Akciğer kanserli olgularda gelişen alt solunum yolu infeksiyonları
Küçük Resim Yok
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Akciğer kanserinde infeksiyonlar önemli bir morbidite ve mortalite nedenidir. Bu çalışmada akciğer kanserli olgularda gelişen solunumsal infeksiyonların klinik, mikrobiyolojik, tedavi ile ilgili ve prognostik özellikleri retrospektif olarak incelenmiştir. Akciğer kanseri olan 1732 olgunun 220’sinde (%12.7) alt solunum yolu infeksiyonu saptanmıştır. Olguların %68.3’ünün küçük hücreli dışı akciğer karsinomu, %56.9’unun evre IV olduğu gözlendi. En sık saptanan infeksiyon tipi pnömoni (%63.5) olup, en sık izole edilen etken ise metisilin duyarlı Staphylococcus aureus idi. İnfeksiyon gelişen olguların tedavisinde ilk seçenek olarak ?-laktamaz inhibitörleri, sefalosporinler ve yeni jenerasyon makrolidler kullanılmış ve %72.7 olguda yanıt alındığı görülmüştür. İnfeksiyon atakları sırasında gözlenen mortalite oranı %8.5 olarak belirlendi. Cinsiyet, yaş, tümör tipi, hastalık evresi, tedavi şekli ve nötropeninin tedavi yanıtı ve mortalite ile ilişkili olmadığı saptandı.
Infections cause considerable mortality and morbidity in patients with lung cancer. In this study, clinical and microbiological manifestations of respiratory tract infections, and the factors related with the treatment and prognosis were investigated retrospectively. Among the 1732 patients with lung cancer, 220 (12.7%) of them demonstrated lower respiratory tract infections. Most of the patients (68.3%) had non-small cell carcinoma and stage IV disease. The most common respiratory system infection was community acquired pneumonia caused by Staphylococcus aureus. β-lactamase inhibitors, cephalosporins and newer macrolides were used initially and treated 72.7% of the patients. The mortality rate due to these infections were 8.5%. Sex, age, tumor type and stage of the disease, type of treatment and neutropenia were not related with treatment response and mortality.
Infections cause considerable mortality and morbidity in patients with lung cancer. In this study, clinical and microbiological manifestations of respiratory tract infections, and the factors related with the treatment and prognosis were investigated retrospectively. Among the 1732 patients with lung cancer, 220 (12.7%) of them demonstrated lower respiratory tract infections. Most of the patients (68.3%) had non-small cell carcinoma and stage IV disease. The most common respiratory system infection was community acquired pneumonia caused by Staphylococcus aureus. β-lactamase inhibitors, cephalosporins and newer macrolides were used initially and treated 72.7% of the patients. The mortality rate due to these infections were 8.5%. Sex, age, tumor type and stage of the disease, type of treatment and neutropenia were not related with treatment response and mortality.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kulak, Burun, Boğaz
Toraks Dergisi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri