Serebral ve serebellar enfarktlar için dekompresif kraniektomi
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Serebral enfarkt sonrası kitle etkisi gösteren akut beyin şişmesi sık değildir. Böyle hastalar ölümcül düzeyde olup klinisyene sınırlı tedavi seçeneği bırakır. Tanı konulur konulmaz operasyon dışı tutucu tedavi (hiperventilasyon, ozmotik ajanlar) hemen tatbik edilmelidir. Serebellar ya da serebral enfarkt sonrası akut beyin sapı basısı geliştiren ve tıbbi tedaviye yanıt alınamayan olgularda dekompresif kraniektomi hayat kurtarıcıdır. Biz serebral ve serebellar enfarkt nedeniyle akut beyin sapı kompresyonu gelişen 14 hasta öpere ettik. Tıbbi tedaviden yanıt alınamamış bu olguların tümüne dekompresif kraniektomi uygulandı. Dört olgu hariç tüm olgular yaşamaktadır, iki yıllık takip sonucunda olguların çoğu (10 olgudan 7'si) yürüyebilmekte ve bir başkasının yardımı olmaksızın günlük aktivitelerini sağlamaktadır.
Acute massive brain swelling after cerebral infarction is not common. For patients experiencing this uncommon, but lethal phenomena, however, few management options are available to the clinician. Nonoperative therapy using hyperventilation, osmotic agents must be instituted soon after the diagnosis is made. Decompressive craniectomy for acute brain stem compression either from cerebral or cerebellar infarction is life saving in cases when medical therapy is insufficient. We have managed 14 patients (8 men and 6 women with an average age of 57 years) with acute brain stem compression due to cerebral and cerebellar infarction. All were treated with decompressive craniectomy after conventional medical therapy failed to achieve a response. All patients survived except 4. At the 2 year follow up examination, most of them (7 of 10) are able to walk and do their activities without help.
Acute massive brain swelling after cerebral infarction is not common. For patients experiencing this uncommon, but lethal phenomena, however, few management options are available to the clinician. Nonoperative therapy using hyperventilation, osmotic agents must be instituted soon after the diagnosis is made. Decompressive craniectomy for acute brain stem compression either from cerebral or cerebellar infarction is life saving in cases when medical therapy is insufficient. We have managed 14 patients (8 men and 6 women with an average age of 57 years) with acute brain stem compression due to cerebral and cerebellar infarction. All were treated with decompressive craniectomy after conventional medical therapy failed to achieve a response. All patients survived except 4. At the 2 year follow up examination, most of them (7 of 10) are able to walk and do their activities without help.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Cerrahi, Nörolojik Bilimler
Türk Nöroşirürji Derg.
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