Sosyal çalışmacılara yönelik yaşlı sağlığı eğitim programı gereksinim belirleme çalışması
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Ege Üniversitesi
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Amaç: Bu çalışmada amaç sosyal çalışmacılara yönelik yaşlı sağlığı eğitim programı geliştirmek için sosyal çalışmacıların konuya yönelik mevcut durumlarını ve gereksinimleri belirlemektir. Yöntem: Araştırma, kesitsel olup; 20/06/2021-02/02/2022 tarihleri arasında Ülke genelinde araştırmaya katılmaya gönüllü olan 1619 SHUDER (Sosyal Hizmet Uzmanları Derneği) üyesiyle Google Forms üzerinden yürütülmüştür. Üç adet veri toplama aracı (sosyo-demografik anket formu, Geriatrik Sosyal Hizmet Yetkinlik Ölçeği, UCLA Geriatrik Tutumlar Ölçeği) kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın bağımlı değişkenleri: Geriatrik Sosyal Hizmet Yetkinlik Ölçeği ve UCLA Geriatrik Tutumlar Ölçeği puanlarıdır. Araştırmanın bağımsız değişkenleri ise yaş, cinsiyet, alandaki deneyim, mezun olunan fakülte, yaşlılık konusunda hizmet içi eğitim alma durumu, yaşlı birey ile yaşama deneyimidir. Veri toplama süreci tamamlandıktan sonra elde edilen veriler IBM SPSS Statistics 26 programı kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Non- parametrik testlerden: Mann-Whitney U, Run (Swed-Eisenhart) testi, Spearman's korelasyonu, ki-kare testi gerektiğinde Fisher Exact düzeltme işlemi uygulanarak kullanılmıştır. Gruplar arası farkın çoklu karşılaştırmalarında ise Kruskal-Wallis Testi kullanılmıştır. Anlamlılık değeri p<0,05 olduğu durumlar istatistiksel olarak anlamlı kabul edilmiştir. Program tasarımı yapılmış olup; uygulama aşamasına geçilmemiştir. Bulgular: Çalışmada yer alan 1619 katılımcının %53,8'i kadın; %46,2'si erkektir ve yaş ortalaması 35,17 (std. sapma: 9,778)'dir. Katılımcıların %88,8'i geriatrik sosyal hizmet lisansüstü eğitimi almak istemektedir. Ölçeklerin puan ortalaması sonucunda sosyal çalışmacıların geriatrik yetkinliklerinin çok yüksek olmadığı tespit edilmiştir. Geriatrik sosyal hizmet lisansüstü eğitim alma isteği, yetkinlik ve tutuma ilişkin cinsiyete göre bir ilişki tespit edilmemiştir. Yaş arttıkça lisansüstü eğitim alma isteği, yetkinlik ve tutumla ilgili negatif ilişki tespit edilmiştir. Bekarların lisansüstü eğitim programı alma isteğinin daha fazla olduğu görülmüştür. Eğitim seviyesi açısından lisansüstü eğitim alma isteği anlamında bir ilişkiye rastlanmazken; sırasıyla Fen- Edebiyat-Beşerî Bilimler Fakültesi (%92,7), Akademi, Yüksekokul ya da Açıköğretim IV Fakültesi (%92), Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi (%88,3), İktisadi-İdari Bilimler Fakültesi (%83,5) mezunlarının lisansüstü geriatrik sosyal hizmet programı alma konusunda istekli oldukları görülmüştür. Lisans düzeyinde mezun olunan fakülteyle geriatrik yetkinlik ve tutuma ilişkin kuvvetli bir ilişki tespit edilmiştir. Mesleki tecrübe arttıkça lisansüstü eğitim alma isteğinin azaldığı görülmüş, değer, değerlendirme ve tutum arasında pozitif bir ilişki tespit edilmiştir. Aksine, yaşlılarla çalışma süresi arttıkça lisansüstü eğitim alma isteği de artmıştır. Katılımcıların %66,4'ü yaşlılarla çalışma konusunda isteklidir ve %52,2'si lisans düzeyinde yaşlılıkla ilgili bir ders almamıştır. Lisans düzeyinde alınan eğitim sayısıyla lisansüstü eğitim alma isteği pozitif ilişkilidir. Katılımcıların %67,6'sı yaşlılık konusunda hizmet içi eğitim almamıştır. Yaşlılıkla ilgili alınan hizmet içi eğitim tutumu pozitif yönde etkilemiştir. Katılımcıların %27,9'unun hanesinde hiç yaşlı birey bulunmazken hanede bulunan yaşlı birey sayısı ortalama 1,56 (std. sapma: 1,304)'dır. Yaşanılan yaşlı birey sayısıyla lisansüstü eğitim alma isteği ve yetkinlik arasında pozitif ilişki tespit edilmiştir. Katılımcıların %67,1'i yaşlılıkla ilgili kitap okurken, %82,1'i ise yaşlılıkla ilgili konuları medya ya da sosyal medya üzerinden takip etmektedir. Geriatrik sosyal hizmet eğitimi sertifikasyon programı olsa; katılımcıların %20,7'si katılmak isteyebileceğini beyan etmiştir. Lisansüstü eğitim almak isteyen katılımcıların geriatrik yetkinlikleri yüksek çıkarken tutumla ilgili bir ilişki tespit edilmemiştir. Sonuç: Sosyal çalışmacıların yaşlı sağlığına yönelik geliştirilecek eğitim programına gereksinimleri vardır. Geriatrik yetkinlik ve tutum yaş, alandaki deneyim, mezun olunan fakülte, yaşlılık konusunda alınan hizmet içi eğitim, yaşlıyla yaşama durumundan etkilenmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Geriatri; Sosyal Çalışmacılar; Tutum; Sağlık Eğitimi; Müfredat
Objective: The aim of this study is to determine the current situation and needs of social workers in order to develop an elderly health education program for social workers. Method: The research is cross-sectional; it was conducted over Google Forms with 1619 SHUDER (Turkish Association of Social Workers) members across the country who volunteered to participate in the research between 20/06/2021-02/02/2022. Three data collection tools (socio-demographic questionnaire, Geriatric Social Work Competency Scale, UCLA Geriatric Attitudes Scale) were used. Dependent variables of the study: Geriatric Social Work Competency Scale and UCLA Geriatric Attitudes Scale scores. The independent variables of the study are age, gender, experience in the field, graduated faculty, in-service training on old age, and experience of living with an elderly individual. After the data collection process was completed, the data obtained were analyzed using the IBM SPSS Statistics 26 program. Non-parametric tests: Mann-Whitney U, Run (Swed-Eisenhart) test, Spearman's correlation, and chi- square test were used by applying Fisher Exact correction when necessary. The Kruskal-Wallis Test was used for the multiple comparisons of the difference between the groups. Cases with a significance value of p<0.05 were considered statistically significant. The program has been designed; has not entered the implementation phase. Results: In the study 53.8% of the 1619 participants are women; 46.2% of them are male and the mean age is 35.17 (std. deviation: 9,778). 88.8% of the participants want to receive geriatric social work graduate education. As a result of the average score of the scales, it was determined that the geriatric competencies of the social workers were not very high. No relationship was found regarding the desire to receive graduate education in geriatric social work, competency and attitude according to gender. As the age increased, a negative relationship was found about the desire to receive graduate education, competence and attitude. It has been observed that singles are more willing to take a postgraduate education program. While there is no relationship in terms of the desire to receive postgraduate education in terms of education level; VI Graduates of the Faculty of Arts, Sciences and Humanities (92.7%), Academy, School of Higher Education or Open Education Faculty (92%), Faculty of Health Sciences (88.3%), Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (83.5%), respectively. It was observed that they were willing to receive a geriatric social service program. A strong relationship was found between the faculty graduated at the undergraduate level and geriatric competence and attitude. It was observed that as the professional experience increased, the desire to receive postgraduate education decreased, and a positive relationship was determined between value, evaluation and attitude. On the contrary, as the duration of working with the elderly increased, the desire to pursue graduate education also increased. 66.4% of the participants are willing to work with the elderly and 52.2% of them have not taken a course on aging at the undergraduate level. The number of education received at the undergraduate level is positively related to the desire to receive graduate education. 67.6% of the participants did not receive in-service training on aging. In-service training on aging had a positive effect on the attitude. While there is no elderly person in the household of 27.9% of the participants, the average number of elderly individuals in the household is 1.56 (std. deviation: 1.304). A positive relationship was found between the number of elderly individuals living and the desire to receive graduate education and competence. While 67.1% of the participants read books about aging, 82.1% follow the issues related to aging through the media or social media. If there is a geriatric social work education certification program; 20.7% of the participants declared that they would like to participate. While the geriatric competencies of the participants who want to take postgraduate education are high, no relation with attitude has been determined. Conclusion: Social workers need a training program to be developed for elderly health. Geriatric competence and attitude are affected by age, experience in the field, graduated faculty, in-service training on old age, and living with the elderly. Keywords: Geriatrics; Social Workers; Attitude; Health Education; Curriculum
Objective: The aim of this study is to determine the current situation and needs of social workers in order to develop an elderly health education program for social workers. Method: The research is cross-sectional; it was conducted over Google Forms with 1619 SHUDER (Turkish Association of Social Workers) members across the country who volunteered to participate in the research between 20/06/2021-02/02/2022. Three data collection tools (socio-demographic questionnaire, Geriatric Social Work Competency Scale, UCLA Geriatric Attitudes Scale) were used. Dependent variables of the study: Geriatric Social Work Competency Scale and UCLA Geriatric Attitudes Scale scores. The independent variables of the study are age, gender, experience in the field, graduated faculty, in-service training on old age, and experience of living with an elderly individual. After the data collection process was completed, the data obtained were analyzed using the IBM SPSS Statistics 26 program. Non-parametric tests: Mann-Whitney U, Run (Swed-Eisenhart) test, Spearman's correlation, and chi- square test were used by applying Fisher Exact correction when necessary. The Kruskal-Wallis Test was used for the multiple comparisons of the difference between the groups. Cases with a significance value of p<0.05 were considered statistically significant. The program has been designed; has not entered the implementation phase. Results: In the study 53.8% of the 1619 participants are women; 46.2% of them are male and the mean age is 35.17 (std. deviation: 9,778). 88.8% of the participants want to receive geriatric social work graduate education. As a result of the average score of the scales, it was determined that the geriatric competencies of the social workers were not very high. No relationship was found regarding the desire to receive graduate education in geriatric social work, competency and attitude according to gender. As the age increased, a negative relationship was found about the desire to receive graduate education, competence and attitude. It has been observed that singles are more willing to take a postgraduate education program. While there is no relationship in terms of the desire to receive postgraduate education in terms of education level; VI Graduates of the Faculty of Arts, Sciences and Humanities (92.7%), Academy, School of Higher Education or Open Education Faculty (92%), Faculty of Health Sciences (88.3%), Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences (83.5%), respectively. It was observed that they were willing to receive a geriatric social service program. A strong relationship was found between the faculty graduated at the undergraduate level and geriatric competence and attitude. It was observed that as the professional experience increased, the desire to receive postgraduate education decreased, and a positive relationship was determined between value, evaluation and attitude. On the contrary, as the duration of working with the elderly increased, the desire to pursue graduate education also increased. 66.4% of the participants are willing to work with the elderly and 52.2% of them have not taken a course on aging at the undergraduate level. The number of education received at the undergraduate level is positively related to the desire to receive graduate education. 67.6% of the participants did not receive in-service training on aging. In-service training on aging had a positive effect on the attitude. While there is no elderly person in the household of 27.9% of the participants, the average number of elderly individuals in the household is 1.56 (std. deviation: 1.304). A positive relationship was found between the number of elderly individuals living and the desire to receive graduate education and competence. While 67.1% of the participants read books about aging, 82.1% follow the issues related to aging through the media or social media. If there is a geriatric social work education certification program; 20.7% of the participants declared that they would like to participate. While the geriatric competencies of the participants who want to take postgraduate education are high, no relation with attitude has been determined. Conclusion: Social workers need a training program to be developed for elderly health. Geriatric competence and attitude are affected by age, experience in the field, graduated faculty, in-service training on old age, and living with the elderly. Keywords: Geriatrics; Social Workers; Attitude; Health Education; Curriculum
Anahtar Kelimeler
Geriatri, Geriatrics, Sağlık Eğitimi, Health Education, Sosyal Hizmetler, Social Services, Ders programları, Curriculum, Geriatri, Geriatrics, Sağlık eğitimi, Health education, Sosyal hizmetler, Social services, Tutumlar, Attitudes