Rekürren vestibülopatinin meniere hastalığı ve vestibüler migren ile ilişkisinin fHIT, vHIT ve vemp ile değerlendirilmesi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
fHIT; denge bozukluklarını değerlendirmek için geliştirilmiş objektif bir test bataryasıdır. Bununla birlikte yürütülen çalışmada rekürren vestibülopati (RV), Meniere hastalığı (MH) ve vestibüler migren (VM) grupları arasında fHIT de dahil olmak üzere vHIT ve cVEMP testlerinde farklılık olup olmadığı incelenmiş ve RV grubunun ilerleyen dönemde MH ve/ya VM grubu ile benzerlik gösterip göstermeyeceği yordanmaya çalışılmıştır. Çalışmaya 19 MH (yaş ort. 52,21), 20 VM (yaş ort. 48,55) ve 17 (yaş ort. 55,12) RV tanısı almış katılımcı dahil edilmiş olup fHIT, vHIT ve cVEMP testleri ile birlikte saf ses odyometri testi gerçekleştirilmiştir. Gruplar içerisinde MH grubu sağlam kulak ve hasta kulak olarak ikiye ayrılmış olup VM ve RV grubu cevaplarında kulaklar arasında farklılık gözlenmediğinden kulaklar ortalaması analizlere dahil edilmiştir. Grupların fHIT sonuçları genel doğru cevap yüzdesi (DCY) ve DCY değerini oluşturan alt ivmelenmelerdeki DCY değerleri ile değerlendirilmiştir. vHIT sonuçlarında lateral kanal VOR değeri ve cVEMP sonuçlarından düzeltilmiş amplitut, latans ve asimetri oranı değerleri değerlendirilmiştir. Sonuçlar doğrultusunda gruplar içerisinde cVEMP düzeltilmiş amplitutlarında MH hasta kulak dışında gruplar arasında farklılık gözlenmemiştir. Asimetri oranı MH grubunda en fazla elde edilmiştir. Kulaklar arasında VM ve RV grubunda farklılık gözlenmemiş olup (p>0,05) MH grubu arasında farklılık gözlenmiştir (p<0,05). vHIT test sonuçlarında gruplar arasında farklılık gözlenmemiştir (p>0,05). fHIT testi sonuçlarına göre MH sağlam kulak gruplar arasında farklılık yaratmış olup (p<0,05), tüm hastalık gruplarında fHIT değerlerinde düşüş gözlenmiştir. fHIT ivmelenme DCY sonuçlarında 4000º/s, 5000º/s ve 6000º/s değerleri ele alınmış olup 4000º/s'de gruplar arasında farklılık gözlenmiştir (p<0,05). 5000º/s'de MH hasta kulak DCY cevapları ve diğer gruplar arasında istatistiksel anlamlılık elde edilmiştir. 6000º/s'de gruplar arasında farklılık gözlenmemiştir (p>0,05). fHIT değerlerindeki düşüşün, bakış stabilizasyonunda fonksiyonel bozukluğa neden olabilecek vevertigo ataklarının varlığı ile ilişkili emosyonel bir faktörün olabileceği düşünülmüştür. Sonuçlar doğrultusunda fHIT'in, vHIT ve cVEMP ile elde edilen verilere ek olarak kullanılan değerli bir test olduğu, ilerleyen çalışmalarda ve klinikte kullanılabilecek bir test bataryası olduğu düşünülmüştür. Bununla birlikte RV grubunun tüm test sonuçlarına bakıldığında VM grubu ile benzerlik gösterdiği düşünülmüştür. Çalışma sonucunda elde edilen bulguların ilerleyen dönemde yapılacak boyuna çalışmalarla desteklenmesi ve emosyonel test bataryaları ile kuvvetlendirilmesi önerilmiştir
fHIT is an objective test battery developed to evaluate balance disorders. In the study, it was examined whether there was a difference in vHIT and cVEMP tests, including fHIT, between the recurrent vestibulopathy (RV), Meniere's disease (MH) and vestibular migraine (VM) groups in order to predict the possible similarities with RV group fort he future prognosis of the disease. The study included 19 MD (mean age 52.21), 20 VM (mean age 48.55), and 17 (mean age 55.12) RV participants and pure tone audiometry with fHIT, vHIT and cVEMP tests. were carried out. Among the groups, the MH group was divided into two as the healthy ear and the sick ear, in addition since no difference was observed between the ears in the VM and RV group responses, the average of the ears was included in the analysis. The fHIT results of the groups were evaluated with the overall percent correct response (DCY) and the DCY values at the lower accelerations, which constitute the DCY value. Lateral canal VOR value in vHIT results and corrected amplitude, latency and asymmetry ratio values from cVEMP results were evaluated. According to the results, no difference was observed between the groups in cVEMP corrected amplitudes within the groups, except for the MD patient ear. Asymmetry rate was the highest in the MH group. There was no difference between the ears in the VM and RV groups (p>0.05), but a difference was observed between the MH group (p<0.05). There was no difference between groups in vHIT test results (p>0.05). According to fHIT test results, MD created a difference between healthy ear groups (p<0.05), and fHIT values decreased in all disease groups. 4000º/s, 5000º/s and 6000º/s values were considered in fHIT acceleration DCY results, and differences were observed between groups at 4000º/s (p<0.05). Statistical significance was obtained between MD patients ear DCY responses and other groups at 5000º/s. No difference was observed between the groups at 6000º/s (p>0.05). It was thought that the decrease in fHIT values may be an emotional factor associated with the presence of vevertigo attacks, which may cause functional impairment in gaze stabilization. In line with the results, it was thought that fHIT is a valuable test used in addition to the data obtained with vHIT and cVEMP, and a test battery that can be used in future studies and in the clinic. However, when all the test results of the RV group were examined, it was thought that they were similar to the VM group. It has been suggested that the findings obtained as a result of the study be supported by longitudinal studies to be carried out in the future and strengthened with emotional test batteries
fHIT is an objective test battery developed to evaluate balance disorders. In the study, it was examined whether there was a difference in vHIT and cVEMP tests, including fHIT, between the recurrent vestibulopathy (RV), Meniere's disease (MH) and vestibular migraine (VM) groups in order to predict the possible similarities with RV group fort he future prognosis of the disease. The study included 19 MD (mean age 52.21), 20 VM (mean age 48.55), and 17 (mean age 55.12) RV participants and pure tone audiometry with fHIT, vHIT and cVEMP tests. were carried out. Among the groups, the MH group was divided into two as the healthy ear and the sick ear, in addition since no difference was observed between the ears in the VM and RV group responses, the average of the ears was included in the analysis. The fHIT results of the groups were evaluated with the overall percent correct response (DCY) and the DCY values at the lower accelerations, which constitute the DCY value. Lateral canal VOR value in vHIT results and corrected amplitude, latency and asymmetry ratio values from cVEMP results were evaluated. According to the results, no difference was observed between the groups in cVEMP corrected amplitudes within the groups, except for the MD patient ear. Asymmetry rate was the highest in the MH group. There was no difference between the ears in the VM and RV groups (p>0.05), but a difference was observed between the MH group (p<0.05). There was no difference between groups in vHIT test results (p>0.05). According to fHIT test results, MD created a difference between healthy ear groups (p<0.05), and fHIT values decreased in all disease groups. 4000º/s, 5000º/s and 6000º/s values were considered in fHIT acceleration DCY results, and differences were observed between groups at 4000º/s (p<0.05). Statistical significance was obtained between MD patients ear DCY responses and other groups at 5000º/s. No difference was observed between the groups at 6000º/s (p>0.05). It was thought that the decrease in fHIT values may be an emotional factor associated with the presence of vevertigo attacks, which may cause functional impairment in gaze stabilization. In line with the results, it was thought that fHIT is a valuable test used in addition to the data obtained with vHIT and cVEMP, and a test battery that can be used in future studies and in the clinic. However, when all the test results of the RV group were examined, it was thought that they were similar to the VM group. It has been suggested that the findings obtained as a result of the study be supported by longitudinal studies to be carried out in the future and strengthened with emotional test batteries
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kulak Burun ve Boğaz, Otorhinolaryngology (Ear-Nose-Throat), Nöroloji, Neurology