Türkiye’de 2009 yılında uygulanmaya başlayan yeni ölüm bildirim sisteminin işleyişinin İzmir ili örneğınde değerlendirilmesi
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Amaç: Çalışmada, ülkemizde 2009 yılında uygulanmaya başlayan yeni Türkiye İstatistik Kurumu (TÜİK) Ölüm Bildirim Sistemi’nin İzmir İli örneğinde, kabul edilebilirlik, basitlik ve faydalılık kriterleri açısından değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Yöntem: Niteliksel verilere dayalı olarak gerçekleştirilen bu tanımlayıcı çalışmada, İzmir’de TÜİK Ölüm Bildirim Sistemi’nin farklı aşamalarında görev alan kişilerle derinlemesine görüşmeler yapılmıştır (n=19). Görüşmelerde, Amerikan Ulusal Hastalık Kontrol Merkezi tarafından önerilen sürveyans sistemlerini değerlendirme kriterlerinden olan kabul edilebilirlik, basitlik ve faydalılık kriterlerini sorgulayan 12 soruluk bir rehber kullanılmıştır. Her biri yarım saat süren görüşmeler kişilerin çalıştıkları kuruluşlarda gerçekleştirilmiştir. Ses kayıtları her görüşmenin ardından çözümlenmiş, veriler içerik analizi uygulanarak değerlendirilmiştir. Bulgular: Görüşmeler sonucunda, 1) yeni TÜİK Ölüm Bildirim Sistemi’nin gerekliliği, 2) yeni sistemin planlama aşaması, 3) yeni sistemin uygulama aşaması 4) ölüm istatistiklerinden yararlanılma düzeyi olmak üzere dört tema ortaya çıkmıştır. Çalışmanın bulguları, yeni yapılanmada ölüm kayıtları ile ilgili örgütlenmenin bütüncül olarak ele alınmadığına, ölüm bildirimlerinin temel aldığı mevzuatın günümüz koşullarını karşılamadığına ve yeni düzenlemelerin mevzuatla uyumlu olmadığına, yeni TÜİK Ölüm Belgesi’nde ve yeni yapılanmaya geçiş aşamasında verilen eğitimlerde bir takım eksiklikler bulunduğuna, ölüm istatistiklerinin sağlık hizmetlerine yön vermede kullanılmadığına işaret etmektedir. Sonuç: Ölüm nedeni istatistiklerinin geliştirilmesi projesi kapsamında TÜİK Ölüm Bildirim Sistemi’nde yapılan düzenlemeler, kabul edilebilirlik, basitlik ve faydalılık kriterleri açısından yetersiz bulunmuştur.
Aim: In the study, the new Turkish Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT) Death Reporting System which has been put into practice in Turkey since 2009 was aimed to be evaluated in the case of Izmir city in terms of acceptability, simplicity and usefulness criteria. Methods: This descriptive study was conducted on the basis of qualitative data, in-depth interviews were conducted with authorities taking charge at different stages of TURKSTAT Death Reporting System in Izmir (n= 19). A guideline involving 12 questions was used in the interviews examining acceptability, simplicity and usefulness criteria which were suggested by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The interviews lasting half an hour were performed at the institutions in which individuals work. Audio recordings were analyzed right after each interview and data were evaluated by implementing content analysis. Results: As a result of the in-depth interviews, the three themes were appeared: 1) the rationale of the new TURKSTAT Death Reporting System, 2) sufficiency of planning stage of the new system, 3) implementation stage of the new system 4) the usage of death statistics. The results of study indicated current structure regarding death registration were not dealt integrally by decision-makers, and regulations regarding mortality did not meet current conditions, and adjustments in the new system were not compatible regulations, and some shortcomings were identified in the new TURKSTAT Death Certificate and trainings given in the transitional stage, and data were not used in any field. Conclusion: TURKSTAT Death Reporting System which has been conducted the regulations under the project on improving the quality of cause of death statistics was found insufficient in terms of acceptability, and simplicity and usefulness criteria.
Aim: In the study, the new Turkish Statistical Institute (TURKSTAT) Death Reporting System which has been put into practice in Turkey since 2009 was aimed to be evaluated in the case of Izmir city in terms of acceptability, simplicity and usefulness criteria. Methods: This descriptive study was conducted on the basis of qualitative data, in-depth interviews were conducted with authorities taking charge at different stages of TURKSTAT Death Reporting System in Izmir (n= 19). A guideline involving 12 questions was used in the interviews examining acceptability, simplicity and usefulness criteria which were suggested by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The interviews lasting half an hour were performed at the institutions in which individuals work. Audio recordings were analyzed right after each interview and data were evaluated by implementing content analysis. Results: As a result of the in-depth interviews, the three themes were appeared: 1) the rationale of the new TURKSTAT Death Reporting System, 2) sufficiency of planning stage of the new system, 3) implementation stage of the new system 4) the usage of death statistics. The results of study indicated current structure regarding death registration were not dealt integrally by decision-makers, and regulations regarding mortality did not meet current conditions, and adjustments in the new system were not compatible regulations, and some shortcomings were identified in the new TURKSTAT Death Certificate and trainings given in the transitional stage, and data were not used in any field. Conclusion: TURKSTAT Death Reporting System which has been conducted the regulations under the project on improving the quality of cause of death statistics was found insufficient in terms of acceptability, and simplicity and usefulness criteria.
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