15 yıllık süreçteki mandibüler kırıkların retrospektif incelenmesi
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Amaç: Kişiler ve ırklar arasında, .şekil ve pozisyon açısından farklılık gösteren yüz iskeleti kırıkların oluşumunda, sıklığında ve komplikasyonlarında farklılıklara neden olabilmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı kliniğimize başvuran alt çene kırıkları ile retrospektif istatistiki incelemenin yapılmasını kapsamaktadır. Materyal ve Metod: E.Ü. Dişhekimliği Fakültesi Ağız Diş Çene Hastalıkları Cerrahisi Anabilim Dalı'na 1980-1995 yılları arasındaki 15 yıllık sürede başvuran travmaya uğramış 779 hasta inceleme kapsamına alındı. Bulgular: Alt çene kırıkları erkeklerde, kadınlara oranla daha fazla görüldü. Yaptığımız incelemede en çok kırık çizgisinin angulus mandibulae'da meydana geldiği saptandı. Birleşik kırıklarda simfiz + processus condylaris bölgeleri en sık rastlanılan kırık bölgeleri olarak ortaya çıktı. Alt çene kırıklarına uygulanan tedavilerde en sık intermaksiller flksasyon , plak-vida osteosentez ve tel osteosentezden faydalanıldı. Sonuç: Bu incelememizde alt çene kırıklarının daha çok genç erkeklerde trafik kazaları nedeniyle sıklıkla korpus ve simfiz + kondil bölgelerinde oluştuğunu saptadık.
Purpose: the positional and figurative difference of the facial skeleton between human beings and the races is the reason for the variations of the occurrence, frequency and the complications of facial fractures. the aim of this study includes the retrospective statistical analysis of the cases which contain the stabilization of mandibular fractures and had been treated in our clinic. Materials and Methods: in this study it's analyzed a total of 779 patients who had been undergone to facial trauma and referred to Ege University Faculty of Dentistry Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department between the years of 1980 - 1995. Results: It wax observed that, the rate of mandibular fractures in male patients were more then thefemals'. Owing to the results of our research , the fracture lines have been most frequently seen on the angle mandible. in associated fractures, fracture areas were observed most frequently in symphis + processus condylaris regions. in the treatment of mandibular fractures, we used mostly the intermaxiller fixation , plate-screw and wire osteosynthesis methods. Conclusion: It is determined that the mandibular fractures occured more frequently in the region of body and symphis + condyl of young male adults.
Purpose: the positional and figurative difference of the facial skeleton between human beings and the races is the reason for the variations of the occurrence, frequency and the complications of facial fractures. the aim of this study includes the retrospective statistical analysis of the cases which contain the stabilization of mandibular fractures and had been treated in our clinic. Materials and Methods: in this study it's analyzed a total of 779 patients who had been undergone to facial trauma and referred to Ege University Faculty of Dentistry Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department between the years of 1980 - 1995. Results: It wax observed that, the rate of mandibular fractures in male patients were more then thefemals'. Owing to the results of our research , the fracture lines have been most frequently seen on the angle mandible. in associated fractures, fracture areas were observed most frequently in symphis + processus condylaris regions. in the treatment of mandibular fractures, we used mostly the intermaxiller fixation , plate-screw and wire osteosynthesis methods. Conclusion: It is determined that the mandibular fractures occured more frequently in the region of body and symphis + condyl of young male adults.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Diş Hekimliği
Türkiye Klinikleri Diş Hekimliği Bilimleri Dergisi
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