Balistik kumaşların dizaynı ve bilgisayar uygulamaları
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ÖZET BALİSTİK KUMAŞLARIN DİZAYNI VE BİLGİSAYAR UYGULAMALARI TURHAN, Yıldıray Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Tekstil Mühendisliği Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Doç. Dr. A. Kadir Bilişik Şubat 1999, 113 sayfa Bu çalışmada vurmaya karşı direnç gösterecek yeni balistik koruyucu geliştirildi. Temel olarak iki çeşit balistik yapı tasarlandı. İlk yapı Kevlar kumaşların dikişsiz olarak katlı bir şekilde bir araya getirilmesi ile elde edildi. İkinci yapı ise çok yönlü dikilmiş katlı Kevlar kumaşlardan oluşturuldu. Her iki balistik yapının dizaynı sırasında, optimum balistik koruma için bazı kumaş parametreleri göz önünde bulunduruldu. Bunlar çözgü ve atkı olarak iki temel iplik sıklığından oluşan kumaş yoğunluğu, kumaş ağırlığı, lif tipi, kumaş yönlenmesi ve kat sırasıdır. İkinci yapı için ayrıca dikiş yoğunluğu, dikiş tipi, dikiş ipliği tipi ve dikiş yönleri göz önünde bulunduruldu. Katlı balistik yapılar üretildikten sonra beş tip silah ile test edildi. Bu silahların her birinden atılan mermiler tip, kütle, hız ve atış mesafeleri bakımından birbirlerinden farklıdırlar.VI Geliştirilen bu yapıların balistik direncini tespit etmek için her bir yapının hasar gören bölgesi ölçüldü. Her bir yapının balistik performansı spesifik enerji absorblama (SEA) ve arka yüz izi bakımından belirlendi. Vurma testinden elde edilen veriler hesaplandı. Sonuçlar özellikle çok yönlü dikişli balistik yapılarda ümit vericidir. Ayrıca, bu konuda daha sonraki çalışmalar için yararlı öneriler sunuldu. Anahtar sözcükler: Balistik koruyucu, vurma, çok katlı Kevlar kumaş, çok dikişli balistik yapı, çözgü ve atkı kumaş yönleri, dikiş yoğunluğu, spesifik enerji absorblama, arka yüz izi
vn ABSTRACT DESİNG OF BALLISTIC FABRICS AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS TURHAN, Yüdıray Msc in Textile Engineering Supervisor: Associate Prof. Dr. A. Kadir Bilişik February 1999, 110 pages In this work, new type of ballistic armor was developed to resist impact threads. Basically, two kind of ballistic structures were designed. First structure is composed of unstitched multiplied Kevlar fabrics. Second structure also consists of multistitched multiplied Kevlar fabrics. During the design of both ballistic structures, the following fabric structural parameters were considered for optimal ballistic protection. These are fabric density with regards to two basic yarn sets as warp and filling, fabric weight, fibre types, fabric orientations and ply sequences. For the second structure, stitching density, stitching type, sewing thread type and stitching orientation were considered. After the multiplied ballistic structures were produced, they were tested against five types of guns in which five different bullets were shot at different bullet mass, bullet velocity and shot distances. The damaged areas of each ballistic structures were measured to determine the ballistic resistance of the developed each structure. TheVffl ballistic performances of the each structure were determined in terms of specific energy absorption (SEA) and back face signature. The obtained data from the impact test were calculated. The results are to be encouraging specially multistitched ballistic structures. Also, the useful recommendations are given for further research on this subject. Keywords: Ballistic armor, impact thread, multiplied Kevlar fabric, multistitched ballistic structure, warp and filling fabric orientations, stitching density, specific energy absorption, back face signature.
vn ABSTRACT DESİNG OF BALLISTIC FABRICS AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS TURHAN, Yüdıray Msc in Textile Engineering Supervisor: Associate Prof. Dr. A. Kadir Bilişik February 1999, 110 pages In this work, new type of ballistic armor was developed to resist impact threads. Basically, two kind of ballistic structures were designed. First structure is composed of unstitched multiplied Kevlar fabrics. Second structure also consists of multistitched multiplied Kevlar fabrics. During the design of both ballistic structures, the following fabric structural parameters were considered for optimal ballistic protection. These are fabric density with regards to two basic yarn sets as warp and filling, fabric weight, fibre types, fabric orientations and ply sequences. For the second structure, stitching density, stitching type, sewing thread type and stitching orientation were considered. After the multiplied ballistic structures were produced, they were tested against five types of guns in which five different bullets were shot at different bullet mass, bullet velocity and shot distances. The damaged areas of each ballistic structures were measured to determine the ballistic resistance of the developed each structure. TheVffl ballistic performances of the each structure were determined in terms of specific energy absorption (SEA) and back face signature. The obtained data from the impact test were calculated. The results are to be encouraging specially multistitched ballistic structures. Also, the useful recommendations are given for further research on this subject. Keywords: Ballistic armor, impact thread, multiplied Kevlar fabric, multistitched ballistic structure, warp and filling fabric orientations, stitching density, specific energy absorption, back face signature.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Tekstil ve Tekstil Mühendisliği, Textile and Textile Engineering, Balistik, Ballistics, Kumaşlar, Fabrics