İbn Tagri Birdi'nin "En-Nucum ez-Zahire" adlı eserinde geçen Dulkadiroğulları Beyliği ile ilgili kayıtlar
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Ebu'l-Mehâsin Cemâleddin Yûsuf bin Tagri Birdî XV.yüzyılın büyük tarihçilerinden biridir. 1409 yılında Kahire'de doğmuştur. Onun babası Tagri Birdî bir memlûk olarak Anadolu'dan Mısır'a gelmiştir. Tagri Birdî Türk asıllıdır. Ebu'l-Mehâsin tarih bilimindeki çalışmalarıyla ünlüdür. Bu alanda Makrîzî ve ' Aynî'den çok yararlanmıştır. İbn Tagri Birdî devrinin sultanları ve önde gelen devlet adamları ile yakın ilişki içerisinde olabilmiştir. Bu durumun sebepleri olarak, Evlâd en-Nâs sınıfından olması, Türkçe bilmesi ve önemli bir müverrih oluşu sayılabilir. Ebu'l-Mehâsin 1470 yılında Kahire'de vefat etmiştir. İbn Tagri Birdî'ye ait 12 eser bilinmektedir. Bu eserlerden elimizde 7 tanesi mevcuttur. Eserlerinin hemen hepsi tarih ile ilgilidir. Eserlerinin hepsi Arap dili ile yazılmışır. Ebu'l-Mehâsin'in, tezimizin temel kaynağı olan, En-Nucûm ez-Zâhire fi Mulûk Mısr ve'1-Kâhire adlı eseri onun tarih konusunda verdiği en büyük ve kıymetli eseridir. Bu eser 641 ile 1468 yılları arası Mısır tarihini anlatır. Dulkadiroğulları beyliği 1330'lu yıllarda, Zeyneddin Karaca bin Dulkadir tarafından Maraş ve Elbistan'da kurulmuştur. Memlûk devleti ile sıkı münasebet içinde bulunmuştur. Dulkadir beyleri Kahire'deki Mısır sultanlarına bağlı olmakla beraber sık sık itaatten çıkmışlardır. Onların nihâî amacı tam bağımsızlıktı. En-Nucûm ez-Zâhire'de Dulkadir hanedanına mensup 12 şahsın ismi geçmektedir. Bunların 7' si Dulkadiroğulları'nda beylik yapan isimlerdir. Bunlar kronolojik sıra ile Zeyneddin Karaca, Garsüddin Halil, Şevli bin Dulkadir, Nâsıreddin Muhammed, Süleyman bin Nâsıreddin, Seyfeddin Melik Aslan ve Şah Suvar bin Dulkadir'dir. Diğer hanedan üyeleri ise eserde Karaca Beyin bir yakını olarak geçen Esenbay, Halil Bey'in oğlu Alâaddin Ali Bey, Nâsıreddin Muhammed Bey'in yeğeni olan Tuğrak ile yine Nâsıreddin Muhammed Bey'in kardeşi Hamza bin Ali Bey, Süleyman bin Nâsıreddin' in kardeşi Rüstem bin Nâsıreddin'dir. Dulkadiroğulları beyliği 16. yüzyılın başlarında Osmanlı devletinin himayesine girmiştir. Bu durumun en-Nucûm'da tesbiti mümkün değildir. Zîra söz konusu eserde tarihi olayların anlatımı 1468 yılı ile sona erer
85 ABSTRACT Ebu'l-Mehâsin Cemâleddin Yûsuf bin Tagri Birdî is one of the greatest historians of XV.th century. His father, Tagri Birdî, came from Anatolia to Egypt as a Memlûk. The origin of Tagri Birdî was Turk. Ebu'l-Mehâsin was famed with his studies on history. He was abundantly benefited from Makrîzî and 'Aynî on this branch. Ibni Tagri Birdî could have a close relationship with the sultans and notable statesmen of his time. His coming from the class of Evlâd en-Nâs, knowing Turkish and being an important historian can be interpreted as the reasons of this situation. Ebu'l-Mehâsin died in Cairo in 1470. There are known 12 written works belonging to İbn Tagri Birdi. 7 of these works are existed among our sources. Almost all of these works are concerned with history and all of them are written in Arabic language. The work of Ebu'l-Mehâsin, En-Nucûm ez-Zâhire fi Mulûk Mısr ve'1-Kâhire, which is the basic source of our thesis, is his greatest and the worthiest work about history. This work tells the history of Egypt between the years of 641 and 1468. The Principality of Dulkadiroğullan was established by Zeyneddin Karaca bin Dulkadir in Maraş and Elbistan in 1330's. It had a heavy relationship with Memlûk State. Although the princes in Cairo, they often were disobedient because their sole and strict aim was independence. 12 people, coming from dynasty of Dulkadir are named in en-Nucûm ez- Zâhire. The 7 of them are the persons who had worked as princes in Dulkadiroğullan. These are chronologically, Zeyneddin Karaca, Garsüddin Halil, Şevli bin Dulkadir, Nâsıreddin Muhammed, Süleyman bin Nâsıreddin, Seyfeddin Melik Aslan and Şah Suvar bin Dulkadir. The other members of the dynasty are, Esenbay who is mentioned as a relative of Karaca Bey in the work, Alâaddin Ali Bey -the son of Halil Bey-, Tuğrak -the nephew of Nâsıreddin Muhammed Bey-, Hamza86 bin Ali Bey -again the brother of Nâsıreddin Muhammed Bey- and Riistem bin Nâsıreddin -the brother of Süleyman bin Nâsıreddin-. The principality of Dulkadiroğullan was taken under the dominance of Ottoman Empire at the beginning of XVIth century. It's impossible to determine this situation in en-Nucûm, because the expression of historical events in this work finishes with 1468.
85 ABSTRACT Ebu'l-Mehâsin Cemâleddin Yûsuf bin Tagri Birdî is one of the greatest historians of XV.th century. His father, Tagri Birdî, came from Anatolia to Egypt as a Memlûk. The origin of Tagri Birdî was Turk. Ebu'l-Mehâsin was famed with his studies on history. He was abundantly benefited from Makrîzî and 'Aynî on this branch. Ibni Tagri Birdî could have a close relationship with the sultans and notable statesmen of his time. His coming from the class of Evlâd en-Nâs, knowing Turkish and being an important historian can be interpreted as the reasons of this situation. Ebu'l-Mehâsin died in Cairo in 1470. There are known 12 written works belonging to İbn Tagri Birdi. 7 of these works are existed among our sources. Almost all of these works are concerned with history and all of them are written in Arabic language. The work of Ebu'l-Mehâsin, En-Nucûm ez-Zâhire fi Mulûk Mısr ve'1-Kâhire, which is the basic source of our thesis, is his greatest and the worthiest work about history. This work tells the history of Egypt between the years of 641 and 1468. The Principality of Dulkadiroğullan was established by Zeyneddin Karaca bin Dulkadir in Maraş and Elbistan in 1330's. It had a heavy relationship with Memlûk State. Although the princes in Cairo, they often were disobedient because their sole and strict aim was independence. 12 people, coming from dynasty of Dulkadir are named in en-Nucûm ez- Zâhire. The 7 of them are the persons who had worked as princes in Dulkadiroğullan. These are chronologically, Zeyneddin Karaca, Garsüddin Halil, Şevli bin Dulkadir, Nâsıreddin Muhammed, Süleyman bin Nâsıreddin, Seyfeddin Melik Aslan and Şah Suvar bin Dulkadir. The other members of the dynasty are, Esenbay who is mentioned as a relative of Karaca Bey in the work, Alâaddin Ali Bey -the son of Halil Bey-, Tuğrak -the nephew of Nâsıreddin Muhammed Bey-, Hamza86 bin Ali Bey -again the brother of Nâsıreddin Muhammed Bey- and Riistem bin Nâsıreddin -the brother of Süleyman bin Nâsıreddin-. The principality of Dulkadiroğullan was taken under the dominance of Ottoman Empire at the beginning of XVIth century. It's impossible to determine this situation in en-Nucûm, because the expression of historical events in this work finishes with 1468.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Tarih, History, 15. yüzyıl, 15. century, Dulkadir Beylerbeyliği, Dulkadir Sultanate, En-Nucum Ez-Zahire, En-Nucum Ez-Zahire, Tarih, History, Tarihi olaylar, Historical events, İbn Tağribirdi, İbn Tağribirdi