Oxidation of the heterocyclic compounds with singlet oxygen and the determination of superoxide quantum yelds
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET HETEROSÎKLÎK BİLEŞİKLERİN SİNGLET OKSİJENLE FOTOOKSİDASYONU VE SUPEROKSÎT KUANTUM VERİMLERİNİN HESAPLANMASI TİMUR, Celil Doktora Tezi, Kimya Anabilim Dalı Tez Yöneticisi : Prof.Dr.Sıddık İÇLİ Haziran-1998, 164 sayfa Sulu fazdaki solar fotoorganik kimyasal reaksiyonlar organik fazda gerçekleşen reaksiyonlara kıyasla daha fazla önem taşımaktadır; doğada, solar fotoreaksiyonların neredeyse tamamı sulu fazda oluşmaktadır. Atık suların detoksifikasyonu, dezenfeksiyonu Dünya ekolojisi için ciddi bir ekonomik sorun yaratmaktadır. 4-Metil-3-fenil-2-tiyazolidintiyon hem fotokimyasal hem de kimyasal olarak oluşturulan singlet oksijen ile reaksiyona girmektedir. Singlet oksijen, triplet oksijene kıyasla daha reaktif ve enerjetik olup sulu fazlarda daha yüksek reaktivite ile oksidasyon reaksiyonları oluşturabilir. Singlet oksijen ile güneş ışınımı altında atık suların detoksifikasyon ve dezenfeksiyon arıtımı mümkün olabilmektedir.Triazol halka sistemlerinin fluoresans emisyonlan incelenmiştir. Kloroform çözeltilerindeki, l-fenil-l,2,3-triazolün yedi farklı 4- aröü (acil) türevi için 378 nm deki uyarılmalarından kaynaklanan fluoresans kuantum verimleri Qf, ri fluoresans hız sabitleri; kf, belirlenmiştir. fluoresans kuantum verimleri Qf, radyatif yan ömürleri; to" Anahtar kelimeler : 1,2,3-Triazol, fluoresans kuantum verimi, singlet oksijen/superoksit, fotodegradasyon, fotooksidasyon
VI ABSTRACT OXIDATION OF THE HETEROCYCLIC COMPOUNDS WITH SINGLET OXYGEN AND THE DETERMINATION OF SUPEROXIDE QUANTUM YIELDS TİMUR, Celil Ph.D. in Chemistry Supervisor : Prof.Dr.Sıddık IÇLI June- 1998, 164 pages Aqueous phase solar photoorganic reactions carry much more importance compare to organic phase photochemical reactions; in nature solar photoreactions proceed mostly in aqueous phase, detoxification and disinfection of polluted waters is a serious economical problem all over the world. 4-Methyl-3-phenyl-2-thiazolidinethione was reacted with both photochemically and chemically generated singlet oxygen. Singlet oxygen is more reactive and energetic compare to triplet oxygen and capable of exerting oxydation reactions in liquid phases at higher reactivity respect to triplet oxygen. Polluted waters can be disinfected and detoxificated by singlet oxygen under solar irradiation.Triazole ring system was studied on fluorescence emisson. Fluorescence emission from 378 nm excitation yielded fluorescence quantum yields, Qf, radiative lifetimes, to, fluorescence rate constants, kf for seven 4-aroyl(acyl) derivatives 1 -phenyl- 1,2,3-triazoles in chloroform solutions. Keywords : 1,2,3-Triazoles, fluorescence quantum yields, singlet oxygen and/or superoxide, photodegradation, photooxidation.
VI ABSTRACT OXIDATION OF THE HETEROCYCLIC COMPOUNDS WITH SINGLET OXYGEN AND THE DETERMINATION OF SUPEROXIDE QUANTUM YIELDS TİMUR, Celil Ph.D. in Chemistry Supervisor : Prof.Dr.Sıddık IÇLI June- 1998, 164 pages Aqueous phase solar photoorganic reactions carry much more importance compare to organic phase photochemical reactions; in nature solar photoreactions proceed mostly in aqueous phase, detoxification and disinfection of polluted waters is a serious economical problem all over the world. 4-Methyl-3-phenyl-2-thiazolidinethione was reacted with both photochemically and chemically generated singlet oxygen. Singlet oxygen is more reactive and energetic compare to triplet oxygen and capable of exerting oxydation reactions in liquid phases at higher reactivity respect to triplet oxygen. Polluted waters can be disinfected and detoxificated by singlet oxygen under solar irradiation.Triazole ring system was studied on fluorescence emisson. Fluorescence emission from 378 nm excitation yielded fluorescence quantum yields, Qf, radiative lifetimes, to, fluorescence rate constants, kf for seven 4-aroyl(acyl) derivatives 1 -phenyl- 1,2,3-triazoles in chloroform solutions. Keywords : 1,2,3-Triazoles, fluorescence quantum yields, singlet oxygen and/or superoxide, photodegradation, photooxidation.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Kimya, Chemistry, Bileşikler, Compounds, Fotobozunma, Photodegradation, Fotooksidasyon, Photooxidations, Heteroyapılar, Heterostructures, Singlet oksijen, Singlet oxygen