By-catch in a 40mm PE demersal trawl codend
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Türk sularında dip trolü avcılığının hedef dışı av ve ıskarta düzeyi önemli miktardadır. Bu çalışmada kullanılan veriler 9 Ağustos ve 4 Eylül 2002 tarihleri arasında İzmir Körfezinde araştırma gemisi Egesüf (27 m, 500 HP) ile yapılmış olan dip trolü torba seçiciliği çalışmaları sırasında toplanmıştır. Kırk mm göz açıklığındaki ticari olarak kullanılan PE torba ve 24 mm göz açıklığındaki örtü torbada yakalanmış olan toplam 52 balık ve omurgasız türü belirlenmiş, ayrı ayrı tartılmış ve ticari ve ticari olmayan diye sınıflandırılmıştır. Ayrıca, barbunya (Mullus barbatus), bakalyaro (Merluccius merluccius), kırma mercan (Pagellus erythrinus), yabani mercan (Pagellus acarne), ısparoz (Diplodus annularis) ve izmarit (Spicare smaris) balıklarından boy ölçümleri en yakın yarım cm aralıklarla alınmış ve en küçük avlanma boyu ya da eğer bu belirlenmemiş ise en küçük üreme boyu kullanılarak toplam avdaki hedef dışı av yüzdeleri birey sayısı olarak hesaplanmıştır. Bu türler için ağırlık cinsinden hedef dışı av miktarı literatürden boy-ağırlık ilişkileri kullanılarak ayrıca hesaplanmıştır. Sonuçlar torbadaki avın ortalama % 63'ünün (93 kg) ticari öneme sahip türler iken geri kalan % 37'sinin (56 kg) pazarlanamayan türlerden oluştuğunu göstermektedir. Ayrıca ticari önemi olan türlerden olmalarına rağmen, ağırlık olarak torbada yakalanan barbunyanın % 5'inin, bakalyaronun % 92'sinin, kırma mercanın % 32'sinin ve yabani mercanın % 33'ünün en küçük yakalama boyunun altında olduÛu bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak, Ege denizi dip trol balıkçılığının çok türlü bir av karakteri olduğu, bu balıkçılığın hedef dışı av seviyesinin aşırı miktarda yüksek olduğu ve bu sebeple daha seçici avcılık uygulamalarına geçilmesine acil ihtiyaç olduğu vurgulanmıştır.
Demersal trawling in Turkish waters yields a considerable amount of by-catch and discard. Data presented in this study were collected during a demersal trawl codend selectivity trial carried out on board the RV EgesŸf (27 m, 500 HP) between August 9 and September 4, 2002, in Üzmir Bay. In total, 52 species of fish and invertebrate from 40 mm nominal mesh size commercially used PE codend and 24 mm cover were identified, separately weighed, and classified as commercial and non-commercial. In addition, for red mullet (Mullus barbatus), hake (Merluccius merluccius), common pandora (Pagellus erythrinus), axillary sea bream (Pagellus acarne), annular sea bream (Diplodus annularis), and picarel (Spicare smaris), length measurements were taken to the nearest half centimeter, and percentages of by-catch, in terms of numbers of individuals, were calculated using Minimum Landing Size (MLS) or, if this was not defined, Length at First Maturity (LFM). Levels of by-catch for these species were also calculated in terms of weight, using length-weight relationships reported in the literature. The results showed that, on average, 63% (93 kg) of codend catch was composed of commercial species, while the rest, 37% (56 kg), was unmarketable species. Moreover, although they are commercial species, 5% of red mullet, 92% of hake, 32% of common pandora, and 33% of axillary sea bream were below MLS in terms of weight. In conclusion, it is stressed that the Aegean Sea demersal trawl fishery has a multi-species nature, its by-catch level is rather high, and therefore there is an urgent need for introducing more selective fishing practices.
Demersal trawling in Turkish waters yields a considerable amount of by-catch and discard. Data presented in this study were collected during a demersal trawl codend selectivity trial carried out on board the RV EgesŸf (27 m, 500 HP) between August 9 and September 4, 2002, in Üzmir Bay. In total, 52 species of fish and invertebrate from 40 mm nominal mesh size commercially used PE codend and 24 mm cover were identified, separately weighed, and classified as commercial and non-commercial. In addition, for red mullet (Mullus barbatus), hake (Merluccius merluccius), common pandora (Pagellus erythrinus), axillary sea bream (Pagellus acarne), annular sea bream (Diplodus annularis), and picarel (Spicare smaris), length measurements were taken to the nearest half centimeter, and percentages of by-catch, in terms of numbers of individuals, were calculated using Minimum Landing Size (MLS) or, if this was not defined, Length at First Maturity (LFM). Levels of by-catch for these species were also calculated in terms of weight, using length-weight relationships reported in the literature. The results showed that, on average, 63% (93 kg) of codend catch was composed of commercial species, while the rest, 37% (56 kg), was unmarketable species. Moreover, although they are commercial species, 5% of red mullet, 92% of hake, 32% of common pandora, and 33% of axillary sea bream were below MLS in terms of weight. In conclusion, it is stressed that the Aegean Sea demersal trawl fishery has a multi-species nature, its by-catch level is rather high, and therefore there is an urgent need for introducing more selective fishing practices.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Sütçülük ve Hayvan Bilimleri
Turkish Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri