Siprofloksasinin sebep olduğu kolestatik karaciğer hasarı
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Bu yazıda, kinolon türevi olan siprofloksasin'e bağlı olduğu düşünülen şiddetli kolestazisli hepatik hasarı olan bir olgu sunulmuştur. Semptomlar ilaç kullanımının 5. gününde açığa çıktı ve ikinci haftada biyokimyasal anomalilerle birlikte pik yapmıştır. Karaciğer hasarının, viral marker'lar ve otoan-tikorlar negatif olduğu için siprofloksasin'e bağlı olduğu düşünüldü ve biyokimyasal parametrelerin 3 ayda normale döndüğü başka bir spesifik patoloji gösterilemedi. Bu olgu, lit¬eratürde siprofloksasine'e bağlı semptomatik karaciğer hasarı sadece 3 olgu bildirildiğinden sunulmuştur ve bütün ilaçların hasarın şiddetli semptomlara yol açacak şekilde hepattotaksik olabileceğini göstermektedir.
In this report, we present a case of hepatic injury with severe cholestasis thought to be a consequence of a quino-lone derivative ciprofloxacine. Symptoms appeared on the 5th day of the drug use and reached the maximum at second week together with the biochemical abnormalities. the liver injury was thought to be due to ciprofloxacine as viral markers and auotoantibodies were negative, and as we could not demonstra¬te a specific cause pathologically in association with the return of all the biochemical parameters to normal in 3 month. This case merits to be presented from the point that there are only three cases of symptomatic liver injury due to ciprofloxacine in literature and that it demonstrates all the drugs could be hepa-totoxic sometimes leading severe symptoms.
In this report, we present a case of hepatic injury with severe cholestasis thought to be a consequence of a quino-lone derivative ciprofloxacine. Symptoms appeared on the 5th day of the drug use and reached the maximum at second week together with the biochemical abnormalities. the liver injury was thought to be due to ciprofloxacine as viral markers and auotoantibodies were negative, and as we could not demonstra¬te a specific cause pathologically in association with the return of all the biochemical parameters to normal in 3 month. This case merits to be presented from the point that there are only three cases of symptomatic liver injury due to ciprofloxacine in literature and that it demonstrates all the drugs could be hepa-totoxic sometimes leading severe symptoms.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology
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