Farklı toprakların perkolasyon değerleri ve agregat stabiliteleri arasındaki ilişkiler üzerine araştırma
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
51 ÖZET Bu çalışma, Gediz Havzası'nda yer alan tarım arazilerinden alınan farklı bünyelere sahip 23 adet toprak örneği ile yürütülmüştür. Araştırma materyali olarak seçilen toprak örnekleri, perkolasyon analizi için 2 ile 1 mm'lik eleklerden geçirilerek maksimum 40 °C'de 24 saat kurutma dolabında bekletilmiş ve bu örnekler perkolasyon cihazında analiz edilmiştir. Agragat stabilitesi analizi, 8 mm'lik elekten geçirilen toprak örneklerinde Yoder'in ıslak eleme yöntemi ile yapılmıştır. Toprak örneklerinde ayrıca, iskelet, bünye, kil oranı, mil oranı, tarla kapasitesi, solma noktası, süspansiyon yüzdesi, dispersiyon oranı, agregatlaşmış mil+kil yüzdesi, erozyon oranı, pH, kireç, katyon değişim kapasitesi, değişebilir katyonlar, organik madde, suda çözünebilir toplam tuz analizleri yapılmıştır. Yapılan analizler ve hesaplamalara göre araştırma topraklarında perkolasyon değeri 3.95 gr/10 dak. - 5893.90 gr/10 dak. ; agregat stabilitesi s % 4.16 - 79.15; iskelet yüzdesi: 0.06-45.83; yüzde kum: 13.64-95.64; yüzde mil: 2.00- 48.00; yüzde kil. 2.36-55.36; kil oranı i 0.80-41.37; mil oranis 0.48-4.43; tarla kapasitesindeki su yüzdesi» 7.67- 42.05; solma noktasındaki nem yüzdesi: 4.17-22.85; süspansiyon yüzdesi: 0-22.20; dispersiyon oranı: 0-58.15; agregatlaşmış mil+kil yüzdesi: 41.85-100; erozyon oranı: 0-131.38; toprak reaksiyonu (pH): 5.32-7.60; yüzde kireç : 0.78-27.66; katyon değişim kapasitesi: 3.25-52.17 me/100 gr; değişebilir Ca + Mg : 2.08-51.00 me/100 gr;52 değişebilir Na+ « 0.04-0.56 roe/100 gr; değişebilir K ı0. 23-1.89 me/100 grj yüzde organik madde? 0.48-10.17; yüzde suda çözünebilir toplam tuz: 0.030>- 0.21 arasında değişmektedir. Bu çalışmadan elde edilen sonuçlar, toprakların bünyesinin ve agragatlaşma durumunun toprak içerisindeki su hareketini etkilediğini göstermiştir
53 SUMMARY This study was carried out on 23 soil samples with different textures taken from erable lands in Gediz Watersheed. The soil samples which were used in this research, were air dried and sieved from 2 mm. and 1 mm sieves for percolation analysis and then the samples prepared were kept waiting throughout 24 hours at 40°C in dryer box and these samples were analysed by percolation apparatus. Aggregate stability analysis was made with "Yoder's wet sieve" method on soil samples passed through 8 mm sieve. In the soil samples, skeleton percent, texture, clay ratio, silt ratio, field capacity, welting point, suspension ratio, dispersion ratio, aggregated silt and clay percentage, erosion ratio, pH, CaC03, cation exchange capacity, exchangeable cations, organic matter, water soluble total salt analysis were done. According to these analysis and calculations, in research samples the value of percolation changed between 3.95 gr/10 min. to 5893.90 gr/10 min.; aggregate stability 4.16 to 79.15 %; skeleton 0.06 to 45.83 %; sand 13.64 to 95.64 %; silt 2.00 to 48.00 %; clay 2.36 to 55.36 %; clay ratio 0.80 to 41.37 % silt ratio 0.48 to 4.43 %s field capacity 7.67 to 42.05 % welting point 4.17 to 22.85 %; siispensiyon 0 to 22.20 % dispersiyon ratio 0 to 58.15 %; aggregated silt and clay 41.85 to 100 %; erosion ratio 0 to 131.38 %; pH 5.32 to 7.60 ; CaCC>3 0.78 to 27.66 % ; cation exchange capacity 3.25 to 52.17 me/100 gr; exchangeable Ca + Mg 2.08 to 51.00 me/100 gr; exchangeable Na 0.04 to 0.5654 + me/100 gr; exchangeable K 0.23 to 1.89 me/100 gr; organic matter 0.48 to 10.17 %; water soluble total salt 0.030>to 0.21 %. Data obtained from this study have shown that soil texture and the stuation of soil aggregation is influence to the mobilization of soil water.
53 SUMMARY This study was carried out on 23 soil samples with different textures taken from erable lands in Gediz Watersheed. The soil samples which were used in this research, were air dried and sieved from 2 mm. and 1 mm sieves for percolation analysis and then the samples prepared were kept waiting throughout 24 hours at 40°C in dryer box and these samples were analysed by percolation apparatus. Aggregate stability analysis was made with "Yoder's wet sieve" method on soil samples passed through 8 mm sieve. In the soil samples, skeleton percent, texture, clay ratio, silt ratio, field capacity, welting point, suspension ratio, dispersion ratio, aggregated silt and clay percentage, erosion ratio, pH, CaC03, cation exchange capacity, exchangeable cations, organic matter, water soluble total salt analysis were done. According to these analysis and calculations, in research samples the value of percolation changed between 3.95 gr/10 min. to 5893.90 gr/10 min.; aggregate stability 4.16 to 79.15 %; skeleton 0.06 to 45.83 %; sand 13.64 to 95.64 %; silt 2.00 to 48.00 %; clay 2.36 to 55.36 %; clay ratio 0.80 to 41.37 % silt ratio 0.48 to 4.43 %s field capacity 7.67 to 42.05 % welting point 4.17 to 22.85 %; siispensiyon 0 to 22.20 % dispersiyon ratio 0 to 58.15 %; aggregated silt and clay 41.85 to 100 %; erosion ratio 0 to 131.38 %; pH 5.32 to 7.60 ; CaCC>3 0.78 to 27.66 % ; cation exchange capacity 3.25 to 52.17 me/100 gr; exchangeable Ca + Mg 2.08 to 51.00 me/100 gr; exchangeable Na 0.04 to 0.5654 + me/100 gr; exchangeable K 0.23 to 1.89 me/100 gr; organic matter 0.48 to 10.17 %; water soluble total salt 0.030>to 0.21 %. Data obtained from this study have shown that soil texture and the stuation of soil aggregation is influence to the mobilization of soil water.
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Ziraat, Agriculture, Agregat kararlılığı, Aggregate stability, Gediz havzası, Gediz basin, Perkolasyon, Percolation, Toprak, Soil