Beden eğitimi öğretmen adaylarında stres tolerans düzeyi, bilişsel duygu düzenleme ve mizaç tipleri arasındaki ilişki
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Ege Üniversitesi, Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü
Erişim Hakkı
Beden eğitimi öğretmen adaylarının mizaç modelleri, bilişsel duygu düzenleme stratejileri ve stres tolerans düzeylerini nicel ve nitel fazda inceleyen karma desendeki bu çalışmada “nitelikli öğretmen” kavramına yüklenen özelliklere katkı sağlamak amaçlanmıştır.
Ege Üniversitesi Spor Bilimleri Fakültesinde öğrenim gören 22.74±3.47 yaş ortalamasına sahip, 92 kadın (%35.5) 167 erkek (%64.5) olmak üzere toplam 259 beden eğitimi öğretmen adayı çalışmanın örneklemini oluşmaktadır. Nicel verilerin toplanması sürecinde katılımcılara laboratuvar ortamında viyana test sisteminin stres tolerans (DT-test) testi ve kişisel bilgi formu, bilişsel duygu düzenleme (Onat ve Otrar 2010) ve dokuz tip mizaç modeli (Yılmaz ve ark. 2014) ölçeklerini içeren anket formu uygulatılmıştır. Nitel veriler ise, standartlaştırılmış görüşme tekniğine uygun, araştırma konusuna göre belirlenmiş yarı yapılandırılmış açık uçlu sorulara verilen cevapların ses kayıt cihazına kaydedilmesi ile toplanmıştır. Nicel verilerin analizinde SPSS 24.0 programından yararlanılmıştır. Nitel veriler, ses kayıtlarının yazıya dökülmesinden sonra verinin derinliği ve zenginliğine yönelik betimsel çözümlemeler yapılarak incelenmiştir.
Bilişsel Duygu Düzenleme Ölçeğinin “pozitif tekrar odaklanma” alt ölçeği hariç diğer test ve alt ölçeklerinin iç tutarlılıklarının tatmin edici düzeyde olduğu görülmüştür. Güvenirliliği düşük olan ilgili alt ölçek değerlendirme dışı bırakılmıştır. Tanımlayıcı istatistiksel analize göre; öğretmen adaylarının 60’ının (%23.2) Tip 2; 44’ünün (%17.0) Tip 1; 36’sının (%13.9) Tip 9 olmak üzere 3 mizaç tipinde sıklık gösterdiği saptanmıştır. Katılımcıların bireysel spor ya da takım sporu ile uğraşıyor olması durumuna göre, bilişsel duygu düzenleme alt boyutlarından sadece “kendini suçlama” alt boyutunda takım sporu ile uğraşan bireylerin lehine istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark bulunmuştur (p<,05). Anne eğitim düzeyi değişkenine göre bilişsel duygu düzenlemenin “Yıkım” ve “diğerlerini suçlama” alt boyutlarında ilkokul/okuryazar ile üniversite ve üzeri arasında, ilkokul/okuryazar lehine istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark tespit edilmiştir (p<,05). Katılımcıların mizaç tipi durumuna göre bilişsel duygu düzenleme alt boyutlarına ilişkin karşılaştırmalar incelendiğinde, “kendini suçlama”, “kabul etme”, “düşünceye odaklanma”, “plana tekrar odaklanma” ve “yıkım” alt boyutlarında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılıklar saptanmıştır (p<,05). Öğretmen adaylarının, uygulamış oldukları stres toleransı testinin (DT) tüm test parametrelerinde ortalamanın üstünde değerlere sahip oldukları; stres durumlarında uzun zaman periyodlarında görevini yerine getirmede hızlı ve doğru tepkiler verdikleri yani toparlanma evresini sağlayarak odaklanmayı sürdürebildikleri görülmüştür. Öğretmen adaylarının mizaç tipi durumu dikkate alındığında, stres toleransı doğru reaksiyon zaman medyanı değerlerinde; DTM1 ile DTM2 arasında ve DTM9 ile DTM2 arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklılıklar saptanmıştır. Ayrıca, pearson korelasyon katsayılarına göre, stres toleransı süre medyanı ile bilişsel duygu düzenlemenin “bakış açısına yerleştirme” (r= -,136, p<,05) ve “yıkım” (r= -,144, p<,05) alt boyutları arasında çok düşük negatif yönde bir ilişkinin olduğu belirlenmiştir. Basit doğrusal regresyon analizi sonucu dikkate alındığında ise; F değerine karşılık gelen anlamlılık seviyesine göre kurulan modelin istatistiksel olarak anlamlı olduğu (F= 5,443; p<,05); yıkımın stres toleransı medyanını düşük düzeyde yordadığı ve varyansının da çok küçük bir bölümünün (%2) bu boyut tarafından açıklanabildiği saptanmıştır. Çalışmada elde edilen nitel bulgular nicel bulguları destekler niteliktedir ve çalışma içerisinde uygun örneklerle belirtilmiştir.
Elde edilen bulgular alan yazın dikkate alınarak ve spor bilimleri çalışanlarının yanı sıra gelecekte yapılması planlanan araştırmalara katkı sağlayarak tartışılmıştır.
In this study with combined pattern exploring the temperament types, cognitive mood regulation strategies and stress tolerance levels of physical education teacher candidates in quantitative and qualitative phases, it was aimed to contribute to the features on the concept of “qualified teacher”. The sampling of the study is composed of 259 physical education teacher candidates, 92 of whom are women (35.5%) and 167 of whom are men (64.5%), who are studying in the Faculty of Sports Sciences at Ege University, who have the mean age of 22.74 ±3.47. During the collection of quantitative data, the participants were applied stress tolerance test (DT-test) of vienna test system and personal information form, and a questionnaire form including cognitive emotion regulation (Onat and Otrar, 2010) and nine type temperament model scales (Yılmaz et al.,2014). The qualitative data were, on the other hand, collected by recording on the tape recorder the responses given to semi-constructed open-ended questions determined according to the research topic, appropriate for standardized interview technique. In the analysis of quantitative data, SPSS 24.0 program was utilized. Qualitative data were analyzed by making descriptive resolution for the depth and richness of data after the tape records had been written down. The internal consistency of all tests and their sub-scales was observed to be at a satisfactory level except for “positive re-focusing” sub-scale of Cognitive emotion regulation scale. The mentioned sub-dimension of the scale was excluded from evaluation. According to the definitive statistical analysis, teacher candidates were found to show frequency in 3 temperament types as 60 in Type 2 (23.2%); 44 in Type 1 (17.0%); 36 in Type 9 (13.9%). According to whether the participants are dealing with individual sports or team sports, a statistically significant difference was found (p<.05) in favor of individuals dealing with team sports only in the sub-dimension of “self-accusation” among sub-dimensions of cognitive emotion regulation. According to mother’s educational level variable, a statistically significant difference was detected in favor of primary school/literate (p<.05), between primary school/literate and university and over, in the sub-dimensions of “destruction” and “accusing others” of cognitive emotion regulation. Considering the comparisons in relation to the sub-dimensions of cognitive emotion regulation according to the temperament types of participants, statistically significant differences were found out in sub-dimensions of “self-accusation”, “acceptance”, “focusing on the thought”, “re-focusing on the plan” and “destruction” (p<.05). Teacher candidates were observed to have values above average in all test parameters of stress tolerance (DT) test that they applied; to give quick and correct reactions in fulfilling the duty in long times in cases of stress, that is, to sustain focusing by enabling recovery phase. Considering the temperament types of teacher candidates, statistically significant differences were detected between DTM1 and DTM2 and between DTM9 and DTM2 in their stress tolerance correct reaction time median values. Also, according to pearson correlation coefficients, a very small negative relationship was detected to be found between the sub-dimensions of “placing in viewpoint” (r= -.136, p<.05) and “destruction” (r= -.144, p<.05) of stress tolerance time median and cognitive emotion regulation. Considering the simple linear regression analysis, it was determined that the model set up according to significance level referring to F value was statistically significant (F=5.443, p<.05), destruction predicted stress tolerance median at a low level and a very small part of its variance (2%) could be explained by this dimension. The qualitative findings obtained in the study are supportive of the quantitative findings and are expressed with proper examples in the study. The obtained findings have been discussed considering the literature and by contributing to the studies planned to be conducted in the future as well as to those working in sports sciences.
In this study with combined pattern exploring the temperament types, cognitive mood regulation strategies and stress tolerance levels of physical education teacher candidates in quantitative and qualitative phases, it was aimed to contribute to the features on the concept of “qualified teacher”. The sampling of the study is composed of 259 physical education teacher candidates, 92 of whom are women (35.5%) and 167 of whom are men (64.5%), who are studying in the Faculty of Sports Sciences at Ege University, who have the mean age of 22.74 ±3.47. During the collection of quantitative data, the participants were applied stress tolerance test (DT-test) of vienna test system and personal information form, and a questionnaire form including cognitive emotion regulation (Onat and Otrar, 2010) and nine type temperament model scales (Yılmaz et al.,2014). The qualitative data were, on the other hand, collected by recording on the tape recorder the responses given to semi-constructed open-ended questions determined according to the research topic, appropriate for standardized interview technique. In the analysis of quantitative data, SPSS 24.0 program was utilized. Qualitative data were analyzed by making descriptive resolution for the depth and richness of data after the tape records had been written down. The internal consistency of all tests and their sub-scales was observed to be at a satisfactory level except for “positive re-focusing” sub-scale of Cognitive emotion regulation scale. The mentioned sub-dimension of the scale was excluded from evaluation. According to the definitive statistical analysis, teacher candidates were found to show frequency in 3 temperament types as 60 in Type 2 (23.2%); 44 in Type 1 (17.0%); 36 in Type 9 (13.9%). According to whether the participants are dealing with individual sports or team sports, a statistically significant difference was found (p<.05) in favor of individuals dealing with team sports only in the sub-dimension of “self-accusation” among sub-dimensions of cognitive emotion regulation. According to mother’s educational level variable, a statistically significant difference was detected in favor of primary school/literate (p<.05), between primary school/literate and university and over, in the sub-dimensions of “destruction” and “accusing others” of cognitive emotion regulation. Considering the comparisons in relation to the sub-dimensions of cognitive emotion regulation according to the temperament types of participants, statistically significant differences were found out in sub-dimensions of “self-accusation”, “acceptance”, “focusing on the thought”, “re-focusing on the plan” and “destruction” (p<.05). Teacher candidates were observed to have values above average in all test parameters of stress tolerance (DT) test that they applied; to give quick and correct reactions in fulfilling the duty in long times in cases of stress, that is, to sustain focusing by enabling recovery phase. Considering the temperament types of teacher candidates, statistically significant differences were detected between DTM1 and DTM2 and between DTM9 and DTM2 in their stress tolerance correct reaction time median values. Also, according to pearson correlation coefficients, a very small negative relationship was detected to be found between the sub-dimensions of “placing in viewpoint” (r= -.136, p<.05) and “destruction” (r= -.144, p<.05) of stress tolerance time median and cognitive emotion regulation. Considering the simple linear regression analysis, it was determined that the model set up according to significance level referring to F value was statistically significant (F=5.443, p<.05), destruction predicted stress tolerance median at a low level and a very small part of its variance (2%) could be explained by this dimension. The qualitative findings obtained in the study are supportive of the quantitative findings and are expressed with proper examples in the study. The obtained findings have been discussed considering the literature and by contributing to the studies planned to be conducted in the future as well as to those working in sports sciences.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Mizaç, Duygu Düzenleme, Stres Toleransı, Karma Desen, Nitelikli Beden Eğitimci, Temperament, Emotion Regulation, Stress Tolerance, Combined Pattern, Qualified Physical Educator