+ V 3.0 program was used and QPRO program was used for predicting replacement demand and the number of tractors in the future.
46 SUMMARY The use of machinery and other pover driven equipment on farms has been a technological change in Turkish agriculture. Tractors have been produced by mounting since 1955 in Turkey. Sixteen manufacturers have produced in the past thirty years. Nowadays, two of them continue producing. The theoritical capasity of factories is 47500 unit per year. A thecnological accumulation has been realized in this sector, but the rate of local contribution to production does not pass 90 percent so Turkey is not yet a self sufficient country in tractor manufacturing. The factories are generaly operating less than their full capasity. The sector realized its biggest production in the fifth plan period producing 190450tractor units. The capacity usage of firms was 22.66 percent and avrage power of production was 42.7 kW in 1994. Although export in Turkey began in the fourth plan period in our country, its development was not as good as tractor production. The countries which Turkey export tractors are some European, African and Middle East countries. Export of Turkey has not been reached adequate level. The tractor has been used in the first half of the twentieth century in our country. The goverment imported 221 tractors and distributed them to the farmers to cultivate. The biggest import was made in the third plan period importing 1 0981 9 tractors but, import was decreased speedly. The number of tractors are developing rapidly. In 1994, the number of tractors was 763529. Aegean Region has the biggest tractor park, 1/5 part of tractors in Turkey. However Konya which is a province of Middle East Region has the biggest number of tractors. On the other hand, Nort East Region and Rize are the less development region and province of Turkey. The mechanisation level between 1963-1994 period in Turkey was increased. Turkish mechanisation degrees in 1994 were 27.6 tractors for 1000 hectars of arable land, 36.2 hectars of arable land per tractor and 1.09 kW per hectare. In order to predict the number of tractors in the future, trend projection analyzing method is used. According to the method a mathematical model is sellected47 which showes the development of tractor park. In this study cubic model was sellected so the determinetion coefficient was 0.998. Replacement demand has a deterministic effect on the predicting of total demand and number of tractors. It has a great impotance for planning studies. The model used for thispurposehave been insufficient to explain increase in number of tractors and could not produce near real demandfigures. A theoretical replacement model has been developed by analyzing historical sale and number of tractors. Then replacement demand of the future park is estimated with the help of this replacement model. According to the model results, the number of tractors will be doubled between 1994-2023. Computer ise used in all steps of this research. While finding mathematical models, SPSS PC+ V 3.0 program was used and QPRO program was used for predicting replacement demand and the number of tractors in the future.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Tarım makineleri, Agricultural machinery, Traktörler, Tractors