Seyahatten Dönen Kişinin Klinik Değerlendirmesi
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Gelişmekte olan ülkelere seyahat edenlerde seyahat ile ilişkili sağlık sorunları %22-64 oranında bildirilmektedir. Çoğunlukla tablo ılımlı olmakla birlikte hastaların %8 kadarı sağlık kuruluşuna başvurmayı gerektirecek kadar hastadır. Seyahat sonrası enfeksiyonlar genellikle erken dönemde belirti verir ancak inkübasyon periyoduna göre bu süre aylar hatta yıllara kadar uzayabilir. Seyahat sonrası klinik değerlendirmenin yapılabilmesi için yoğun bir tropikal hastalık bilgisine sahip olunması gerekmediği bildirilmektedir. Tüm seyahat sonrası konsültasyonlar hekim tarafından yapılmalı ve seyahat ile ilişkili hastalığın tanınması, zamanında tıbbi müdahale ve gerekirse üst merkeze sevk öğelerini içermelidir. Seyahat ile ilişkili hastalığı olması muhtemel hastayı değerlendirirken hekimin göz önünde bulundurması gereken durumlar; hastalığın ciddiyeti, seyahat edilen güzergâh, hastalık ile seyahat ara- sında geçen zaman, altta yatan hastalık, aşı ve profilaksi öyküsü, maruziyet öyküsüdür. Gelişmekte olan ülkelere seyahat sonrası en yaygın görülen klinik sendromlar sistemik ateşli hastalık, akut ishal, dermatolojik rahatsızlıklar, solunumsal rahatsızlıklar ve eozinofilidir. Bu derlemede de seyahatten dönen kişilerde karşılaşılabilmesi muhtemel klinik tablolarla ilgili yaklaşım özetlenmiştir.
Travel-related health problems have been reported in 22–64% of travelers to developing countries. Approximately 8% of these patients are moderately ill and are referred to health facilities. Post-travel infections are usually symptomatic in the early stages, but they may last for up to months or even years, depending on the incubation period. It has been reported that it is not necessary to have extensive knowledge on trop- ical diseases to be able to make a clinical evaluation after the trip. All post-travel consultations should be performed by physicians and should include travel-related illness identification, timely medical intervention, and, if necessary, referral to a senior hospital. Situations that should be taken into consideration by physicians when evaluating a possible patient with travel-related health problems are as follows: the severity of illness, the route travelled, the time between illness and travel, the underlying disease, vaccine and prophylaxis history, and exposure history. The most common clinical syndromes after travel to developing countries are systemic febrile illness, acute diarrhea, dermatological disorders, respiratory disorders, and eosinophilia. This review summarizes the approach to possible clinical situations among returned travelers.
Travel-related health problems have been reported in 22–64% of travelers to developing countries. Approximately 8% of these patients are moderately ill and are referred to health facilities. Post-travel infections are usually symptomatic in the early stages, but they may last for up to months or even years, depending on the incubation period. It has been reported that it is not necessary to have extensive knowledge on trop- ical diseases to be able to make a clinical evaluation after the trip. All post-travel consultations should be performed by physicians and should include travel-related illness identification, timely medical intervention, and, if necessary, referral to a senior hospital. Situations that should be taken into consideration by physicians when evaluating a possible patient with travel-related health problems are as follows: the severity of illness, the route travelled, the time between illness and travel, the underlying disease, vaccine and prophylaxis history, and exposure history. The most common clinical syndromes after travel to developing countries are systemic febrile illness, acute diarrhea, dermatological disorders, respiratory disorders, and eosinophilia. This review summarizes the approach to possible clinical situations among returned travelers.
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