Sofralık sultani üzüm çeşidinde hasat sonrası fungal çürüklerin epifitik mayalarla biyolojik kontrolü
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Ege Üniversitesi
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V ÖZET SOFRALIK SULTANİ ÜZÜM ÇEŞİDİNDE HASAT SONRASI FUNGAL ÇÜRÜKLÜKLERİN EPİFİTİK MAYALARLA BİYOLOJİK KONTROLÜ SEZEN, Nağme Doktora Tezi, Bitki Koruma Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Mehmet Yıldız Şubat, 2005, 150 sayfa Bu çalışmada, Ege Bölgesinde Sultani sofralık çekirdeksiz üzümlerde, önemli kayıplara neden olan Botrytis cinerea ve Aspergillus niger' in epifitik mayalarla biyolojik kontrolü ve bunların düşük doz SO2 uygulamalarıyla bütünleştirilmesi hedeflenmiştir. Bu amaçla 2001-2003 yıllarında, başta Manisa ve İzmir illeri bağ alanları olmak üzere, bölgeden 247 üzüm örneği alınmış ve bunlardan çok sayıda maya izole edilmiştir ve bunların 313' ü tane testlerinde kullamlmıştır. Testlerde, 313 maya izolatından 156 adedi (%49,84) B.cinerea' ya, 48 tanesi (% 15,33) ise A niger' e karşı %50 ve üzerinde etkililik göstermişlerdir. Her iki patojene karşı etkili olan 41 maya izolau ile çilkim testleri yapılmıştır. 21 izolat etki mekanizmalarım belirlemek amacıyla antibiyosis testlerine alınmıştır. Izolatlar içinden 5 tanesi (41/1, 78/2, 141/6, 170/3 ve 173/6), etkinlikleri, antabiyosis sonuçlan ve örnekleme yerleri dikkate alınarak depolama çalışmaları için seçilmiştir. Depolama çalışmalarında mayalar, iki ayrı zamanda uygulanmıştır. Hasat öncesi uygulama bağda, hasattan bir gün önce yapılmıştır. Hasat sonrasında ise,VI dezenfekte edilen üzüm salkımlarına önce maya, sonrada patojen (B. cinerea ve A.niger) inokulasyonu yapılmıştır. Derim sonrası uygulamalarda, depolamanın 3. ayında mayalar B. cinerea' ya karşı %0.0 ile %45.3 (41/1 nolu izolat) arasında bir koruyuculuk sağlarken, bu değerler maya ve düşük doz SO2 birlikteliğinde %7952 (173/6 nolu izolat) ve % 88,0 (78/2 nolu izolat) arasında değişmiştir. Derim öncesi uygulamalarda da benzer sonuçlara ulaşılmıştır. Teksel maya uygulamalarında çürüklük gelişimi %7,6 ile % 44.1 (173/6 nolu izolat) arasında basküanırken, etkinlikler maya -düşük doz S02 birlikteliğinde %22,9 (41/1 nolu izolat) ile % 94,9 (173/6 nolu izolat) arasında seyretmiştir. Her iki denemede de, önerilen SO2 uygulaması ile %92,8 ile % 100 arasında koruyuculuk sağlanırken yarım doz SO2 uygulamasında bu değerler, %38,1 ile %47,4 arasında olmuştur. Bu durum mayalarla yarım doz SO2 bMikteHğinin, depolama sırasında çürüklük gelişimini önemli ölçüde baskıladığım göstermektedir. Derim sonrasında A. nigef in inokule edildiği üzümlerde, 141/6 nolu maya izolatının gerek teksel, gerekse yarım doz SO2 birlikteliğinde, çürüklük geHşiminde sırasıyla %69,2 - %100 arasında koruyuculuk sağlanmıştır. Depolama çalışmasında kullanılan 5 izolattan sadece 41/ nolu izolat, hem B. cinerea ve hem de A. nigef e karşı antibiyosise dayalı bir etki göstermiştir. Depo koşullarında, 173/6 nolu izolat teksel ve düşük doz SO2 ile birlikte uygulandığında, zamana bağlı olarak popülasyonun artışında önemli bir fark saptanmamıştır. Derim öncesi maya uygulaması yapılan üzümlerde, 170/3 ve 173/6 nolu izolatlar, bazı kalite özellikleri açısından diğer uygulamalara göre, daha üstün olmuşlardır. 78/2 nolu maya izolatı, Centraalbureau Voor Schimmelcultures tarafından Metschnikowia pulcherrima (Candida pulcherrima) olarak tamlanmışür. Teste alman diğer izolatlarda benzer özelliklere sahiptirler. Anahtar kelimeler: Biylojik savaş, Botrytis cinerea, Aspergillus niger, maya, hasat sonrası, depolama, üzüm
vn ABSTRACT BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF POSTHARVEST FUNGAL DECAY WITH EPIPHYTIC YEAST ON SULTANINA TABLE GRAPE VARIETY SEZEN, Nağme Ph.D Thessis, Department of Plant Protection.- Supervisor Prof. Dr. Mehmet Yıldız February, 2005, 150 pages In this tests, it was aimed to biological control of Botrytis cinerea and Aspergillus niger, causing losses during transport and storage, and integration of them with lower doses of SO2 on sultanina seedless table grapes in Aegean Region. For this reason, 247 grape samples were gathered from vinyards region, especially from Manisa and Izmir, between the years of 2001-2003. Many of yeast isolates were obtained from berries surface and 313 of them were used in the tests. In the tests, 156 of 313 yeast isolates (49,84%) against B.cinerea and 48 of them against (15.33 %) A niger showed effectiveness by 50% and over. Forty one yeast isolates having effectiveness over 50% against both pathogens were used in cluster tests. From those tests, 21 isolates which were found effective aginst pathogens were selected for antibiosis test to determine their antibiosis mode of action. Among them, 5 antagonistic yeast isolates (41/1, 78/2, 141/6, 170/3 ve 173/6) were selected for cold storage room tests acorrding to the their efficacy, if produce antibiosis or not and their isolation location. In cold storage room tests, yeasts were applied one day before from harvest in vineyard. In postharvest treatments,vm grapes were disinfected, treated with yeasts and then inoculated with pathogens (B. cinerea and A. niger). In both tests, grapes were put into 5 kg polietilen bags and stored at 0°C for 3 months. In postharvest treatments, while the efficacy against B. cinerea was 0.0% and 45.3% (41/1 isolate), these values was changed between 79.2% (173/6) and 88.0 % (78/2) in the treatment of yeast combined with low dose of SO2. The same results were obtained also in preharvest treatments. In yeast alone treatments, when decay development was inhibited between the 7,6 - 44.1 % (173/6), effectiveness were between 22,9% (41/1) and 94,9 % (173/6) in the combination of yeast and low dose of SO2. In both experiments, while the effectiveness was 92.8% and 100% in commercial dose of SO2, these values were 38.1% and 47.4% in half dose of SO2. These results show the combination of yeast and half dose of SO2 was highly inhibited the decay development during storage. When the A.niger was inoculated in postharvest treatments, yeast iolate, It was determined 69,2% and 100 % inhibition by 141/6 both alone and combined with half dose of SO2 on the decay development, respectively. Among the 5 yeast isolates used in cold storage room test, only 41/1 was showed antibiosis effect as a mode of action aginst both B. cinerea and A. niger. From these isolates, in the tratments of 173/6 alone and in combination with half dose of SO2, the population dynamics of yeast isolate were not different depending on storage time. The some quality parameters was better on grapes treated with yeasts, 170/3 and 173/6, in postharvest stages before storage than the other treatments. The yeast isolate, U78/2 was identified as Metschnikowia pulcherrima by Centraalbureau Voor Schimmelcultures. The other tested yeast isolates had similar characteristics. Keyworts: Bioconrtrol, Botrytis cinerea, Aspergillus niger, yeast, post- harvest, storage, grape.
vn ABSTRACT BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF POSTHARVEST FUNGAL DECAY WITH EPIPHYTIC YEAST ON SULTANINA TABLE GRAPE VARIETY SEZEN, Nağme Ph.D Thessis, Department of Plant Protection.- Supervisor Prof. Dr. Mehmet Yıldız February, 2005, 150 pages In this tests, it was aimed to biological control of Botrytis cinerea and Aspergillus niger, causing losses during transport and storage, and integration of them with lower doses of SO2 on sultanina seedless table grapes in Aegean Region. For this reason, 247 grape samples were gathered from vinyards region, especially from Manisa and Izmir, between the years of 2001-2003. Many of yeast isolates were obtained from berries surface and 313 of them were used in the tests. In the tests, 156 of 313 yeast isolates (49,84%) against B.cinerea and 48 of them against (15.33 %) A niger showed effectiveness by 50% and over. Forty one yeast isolates having effectiveness over 50% against both pathogens were used in cluster tests. From those tests, 21 isolates which were found effective aginst pathogens were selected for antibiosis test to determine their antibiosis mode of action. Among them, 5 antagonistic yeast isolates (41/1, 78/2, 141/6, 170/3 ve 173/6) were selected for cold storage room tests acorrding to the their efficacy, if produce antibiosis or not and their isolation location. In cold storage room tests, yeasts were applied one day before from harvest in vineyard. In postharvest treatments,vm grapes were disinfected, treated with yeasts and then inoculated with pathogens (B. cinerea and A. niger). In both tests, grapes were put into 5 kg polietilen bags and stored at 0°C for 3 months. In postharvest treatments, while the efficacy against B. cinerea was 0.0% and 45.3% (41/1 isolate), these values was changed between 79.2% (173/6) and 88.0 % (78/2) in the treatment of yeast combined with low dose of SO2. The same results were obtained also in preharvest treatments. In yeast alone treatments, when decay development was inhibited between the 7,6 - 44.1 % (173/6), effectiveness were between 22,9% (41/1) and 94,9 % (173/6) in the combination of yeast and low dose of SO2. In both experiments, while the effectiveness was 92.8% and 100% in commercial dose of SO2, these values were 38.1% and 47.4% in half dose of SO2. These results show the combination of yeast and half dose of SO2 was highly inhibited the decay development during storage. When the A.niger was inoculated in postharvest treatments, yeast iolate, It was determined 69,2% and 100 % inhibition by 141/6 both alone and combined with half dose of SO2 on the decay development, respectively. Among the 5 yeast isolates used in cold storage room test, only 41/1 was showed antibiosis effect as a mode of action aginst both B. cinerea and A. niger. From these isolates, in the tratments of 173/6 alone and in combination with half dose of SO2, the population dynamics of yeast isolate were not different depending on storage time. The some quality parameters was better on grapes treated with yeasts, 170/3 and 173/6, in postharvest stages before storage than the other treatments. The yeast isolate, U78/2 was identified as Metschnikowia pulcherrima by Centraalbureau Voor Schimmelcultures. The other tested yeast isolates had similar characteristics. Keyworts: Bioconrtrol, Botrytis cinerea, Aspergillus niger, yeast, post- harvest, storage, grape.
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Ziraat, Agriculture