Santral juguler venöz katater uygulamalarında ultrasonografik ileri iğne teknolojilerinin etkinliği
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Ege Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi
Erişim Hakkı
Giriş Acil servisler çok sayıda kritik hastanın bakıldığı birimlerdir. Hasta bakım sürecinde tanı ve tedaviyle ilgili anlık kritik kararlar acil servis hekim ve hastaları için önem arz etmektedir. Bu tanı ve tedavi süreçlerinde ultrasonografi hekimlerin sık başvurduğu görüntüleme yöntemlerinden biridir. Ultrasonografinin taşınabilirliği, dinamik kullanımı, pratik uygulanması ve hastaya radyasyon maruziyeti olmaması gibi özellikleri tanı ve tedavi sürecinde ultrasonografiyi ön plana çıkarmaktadır. Ultrasonografi komplikasyonları azaltması ve başarı oranlarını yükseltmesi nedeniyle girişimsel işlem uygulamalarında literatürde önerilen bir görüntüleme yöntemi haline gelmiştir. Yeni geliştirilen ileri iğne teknolojili ultrasonografilerin işlem süresini ve komplikasyonları azaltacağı, başarı oranlarını yükselteceği düşünülmektedir. Ancak bu yöntemler ile yapılmış çalışmalar çok az sayıdadır ve model üstünde yapılmış çalışmalardır. Bizim çalışmamız yeni ileri iğne teknolojili ultrasonografilerin işlem süresi, komplikasyon ve başarı oranlarının standart 2-Boyutlu( B ) ultrasonografiye göre üstünlüğünü araştırmayı hedeflemiştir. Yöntem Çalışmaya Ege Üniversitesi Hastanesi Acil Servis'ine Kasım 2016-Mayıs 2017 tarihleri arasında başvuran hastalardan santral venöz yol ihtiyacı olanlar dahil edilmiştir. Hasta ve/ veya yakınının onamı alınan olgulardan 64 hastaya standart 2-B ultrasonografi cihazı, 36 hastaya Axotrack ultrasonografi cihazı, 32 hastaya ileri iğne teknolojili ultrasonografi cihazı ile internal jugüler katater takılmıştır. Hastaların olgu numarası, bilinen hastalıkları, kullandıkları ilaçları, boy-kilo değerleri, vital bulguları kaydedilmiştir. Kateter uygulayan hekim hastanın boynunun kateter yerleştirmek için uygunluğunu zor veya kolay olarak değerlendirmiştir. Kateter uygulama sürecinde başarı ve komplikasyon durumu, girişim sayısı, işlem süresi olgu rapor formuna yazılmış ve hekimin süreçle ilgili memnuniyeti belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen bu veriler uygun tekniklerle karşılaştırılmıştır. Bulgular Çalışmada 2-B usg, Axotrack usg ve ileri iğne usg tekniği uygulanan hastalar arasında yaş, vital, kan sulandırıcı kullanımı, zor-kolay boyun yorumu, boy ve vücut ağırlığı açısından anlamlı fark saptanmamaktadır. 2-B usg kullanılan hastaların %54.7'sine (35 kişi) 2 ve %28.1'ine (18 kişi) 1 ponksiyon yapılırken; Axotrack kullanılan hastaların %72.2'sine (26 kişi) 3 ve %22.2'sine (8 kişi) 4 ponksiyon yapılırken; ileri iğne usg kullanılan hastaların %59,4'üne (19 kişi) 2 ve %34.4'üne (11 kişi) 1 ponksiyon yapılmıştır. 2-B usg ile kateter takılan hastaların %23.4'ünde (15 kişi) ; Axotrack ile kateter takılan hastaların %22.2'sinde (8 kişi) ve ileri iğne usg ile işlem yapılan hastaların %9.4'ünde (3 kişi) hematom komplikasyonu gelişmiştir. 2-B usg ile kateter takılan hastaların %6.3'ünde (4 kişi) ; Axotrack usg ile kateter takılan hastaların %8.3'ünde (3 kişi) ve ileri iğne usg ile işlem yapılan hastaların %3.1'inde (1 kişi) arter ponksiyonu gelişmiştir. 2-B usg tekniği kullanılan hekimlerin %23.4'ü (5 kişi) 5 , %21.9'u (14 kişi) 6 ve %17.2'si (11 kişi) 4 memnuniyet puanı verirken, Axotrack usg tekniği kullananların %75.0'ı (27 kişi) 1, ve %19.4 (7 kişi) 2 puan verirken, ileri iğne usg tekniği kullanılan hekimlerden %31.3'ü (10 kişi) 7 , %28.1 'i (9 kişi) 8 ve %18.8 (6 kişi) 6 puan vermiştir. 2-B usg tekniği kullanılan hastaların %92.2'sinde (59 kişi) ; Axotrack usg tekniği kullanılan hastaların %5.6'sında (2 kişi), ileri iğne usg tekniği kullanılan hastaların %100'ünde (32 kişi) başarı vardır. Kullanılan tekniğe göre başarı arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark saptanmıştır (p<0.001) . Sonuç Santral venöz kateter uygulamaları ultrasonografi eşliğinde yapılmalıdır. İleri iğne teknolojili ultrasonografiler ile komplikasyon ve işlem süresini düşürmek, başarı oranlarını yükseltmek hedeflenmektedirler. Çalışmada ileri iğne teknolojili ultrasonografi ile ilk giriş başarısı, uygulayıcı memnuniyeti, uygulama süresi ve başarı oranı olarak standart 2-B ultrasonografiden daha iyi sonuçlar elde edilmiştir ve her üç teknikte de komplikasyon oranları benzer sonuçlanmıştır. İleri iğne teknolojili ultrasonografilerle model üstünde yapılmış az sayıda çalışmalar vardır. Bu yeni teknolojilerle gerçek hasta çalışmaları yapılmalı ve tekniklerin geliştirilmesine devam edilmelidir. Geliştirilen yeni yöntemlerle komplikasyonların azaltılması, hasta ve hekim konforunun artırılması hedeflenmelidir.
Introduction Emergency departments are the units in which a large number of critical patients are examined. Instant critical decisions regarding diagnosis and treatment in the patient care process are important for emergency physicians and patients. In this diagnosis and treatment process, ultrasonography is one of the most frequently used imaging methods by physicians. Features of ultrasonography such as portability, dynamic use, practical application and being harmlessness to the patient provide priority to ultrasonography in diagnosis and treatment process. Ultrasonography has been created in the literature with an imaging method by applying interventional procedures to reduce complications and increase success rates. It is thought that the newly developed ultrasonography with an advanced needle technology will reduce the procedure time and complications and increase the success rates. However, studies have done with these methods are very few and have been applied on models. In the study, it is aimed to investigate the superiority of new ultrasonography with advanced needle technology in terms of operation time, complication and success rates compared to standard 2-D ultrasonography. Method Patients were included to the study who applied to the Ege University Hospital Emergency Service between November 2016 - May 2017 with requirement of central venous access. Internal jugular catheter were inserted to 64 patients with the standard 2-D ultrasonography device, 36 patients with Axotrack ultrasonography device, 32 patients with advanced needle technology ultrasonography device with approval of the patients and/or relatives. Case numbers, current diseases, drugs they used, height-weight values, vitals were recorded for every single patients. The practitioner who performed the catheter, evaluated the suitability of the patient's neck for placement of the catheter as difficult or easy. Success and complication status, number of interventions, duration of the procedure were recorded in the case report form and satisfaction of the physician with the process was determined in the catheter application process. The obtained data were compared with appropriate techniques. Results Hematomic complications developed in 23.4% (15 people) of the patients with catheter inserted by 2-D usg, 22.2% (8 people) of the patients by Axotrack usg and 9.4% (3 people) of the patients by advanced needle technology usg. Artery puncture was developed in 6.3% (4 people) of 2-D usg-catheterized, 8.3% (3 persons) patients were catheterized with Axotrack usg and 3.1% (1 person) patients treated with advanced needle technology usg. 23.4% (5 people) of physicians using 2-D usg technique rated 5, 21.9% (14 people) 6 and 17.2% (11 people) 4 satisfaction points. 75.0% (27 people) of those using Axotrack usg technique rated 1 while %19.4 (7 people) rating 2 points. 31.3% (10 people) of the physicians rated 7 points, 28.1% (9 people) rated 8 and 18.8% (6 people) rated 6 points using advanced needle technology usg technique. 92.2% (59 people) of the patients using the 2-D usg technique have success. 5.6% of the patients using Axotrack usg technique (2 people) have success. 100% (32 people) of patients using the advanced needle technology usg technique have success. Discussion Central venous catheter applications should be performed in the presence of ultrasonography. It is aimed to decrease the complication and procedure time and increase the success rates with advanced needle technology ultrasonography. In the study, advanced needle technology ultrasonography is obtained better results such as initial entery success, practicioner satisfaction, procedure time and success rate when it is compared to 2-D ultrasonography and the complication rates were similar in all three techniques. There are few studies on the model with advanced needle technology ultrasonography. Real patient studies should be done with these new technologies and the development of techniques should be continued. It is aimed to decrease complications with developed new methods and to increase patient and physician comfort.
Introduction Emergency departments are the units in which a large number of critical patients are examined. Instant critical decisions regarding diagnosis and treatment in the patient care process are important for emergency physicians and patients. In this diagnosis and treatment process, ultrasonography is one of the most frequently used imaging methods by physicians. Features of ultrasonography such as portability, dynamic use, practical application and being harmlessness to the patient provide priority to ultrasonography in diagnosis and treatment process. Ultrasonography has been created in the literature with an imaging method by applying interventional procedures to reduce complications and increase success rates. It is thought that the newly developed ultrasonography with an advanced needle technology will reduce the procedure time and complications and increase the success rates. However, studies have done with these methods are very few and have been applied on models. In the study, it is aimed to investigate the superiority of new ultrasonography with advanced needle technology in terms of operation time, complication and success rates compared to standard 2-D ultrasonography. Method Patients were included to the study who applied to the Ege University Hospital Emergency Service between November 2016 - May 2017 with requirement of central venous access. Internal jugular catheter were inserted to 64 patients with the standard 2-D ultrasonography device, 36 patients with Axotrack ultrasonography device, 32 patients with advanced needle technology ultrasonography device with approval of the patients and/or relatives. Case numbers, current diseases, drugs they used, height-weight values, vitals were recorded for every single patients. The practitioner who performed the catheter, evaluated the suitability of the patient's neck for placement of the catheter as difficult or easy. Success and complication status, number of interventions, duration of the procedure were recorded in the case report form and satisfaction of the physician with the process was determined in the catheter application process. The obtained data were compared with appropriate techniques. Results Hematomic complications developed in 23.4% (15 people) of the patients with catheter inserted by 2-D usg, 22.2% (8 people) of the patients by Axotrack usg and 9.4% (3 people) of the patients by advanced needle technology usg. Artery puncture was developed in 6.3% (4 people) of 2-D usg-catheterized, 8.3% (3 persons) patients were catheterized with Axotrack usg and 3.1% (1 person) patients treated with advanced needle technology usg. 23.4% (5 people) of physicians using 2-D usg technique rated 5, 21.9% (14 people) 6 and 17.2% (11 people) 4 satisfaction points. 75.0% (27 people) of those using Axotrack usg technique rated 1 while %19.4 (7 people) rating 2 points. 31.3% (10 people) of the physicians rated 7 points, 28.1% (9 people) rated 8 and 18.8% (6 people) rated 6 points using advanced needle technology usg technique. 92.2% (59 people) of the patients using the 2-D usg technique have success. 5.6% of the patients using Axotrack usg technique (2 people) have success. 100% (32 people) of patients using the advanced needle technology usg technique have success. Discussion Central venous catheter applications should be performed in the presence of ultrasonography. It is aimed to decrease the complication and procedure time and increase the success rates with advanced needle technology ultrasonography. In the study, advanced needle technology ultrasonography is obtained better results such as initial entery success, practicioner satisfaction, procedure time and success rate when it is compared to 2-D ultrasonography and the complication rates were similar in all three techniques. There are few studies on the model with advanced needle technology ultrasonography. Real patient studies should be done with these new technologies and the development of techniques should be continued. It is aimed to decrease complications with developed new methods and to increase patient and physician comfort.