Optik yüzeyler için ince film yansıtmaz kaplamalar
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Ege Üniversitesi
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IV ÖZET OPTİK YÜZEYLER için İNCE FİLM YANSITMAZ KAPLAMALAR GİRGİN KAVAKLI İpek Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Fizik Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi; Prof. Dr. Kayhan KANTARLI Temmuz 1997,61 sayfa Bu çalışmada cam ve silisyum yüzeyleri üzerindeki tek ve iki katmanlı ince film yansıtmaz kaplamaların optik özellikleri incelendi. İnce film kaplamalar uygun kırılma indisine sahip malzemelerin vakumda buharlaştırılmasıyla elde edildi, örneklerin işlev görecekleri spektral bölgedeki reflektansları ölçülerek kaplanmamış yüzeylerin reflektans spektrumlarıyla karşılaştırıldı. Sonuçlar katmanların kırılma indisi ve optik kalınlığı gözönüne alınarak tartışıldı
ABSTRACT THIN FILM ANTIREFLECTION COATINGS FOR OPTICAL SURFACES GİRGİN KAVAKLI, İpek Msc in Physics Department Supervisor;Prof. Dr. Kayhan KANTARLI July 1997,61 pages In the present study, the optical properties of single and double layer thin film antireflection coatings obtained on glass and silicon surfaces, have been investigated. The coatings were deposited by evaporation in vacuum of the materials having suitable refractive index. The reflectances of the samples were measured in their functional spectral region, and compared with that of the uncoated surfaces. The results were discussed by considering the refractive index and the optical thickness of the coating layers.
ABSTRACT THIN FILM ANTIREFLECTION COATINGS FOR OPTICAL SURFACES GİRGİN KAVAKLI, İpek Msc in Physics Department Supervisor;Prof. Dr. Kayhan KANTARLI July 1997,61 pages In the present study, the optical properties of single and double layer thin film antireflection coatings obtained on glass and silicon surfaces, have been investigated. The coatings were deposited by evaporation in vacuum of the materials having suitable refractive index. The reflectances of the samples were measured in their functional spectral region, and compared with that of the uncoated surfaces. The results were discussed by considering the refractive index and the optical thickness of the coating layers.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Fizik ve Fizik Mühendisliği, Physics and Physics Engineering, Kaplama, Coating, Optik yüzeyler, Optical surfaces, İnce filmler, Thin films