Kreatin yükleme uygulamasının futbol performans parametreleri üzerine olan etkisi
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Ege Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
ÖZET Bu çalışma, akut kreatin yüklemesinin futbola özgü performans parametreleri üzerine olan etkisini incelemek amacıyla planlandı. Beş gün süreyle 4x5 g/gün keratin monohidrat (5 g CRM + 2 g glükoz) ya da plasebo (7 g glükoz) kullanan 14 elit genç erkek futbolcunun, yüklemeden önce ve sonra vücut ağırlıkları ölçüldü. Denekler tekli ve 15 saniyelik çoklu sıçrama, 30 s dinlenmeli 10 x 15 m sprint ve 180 °/s sabit açısal hızda 1 dk dinlenmeli 4 x 30 maksimal istemli diz ekstansiyonu yaptırıldı. Yükleme öncesi ve sonrası bulunan vücut ağırlığı, sıçrama yüksekliği, 5 m ve 15 m sprint zamanı ve diz ekstansörlerinin ürettiği total iş değerleri karşılaştırıldı. Vücut ağırlılığı plasebo gurubunda anlamlı derecede değişmezken, kreatin gurubunda anlamlılığa yakın düzeyde (p=0.07) arttı. Literatürle uyumlu olan bu artış, kreatin desteğinin ilk günlerinde gözlenen idrar hacmi azalmasına bağlı su tutulumu ve pozitif nitrojen dengesine bağlı protein sentezinde artış ile açıklanmaktadır. Tekli sıçrama yüksekliği plasebo ve kreatin guruplarında anlamlı derecede değişmedi. Kreatin yüklemesi ile tekli sıçrama ve sprint performansının değişmediği bulgusunu literatür de desteklemektedir. 15 saniye sürekli sıçrama yüksekliği plasebo gurubunda değişmezken kreatin gurubunda arttı. Bu bulgu kreatin yüklemesinin yüksek şiddetli ve yinelenen egzersiz performansını iyileştirdiği şeklindeki literatür bilgisi ile desteklenmektedir. Plasebo gurubunda 5 m ve 15 m sprint zamanları değişmezken, kreatin gurubunda 5 m geçiş zamanı anlamlılığa yakın (p=0.0007), 15 m geçiş zamanı ise anlamlı düzeyde iyileşmiştir. Maksimal istemli izokinetik diz ekstansiyonunda ölçülen toplam iş çıkışı plasebo gurubunda aynı kalırken, kreatin gurubunda tüm deneklerin tüm tekrarlarında anlamlı derecede artış gösterdi ve yorgunluk oluşumu gecikti. Bu bulgunun quadriceps kası kreatin içeriğinin yükselmesi yanısıra mitokondrial ATP'den PCr üretiminin artması ile de açıklanması olasıdır. 22Çalışmanın sonuçlarına dayanarak, elit futbolda sonuca gitmede belirleyici olduğu düşünülen sıçrama ve sprint gibi, kısa süreli yüksek şiddetli ve yinelenen doğada egzersiz performansını yükseltici etkide olduğu gösterilen ve yan etki oluşturmayan kreatin monohidratın, elit futbolcular için etkin bir ergojenik yardımcı olduğu söylenebilir. 23
SUMMARY The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of short term creatine loading on some performance parameters which are crucial for the football game. Creatine monohydrate (5 g CRM + 2 g glucose) or placebo (7 g glucose) was given to 14 elite junior football players in 4 x 5 g doses for five days. Before and after the supplementation the subjects were weighed and performed single vertical jumps, 15 s continuous jumps, 10 x 15 m running sprints, and 4 x 30 unilateral maximal voluntary isokinetic knee extensions at 180°/s. Body weight, jumping heights, sprint times, isokinetic total work production figures in pre- and post-supplementation tests were compared. Body weight difference was insignificant for the placebo group while it has reached near significance (p=0.07) for the creatine group. This increase can be explained by increased protein synthesis due to positive nitrogen balance and water retention caused by urinary volume decrease during the first days of creatine loading. Single vertical jump height did not change significantly both for the placebo and creatine groups. This finding that for sprint bouts following creatine loading was compatible with previous studies. 15 s continuous jumping heights did not changed for the placebo group but significantly changed for creatine group and supported the literature information that acute creatine loading may improve high intensity repetitive exercise performance. 5 m and 15 m sprint times did not change significantly for the placebo group but reached near significance for 5 m (p=0.0007) and improved significantly for 15 m for the creatine group. Total work production measured during maximal unilateral isokinetic knee extensions remained unchanged for the placebo group but increased significantly in all repetitions for subjects and the fatigue curve has improved for the creatine group. This finding can be explained by the increased creatine content of the quadriceps muscle and the increased rate of PCr production from mitochondrial ATP. Based on the observations of this study it can be said that creatine monohydrate is a useful ergogenic aid for football players because of its positive 24effects on high intensity short duration repetitive types of exercise which are crucial for football performance. 25
SUMMARY The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of short term creatine loading on some performance parameters which are crucial for the football game. Creatine monohydrate (5 g CRM + 2 g glucose) or placebo (7 g glucose) was given to 14 elite junior football players in 4 x 5 g doses for five days. Before and after the supplementation the subjects were weighed and performed single vertical jumps, 15 s continuous jumps, 10 x 15 m running sprints, and 4 x 30 unilateral maximal voluntary isokinetic knee extensions at 180°/s. Body weight, jumping heights, sprint times, isokinetic total work production figures in pre- and post-supplementation tests were compared. Body weight difference was insignificant for the placebo group while it has reached near significance (p=0.07) for the creatine group. This increase can be explained by increased protein synthesis due to positive nitrogen balance and water retention caused by urinary volume decrease during the first days of creatine loading. Single vertical jump height did not change significantly both for the placebo and creatine groups. This finding that for sprint bouts following creatine loading was compatible with previous studies. 15 s continuous jumping heights did not changed for the placebo group but significantly changed for creatine group and supported the literature information that acute creatine loading may improve high intensity repetitive exercise performance. 5 m and 15 m sprint times did not change significantly for the placebo group but reached near significance for 5 m (p=0.0007) and improved significantly for 15 m for the creatine group. Total work production measured during maximal unilateral isokinetic knee extensions remained unchanged for the placebo group but increased significantly in all repetitions for subjects and the fatigue curve has improved for the creatine group. This finding can be explained by the increased creatine content of the quadriceps muscle and the increased rate of PCr production from mitochondrial ATP. Based on the observations of this study it can be said that creatine monohydrate is a useful ergogenic aid for football players because of its positive 24effects on high intensity short duration repetitive types of exercise which are crucial for football performance. 25
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Anahtar Kelimeler
Spor, Sports