Sağlık-hastalık sistemi ve kadın
Küçük Resim Yok
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ABSTRAKT Aile, eğitim, din, siyasi sistem, ekonomi ve sağlık, ihtiyaçtan doğmuş birer toplumsal kurumdur. Sosyal yapılan ve yerine getirdikleri bazı fonksiyonları vardır. Aralarında sıkı bir ilişki ve etkileşim mevcuttur. Herhangi birinde meydana gelen bir değişme veya gelişme diğerlerini de etkilemektedir. Bu bağlamda, kadının sağlığı, içinde yaşadığı aileden, eğitim ve gelir durumundan, sahip olunan dini ve kültürel öğelerden etkilenmektedir. Sağlık-hastalık sistemi içersinde kadınların tutum ve davranışlarının incelendiği çalışmada, sistem yaklaşımı kullanılarak, sağlık-hastalık sistemini oluşturan alt sistemler ve bunlar arasındaki ilişki ve etkileşimler üzerinde durulmaktadır. Görüşme ve anket tekniğinin kullanıldığı araştırmada, kapalı ve açık uçlu sorulardan oluşan anket formu ile hem nitel hem de nicel verilerin toplanması amaçlanmıştır. Antalya'yı temsil edecek veriler elde edebilmek için, sosyo kültürel açıdan farklı olduğu düşünülen, kırsal ve kentsel kesim için ayrı ayrı ömeklemler seçilmiş, 15-49 yaş arası doğurganlık çağındaki, en az bir evlilik tecrübesine sahip, toplam 255 denekle görüşülmüştür. Çalışmada, sağlık-hastalık ve toplumsal yapı, sosyal sınıf ilişkisi, hastalıkların sosyo-ekonomik ve kültürel nedenleri, dağılımı, hastalıklara karşı kadınların tutumları, yoksulluk, işsizlik, boşanma ve ölüm gibi sosyal olguların sağlık ve hastalığa etkileri, çevre, yaşanılan konut, aile biçimi ve meslek gibi faktörlerinin sağlık ve hastalıktaki rolü incelenmektedir. Bu incelemeler sağlığın tıbbi boyutunun yanı sıra en az onun kadar önemli olan bir de sosyal boyutunun olduğunu ortaya koymaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Sağlık Sosyolojisi, Kadın, Sağlık, Hastalık, Sağlık Sistemi
ABSTRACT The family, education, religion, political systems, economy and health are all social institutions which have emerged through necessities. They all possess social structures and have functions which they fulfill. Besides there exists a tight relationship and interaction between them. Change or development which takes place in one of them has impact on the others. In this study, which examines the behaviour of women in the health- illness system, also the sub-systems which form the health-illness system and the relationship and interaction between them is being examined using the system-approach. The aim of the thesis was collecting qualitative as well as quantitative data through interviews and questionnaires which contained standardized and open-ended questions. In order to be able to collect data representative of Antalya different samples for urban and rural parts, which were considered to be socio- culturally different, were chosen and a total of 255 respondents in the fertile period of 15-49 years of age and with at least one marital experience were interviewed. In the study the impact of social phenomena like health-illness and social sturcture, social class relationship, socio-economic and cultural causes of illnesses, distribution, women's attitudes towards illnesses, poverty, unemployment, divorce and death on health and ilnness and the role of factors like environment, housing, family form and profession in health and illness are being examined. These examinations demonstrate that health, besides ite medical dimension, also has a social dimension, which is at least just as important Key Words: Medical Sociology, Women, Health, Illness, Health System ?ana
ABSTRACT The family, education, religion, political systems, economy and health are all social institutions which have emerged through necessities. They all possess social structures and have functions which they fulfill. Besides there exists a tight relationship and interaction between them. Change or development which takes place in one of them has impact on the others. In this study, which examines the behaviour of women in the health- illness system, also the sub-systems which form the health-illness system and the relationship and interaction between them is being examined using the system-approach. The aim of the thesis was collecting qualitative as well as quantitative data through interviews and questionnaires which contained standardized and open-ended questions. In order to be able to collect data representative of Antalya different samples for urban and rural parts, which were considered to be socio- culturally different, were chosen and a total of 255 respondents in the fertile period of 15-49 years of age and with at least one marital experience were interviewed. In the study the impact of social phenomena like health-illness and social sturcture, social class relationship, socio-economic and cultural causes of illnesses, distribution, women's attitudes towards illnesses, poverty, unemployment, divorce and death on health and ilnness and the role of factors like environment, housing, family form and profession in health and illness are being examined. These examinations demonstrate that health, besides ite medical dimension, also has a social dimension, which is at least just as important Key Words: Medical Sociology, Women, Health, Illness, Health System ?ana
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Sosyoloji, Sociology, Kadınlar, Women, Sağlık hizmetleri, Health services, Sağlık sistemleri, Health systems, Tıp sosyolojisi, Medical sociology