Türkiye’nin hipospadiyas profili: Çok merkezli çalışma
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Dokuz değişik merkezde son 6 yılda hipospadiyas nedeniyle ameliyat edilen hastalar retrospektif olarak değerlendirildi. Böylece ülkemizdeki güncel hipospadiyas profili çıkarılmaya çalışıldı. 2001-2006 yılları arasında dokuz farklı üroloji kliniğinde hipospadiyas cerrahisi uygulanan 1483 hasta retrospektif olarak incelendi. Başvuru sırasındaki yaş ortalaması 5.8 yıl (1 ay-41 yıl) olan hastalar, tanının kimin tarafından konulduğu, hipospadiyasın yerleşimi, eşlik eden doğumsal bozukluklar, uygulanan ameliyat tekniği, varsa kateterizasyon türü ve hastanede kalış süresi bakımından değerlendirildi. Hastaların ameliyat sırasındaki ortalama yaşı 5.9 yıl olarak bulundu. %57’sinin hipospadiyası bulunduğu annebaba tarafından fark edilmiş iken, %18’i herhangi bir sebeple başvurduğu doktor tarafından, %13’ü doğum sırasında doktor ya da ebe tarafından ve %10’u ise sünnetçi tarafından fark edilmişti. 165 hasta (%11) başvuru sırasında sünnetli idi ve 360 hastada (%24) eşlik eden kordi mevcuttu. Hipospadiyak meatus yerleşimi %38’inde glanülar/koronal, %50’sinde distal penil, %6’sında proksimal penil ve %6’sında penoskrotal idi. Toplam hastaların %9.7’sinde eşlik eden doğumsal eksternal genital organ bozukluğu vardı (62 olguda kriptorşidi, 39 inguinal herni ve/veya hidrosel, 17 penoskrotal transpozisyon, 6 megameatus, 20 olguda diğerleri). Hastaların %77’sine TIP üretroplasti (1141), %11’ine MAGPI (163), %5’ine Mathieu (74) ve 105 hastaya ise diğer cerrahi teknikler uygulanmıştı. Ameliyatta 1160 hasta (%78) üretral yoldan, 251 hasta (%17) suprapubik olarak kateterize edilirken, 72 hastada herhangi bir diversiyon yöntemi kullanılmamıştı. Olguların hastanede ortalama kalış süresi 3 gün (1-20 gün) olarak bulundu. Bu çok merkezli çalışmamız hipospadiyas olgularının yaklaşık yarısının anne-baba tarafından fark edildiğini ve %11’inin başvuru sırasında sünnetli olduğunu göstermiştir. Ek doğumsal bozukluk (kriptorşidi, inguinal herni) oranı yayın bilgilerine göre düşüktür. TIP üretroplasti, yayınlar ile uyumlu olarak günümüzde hipospadiyas cerrahisinde en sık kullanılan tekniktir. Hastanede kalış süresinin nispeten yüksek olması dikkat çekicidir.
Introduction: Patients who underwent hypospadias repair in nine different centers were evaluated retrospectively. Materials and Methods: Between 2001 and 2006, 1483 patients with hypospadias, mean age of 5.8 years, who underwent hypospadias operation in nine different centers of Turkey, were enrolled to this epidemiological study. They were evaluated according to the localization of hypospadiac meatus, associated congenital anomalies, the type of operation technique, chordee status and hospitalization time. Results: It was realized that hypospadias was recognized by parents in 57%, by doctors in physical examination in 18%. 13% was noted during the birth, and 10% was recognized by an unlicensed traditional circumciser. 11% of patients had already been circumcised on admission and chordee was present in 24%. The location of hypospadiac meatus was glandular/coronal in 38%, distal penile in 50%, proximal penile in 6% and penoscrotal in 6%. There were associated congenital external genital anomalies in 9.7%. While 77% of the patients underwent TIP urethroplasty, MAGPI was performed in 11%, Mathieu was performed in 5% and 105 patients underwent other surgical techniques. Urethral route was used in 1160 (78%) patients, while suprapubic route was used in 251 patients (17%) for urinary diversion. In 72 patients, no diversion was performed. The mean hospitalization time of patients was 3 days (1-20 day). Conclusion: Half of the cases with hypospadias were recognized by parents and 11% were found to have been circumcised before admission. While the incidence of associated congenital external genital organ anomalies was found to be lower than that of the literature, TIP urethroplasty was the most common technique in hypospadias repair. The hospitalization time was found to be higher than expected.
Introduction: Patients who underwent hypospadias repair in nine different centers were evaluated retrospectively. Materials and Methods: Between 2001 and 2006, 1483 patients with hypospadias, mean age of 5.8 years, who underwent hypospadias operation in nine different centers of Turkey, were enrolled to this epidemiological study. They were evaluated according to the localization of hypospadiac meatus, associated congenital anomalies, the type of operation technique, chordee status and hospitalization time. Results: It was realized that hypospadias was recognized by parents in 57%, by doctors in physical examination in 18%. 13% was noted during the birth, and 10% was recognized by an unlicensed traditional circumciser. 11% of patients had already been circumcised on admission and chordee was present in 24%. The location of hypospadiac meatus was glandular/coronal in 38%, distal penile in 50%, proximal penile in 6% and penoscrotal in 6%. There were associated congenital external genital anomalies in 9.7%. While 77% of the patients underwent TIP urethroplasty, MAGPI was performed in 11%, Mathieu was performed in 5% and 105 patients underwent other surgical techniques. Urethral route was used in 1160 (78%) patients, while suprapubic route was used in 251 patients (17%) for urinary diversion. In 72 patients, no diversion was performed. The mean hospitalization time of patients was 3 days (1-20 day). Conclusion: Half of the cases with hypospadias were recognized by parents and 11% were found to have been circumcised before admission. While the incidence of associated congenital external genital organ anomalies was found to be lower than that of the literature, TIP urethroplasty was the most common technique in hypospadias repair. The hospitalization time was found to be higher than expected.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Üroloji ve Nefroloji
Türk Üroloji Dergisi/Turkish Journal of Urology
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri