Selülazların rejenere selüloz liflerine etkilerinin sistematik araştırılması
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Ege Üniversitesi
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V ÖZET SELÜLAZLARIN RE JENERE SELÜLOZ LİFLERİNE ETKİLERİNİN SİSTEMATİK ARAŞTIRILMASI AYAZ, Özge Yetim Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Tekstil Mühendisliği Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi: Prof. Dr. Kerim DURAN Ağustos 2000, 213 sayfa Enzim ya da ferment olarak da ifade edilen biokatalistlerin teknik uygulama alanının bir bölümü olan selülozlar, tekstil proseslerinde liflerin ön terbiye ya da bitim işlemlerinde kuUanıİabilmektedir. Dokuma ve örme yüzey yapılarında üretilen doğal rejenere selüloz esaslı liflerin kontrollü enzimatik muamelesi, tekstil terbiyesinde önem kazanan yeni bir teknolojidir Bu çalışmada, rejenere selüloz liflerinin enzimatik hidrolizi kumaş Özellikleri ve yüzey modifikasyonları açısından değerlendirilmiştir. Artan enzim konsantrasyonu ile birlikte, kopma mukavemeti, yırtılma dayanımında belirli bir azalma meydana gelirken, ağırlık kaybında da artış görülmektedir. Buna karşılık, gerek hidroGUik derecesi gerekse eğilme dayanımında olumlu yönde bir etkiden söz edilebilmektedir. Enzimatik muamele sonunda liflerin pillinglenme eğiliminde de açıkça bir azalma görülmekle birlikte, altı defa yapılan ev tipi yıkama işlemlerinden sonra da lyoccll ve modal/PES esaslı kumaş yüzeylerinde pilling oluşmadığı halde, viskon esaslı kumaşlarda dahi pilling oluşumunda bir artış tespit edilememiştir. Anahtar Sözcükler: Bio-Parlatma, selüloz enlimi, rejenere selüloz lifleri, pilling eğilimi, enzimatik ön terbiye (enzimatik bitim işlemi)
vn ABSTRACT A SYSTEMATIC RESEARCH ON THE EFFECTS OFCELLULASES ON REGENERATED CELLULOSE FIBERS AYAZ, Özge Yetim MSc in Textile Eng. Supervisor : Pro£ Dr. Kerim DURAN August 2000, 213 pages Cellulases, as one section of the wide range of technically applicable biocatalysts (also called enzymes or ferments) can be used for finish or pre- treatment of fibers in the textile processes. The surface structures of fabrics of woven and knitted cellulose fiber controlled by enzymatic degradation is the new technology, in the textile industry remaining be get important In this research, the enzymatic hydrolysis of regenerated cellulose fibers has been evaluated by properties of fabrics and their surface modifications. With increasing enzyme concentration, fabric tensile and tear strength are decreased but fixe weight loss İs increased. Moreover, it can be said that hdrophilhy grade and inclination strength are effected well. At the end of the enzymatic treatment, pilling tendency of fibers decreased obviously. Although after six times washing of lyocell and modal/PES based fabrics, no pilling have been formed, in viscose based fabrics no increment in the pilling formation was observed. Keywords : Bio-Polishing, cellulase enzyme, regenerated cellulose fibers, pilling tendency, enzymatic pre-treatment (enzymatic finish).
vn ABSTRACT A SYSTEMATIC RESEARCH ON THE EFFECTS OFCELLULASES ON REGENERATED CELLULOSE FIBERS AYAZ, Özge Yetim MSc in Textile Eng. Supervisor : Pro£ Dr. Kerim DURAN August 2000, 213 pages Cellulases, as one section of the wide range of technically applicable biocatalysts (also called enzymes or ferments) can be used for finish or pre- treatment of fibers in the textile processes. The surface structures of fabrics of woven and knitted cellulose fiber controlled by enzymatic degradation is the new technology, in the textile industry remaining be get important In this research, the enzymatic hydrolysis of regenerated cellulose fibers has been evaluated by properties of fabrics and their surface modifications. With increasing enzyme concentration, fabric tensile and tear strength are decreased but fixe weight loss İs increased. Moreover, it can be said that hdrophilhy grade and inclination strength are effected well. At the end of the enzymatic treatment, pilling tendency of fibers decreased obviously. Although after six times washing of lyocell and modal/PES based fabrics, no pilling have been formed, in viscose based fabrics no increment in the pilling formation was observed. Keywords : Bio-Polishing, cellulase enzyme, regenerated cellulose fibers, pilling tendency, enzymatic pre-treatment (enzymatic finish).
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Tekstil ve Tekstil Mühendisliği, Textile and Textile Engineering, Enzimler, Enzymes, Selülaz, Cellulase, Selüloz lifler, Cellulosic fibers