İşkembe siliyatları Isotricha intestinalis Stein, 1859 ve Isotricha prostoma Stein, 1961 (Trichostomatide: Isotrichidae) hakkında ince yapısal gözlemler
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Isotricha intestinalis ve Isotricha prostioma'ya ait ince kesitler transmisyon electron mikroskobu (TEM) kullanılarak incelenmiştir, Hücrelerin sağ anterodorsal yüzeylerinde bulunan yapışma organelinin, kontraktil vakuollerin, nuklear apareyin ve kinetidlerin ayrıntılı yapısı açığa çıkarılmış, ayrıca ektoplazma ve endoplazmada görülen salgı garanüllerinin, yoğun şekilde endoplazmada yer alan granüler endoplazmik retikulumdan kaynaklandığı ve bu salgının sil hareketinin koordinasyonunda, ayrıca yapışmada iş görebileceği vurgulanmıştır. Oldukça indirgenmiş bir golgi apareyinin bu siliyatlarda bulundugu ilk kez rapor edilmiştir.
Thin sections of Isotricha intestinalis and Isotricha prostoma were observed with a transmission electron microscope (TEM), The detailed structures of the attachment organelle (present at the right anterodorsal surfaces of the cells), contractile vacuoles, nuclear apparatus and kinetids have been revealed. In addition, it has been shown that the secretory granules appeared in ectoplasm and endoplasm are originated from the granular endoplasmic reticulum which is developed and widely distributed in endoplasm, and also emphasized that this secretory process may function in the coordination of ciliary movement and in attachment. A well reduced golgi apparatus was firstly detected in the anteror part of the body.
Thin sections of Isotricha intestinalis and Isotricha prostoma were observed with a transmission electron microscope (TEM), The detailed structures of the attachment organelle (present at the right anterodorsal surfaces of the cells), contractile vacuoles, nuclear apparatus and kinetids have been revealed. In addition, it has been shown that the secretory granules appeared in ectoplasm and endoplasm are originated from the granular endoplasmic reticulum which is developed and widely distributed in endoplasm, and also emphasized that this secretory process may function in the coordination of ciliary movement and in attachment. A well reduced golgi apparatus was firstly detected in the anteror part of the body.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Parazitoloji, Genel ve Dahili Tıp
Türkiye Parazitoloji Dergisi
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